Interesting. Very interesting. Unfortunately, my dear; if you were expecting I might recognize the gentleman. Alas, I cannot see how that would be possible. For I fear he surely passed on before my arrival on this blessed, God's green earth, God bless him. However, perhaps you are and angel of fate. I would not be who I AM and ignore the fact you have sought and you have found. It's what I do. Deductive reasoning; just like my super hero, Sherlock Holmes. And my mind is MIRACULOUSLY growing keener as I try to adapt to this old, grey haired, used and abused body I now find my self being forced to live with... for the rest of my life. Tis nobody's fault but my own; and you do the crime you do the time lol. Besides, I AM just like that... I simply don't give a damn. I am sorry to say I am becoming attached to our little "chats"; because I'm not the sort to be anchored to time. So, until we meet again. jr
My dearest John, If my gray haired, titanium rod impaled, decrepit body and even more razed mind, can be expected to understand your Shakespearian prose, then I propose to you that a shot in the dark brought me another generation, therefore, it is possible for you to have recognized the cad called Grampa Rea. I fear though that you are not so gray as I. If I may be so bold, you are to me like a babe still on the teat. I was born in 1952 and have deduced he may well have lived past that year. Family stories being as they are, an army deserter that was picked up by MPs a month later and dead drunk was then buried up to his chin in horse shite to somehow stave off the delirium tremens might have been a chuckle with the boys drinking the grog. Mayhap for generations, as it was for me and mine as I dug up the dirt. You and I are of different minds on the subject of time. I am attached to it with shackles. It is my life to which I am not attached. I wish you a sweet adieux my new friend. I enjoy our times nattering.
Fuck me, John! I just looked at our mutual relations. I did not realize we were 21st cousins (just once removed, though). We are less related to each other than Ellen Degenerous is to Princess Kate Middleton. I sincerely apologize for overestimating our closeness. Holy crap. Whatever happened to six degrees of separation? Never mind me. Jeez. I'm a dope. kr