Chief Opechancanough Mangopeesomon Stream Powhatan, Chief of the Pamunkey - Merging the 2 Opechancanoughs

Started by Private User on Tuesday, July 18, 2017
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Private User
7/18/2017 at 5:06 AM

Origins: Experts are saying there are West Indian origins of this paternal line.

Best Book of Who's Who: []

History: []

DNA Matching Fun: Please consider joining with kit matching fun at Nicketti Hughes, Person of legend

7/18/2017 at 10:59 AM

From one source you are going to merge two lines because they have the same "one" name? The tribe had many names for each person and in my study I have found often they name their kids after one or more names of other relatives. I would caution on doing this because of only one source. You are most likely messing up many family trees.

Private User
7/18/2017 at 11:09 AM

Nope, more than a week of curator combo work. Much discussion, Should not impact anyone's trees.

7/18/2017 at 4:23 PM

Dropping a link here to tie in an earlier discussion:

7/18/2017 at 4:53 PM

I'm not sure I understand what's happening here.

I'm a descendant of the very problematic Trader Hughes and his mythical wife Nicketti Hughes, Person of legend. Trader Hughes is speculated to be John Rice Hughes, but the evidence is thin. Now Nicketti, who is problematic to begin, is married to both of them. And now John Rice Hughes has two wives -- Nicketti herself and Nicketti as a DNA node, who is nevertheless "daughter" of the real Necotowance, King of the Wyanoak, while the supposedly "real" Nicketti has lost the genealogical connection that got her added to the tree.

This is project territory. We should not be enshrining DNA data and speculation into the actual tree. Worth noting, yes. Worth combining artificial connections to show there could be something there, no. I don't like this.

Private User
7/18/2017 at 5:50 PM

I was given a profile and asked to do what I could for the pending dna matches forthcoming. It wasn't my idea. I've done all I can do to help. Good luck.

7/18/2017 at 6:54 PM

I suggest isolating this "scratchpad" tree from the real tree.

One of the cornerstones of Geni is "one person, one profile". The approach here makes a hash of my own tree by making two Nikettis.

The Niketti of legend was the daughter of Opechancanough "Mangopeesomon", paramount chief of the Powhatan and presumably of "Cleopatra", of the Powhatan. The dates are just barely possible but I wouldn't blame anyone for doubting the whole thing.

But the new Nicketti Hughes, Person of legend has been made the daughter of Necotowance, King of the Wyanoak, and so attached to the main tree from which relationships can be calculated. That's a potential source of confusion.

Another problem is that Geni has traditionally disfavored profiles that represent abstract concepts, such as DNA nodes, multiple generations, academic successions, and so on.

A better way to achieve the same objective might be to merge the two versions of Niketti, and start a Niketti DNA project centered around identifying her supposed descendants.

Then, and only then, proceed to evaluate the evidence for Trader Hughes, and for Niketti herself, making firm changes to the tree as you proceed.

I would not be sorry to lose this line of descent, but I would want it done by standard genealogical principles, after an open period of discussion.

Private User
7/18/2017 at 7:20 PM

New here. Just helping where I can. No one seems to mind my Pushmataha having a mythical sun and moon for parents; yet, we figured out who they actually were in a group and left both there. This is not my line and just helping where I could as asked. Over and out.

7/18/2017 at 7:29 PM

Erica Howton, can this damage be repaired?

Private User
7/18/2017 at 7:38 PM

What damage?

7/18/2017 at 7:40 PM

Described above, Rianna. My choices at the moment are to report this as vandalism, report this as a fake profile, or to get Erica to help put the tree back.

Private User
7/18/2017 at 8:01 PM

She disconnected it already before your last post.

Private User
7/18/2017 at 8:02 PM

And she can validate that she gave the tree to me to start. I did not start it. I don't have any interest in that line. I just helped where I could, as asked.

7/18/2017 at 8:06 PM

Disconnected what?

Nicketti Hughes, Person of legend is still a "claimed historic profile". She's still a duplicate of Nicketti Hughes, Person of legend She's still a daughter of Necotowance, King of the Wyanoak, confirmed by a curator note, which is speculative and does not appear in any source. She's still married to Trader Hughes, whose other wife is the other Nicketti.

7/18/2017 at 9:20 PM

I didn't realize (hadn't seen yet) that Nicketti Hughes, Person of legend is a claimed historic profile. Riana, that you will need to delete. Historic persons cannot be living user profiles.

