Mary Ann (Hutchinson) Weaver - Porter [Convict "Mary Ann" 1791] born 1765 died 1850 is on Geni with 2 sets of parents
John Hutchinson (born 1735)
Marion Hutchinson (born 1747)
John Hutchinson (born 1745)
Ann Hutchinson - Porter, Convict "Mary Ann" 1791 (born 1737)
http://australianroyalty.net.au/individual.php?pid=I59676&ged=p... has Mary as the daughter of Ann and unknown father.
Ann and Mary had arrived in the colony as convicts on "Mary Ann" in 1791
Mary married James Weavers [Convict "Guardian" "Surprize" 1790]
Ann married Richard Porter [Convict "Surprize" 1790]
After James WEAVERS and Ann died in 1805, Mary married her mothers widow Richard PORTER.
Ann and Mary had arrived in the colony as convicts on "Mary Ann" in 1791
Mary married James WEAVERS
Ann married Richard PORTER
After James WEAVERS and Ann died in 1805, Mary married her mothers widow Richard PORTER.
has Ann as Ann APPLETREE married to John HUTCHINSON 1745-1797