This troll on a genealogy was giving everyone a hard time one saying that 90 % of us was wrong and our family histories were wrong et. and that if we couldn't cite (sire?) out facts then we had no proof. WEll first I agree, to a point, but not before I told him to go take a leap. People work hard on this stuff, for some it's all they have in their life, and most spend years and years on research. Either explain and teach or let them have what they have what is it hurting?
Well, it knock me for a loop, in fact it stopped me from working on my family for almost a year. HOW do I prove what I've found and how to make sure it's right? I think I've gone back to Alaric of Silkstone; I've come forward and gone backwards a dozen times. On paper it works. How do I cite it and write it like it should be in a professional manner. Who was Alaric of Silkstone and why is he important? I have my family 100% back to the Mayflower and on to England, but the Mayflower Society will not except it and I can't afford to do what they want. I can explain what I think (or am sure happen) RE: Family from Alaric of Silkstone and how they got to the State of Maine in U.S.A. How to I prove it??