This master cannot merge with her mastered duplicate Elizabeth Ball until I unmaster one of them. Same with her husband.
This master cannot merge with her mastered duplicate Elizabeth Ball until I unmaster one of them. Same with her husband.
The Master Profile was NOT invented for famous people. It was developed so that profiles can be distinguished (not merged together). Without this tool Geni was a big pile of multi colored noodle roni. In fact because celebrities are more recognizable they are not mismerged.
The guidelines for master profiles have not changed:
Quality is of course what we all strive for. But in a merge environment data protection comes first. I know how my great grand parents wrote their names, for example; yet someone else might decide to write it differently based on an erroneous tree or their own ways of charting. Better to protect the fields as requested.
Perhaps you should follow this discussion thread and og back and read the long thread that preceded it that was closed.