There are two "entry points" to WikiTree ... a MyHeritage "SmartMatch(TM)" to WikiTree, and the direct WikiTree site.
The MH SmartMatch may not always "get to" the information with SmartCopy; I often have SmartCopy "hang" while parsing. So I then click the link through to the "source" WikiTree page, and then SmartCopy will parse it.
However, currently SmartCopy doesn't figure out the relationships well (except spouses and siblings), so one has to explicitly define the relationships for each parent or child profile. (I haven't yet looked into why SmartCopy isn't able to "figure out" those relationships directly on the WikiTree site.)
re: locations ... in all cases, the locations should be examined. Letting Google (via the API) look up the locations can be very useful, particularly since you can often give it a bit of an "assist" (e.g.: by adding commas, or by adding " Co.," to a county name, or adding the country such as changing "VA" to "VA,US" to prevent it being interpreted as Vatican City in Rome).