I was hoping to see Trader Hughes separated from his other possible identities, and have Nicketti's husband be the man with no known first name or known parents (unless more information can be gleaned than what I know).

7/18/2017 at 9:33 PM

I started a clean up discussion on Trader Hughes.

We need to decide -- COLLECTIVELY -- whether he is the same person as John Rice Hughes. Yes or no, it doesn't make any difference to me. Whichever way we go, Nicketti can only be married to Trader Hughes. She was only wife if John Rice Hughes if they are the same person

7/18/2017 at 9:37 PM

Also this is "not" a claimed historic profile, sorry! It just looks that way because of the name

Added by: Nicketti (Powhatan) Hughes on March 19, 2016

It's a DNA upload profile from Mitosearch or y-search, and takes on the name of the profile. So it shouldn't be deleted.

But I do not know if it should be merged into the Nicketti MP as yet.

7/18/2017 at 9:45 PM

It's a claimed historic profile because it's both a user (added by) and it's holding a genealogical position in the tree as someone born 1636.

I doubt it comes from a DNA import, because there is no associated DNA data (although data has been added to the About). Other imported profiles are not added by themselves. They keep the original "DNA Manager" and become managed by the user who first works with them.

Private User
7/18/2017 at 9:46 PM

No direct ancestry here.
Not in the decision.

7/18/2017 at 10:00 PM

If we're not sure who this is, who is controlling it, or how it came to be in this position on the tree probably best to report it as a claimed historic profile and ask Geni to use its investigative tools.

7/18/2017 at 10:35 PM

Justin, it's a DNA upload unmanaged profile I merged so that's how I know. They (oddly) take on the user name of whatever the profile name is. What I will do is unmerge everything in that area and them into the Nicketti master profile.

7/18/2017 at 10:38 PM

Why no DNA tag then?

7/18/2017 at 10:38 PM

And Riana is correct: I sent her a request to comanage the profile.

7/18/2017 at 10:39 PM

That's a question for CS. I've merged many like this though.

7/18/2017 at 10:44 PM

Erica, I'm not worried about who manages what. My main concern is that the tree has been messed up, no discussion, and when pointed out the only reaction was a shrug -- "I messed up your tree. Not my problem."

7/18/2017 at 11:03 PM

Riana was invited to the profile, and is now avoiding conflict. Let me get on the undo merge solution.

7/18/2017 at 11:19 PM

Here's the revision story from the bottom

Erica "the Disconnectrix" Howton was made primary manager of Capt. "Trader" Hughes by Erica "the Disconnectrix" Howton.
Jul 13 at 11:29 PM
Capt. "Trader" Hughes's profile was updated by Customer Service. privacy
May 10, 2016 at 3:47 PM · view
Capt. "Trader" Hughes's profile was updated by Customer Service. living status and privacy
Mar 21, 2016 at 1:44 PM · view
Nicketti was added as Capt. "Trader" Hughes's wife by Customer Service.
Mar 19, 2016 at 12:57 AM
Capt. "Trader" Hughes was added as Elizabeth Hughes's father by Customer Service.
Mar 19, 2016 at 12:57 AM


Here is the CS Nicketti

your relative?
Gender: Female
Birth: estimated between 1597 and 1653
Immediate Family:
Wife of Capt. John Rice Hughes
Mother of Mary Elizabeth (Hughes) Davis
Added by: Customer Service on March 19, 2016
Managed by: Customer Service
0 Matches
Research this Person
Contact Profile Manager
View Tree
Edit Profile


I will now merge into MPs

7/18/2017 at 11:36 PM

Not sure of your point, but OK. You seem to be fighting a different battle than I am.

7/18/2017 at 11:47 PM

Hopefully I'm not fighting any battles, I'm not feeling very feisty. :(

You asked about how the profile name happened, so it looks like a claimed historic profile.

I undid merges to show you. If there's an added by date stamp of March 2016, the profile is part of the upload by Geni of profiles from mitodna & ysearch, they are very familiar to me because I've been merging them for a year and a half. Some of those profiles, like this original Nicketti, are not managerless, they were "owned" by Customer Service. And some of these profiles can be adopted if you request management. Sometimes I do that so I can reject not so smart Matches, and thought that might be useful in this case, so did. Then I invited Riana to comanage, and also found another unmerged profile.


Does anyone know who is the father of Totopotomoi, Weroance of the Pamunkey

And of Nectowance, who preceded him as weroance?

Private User
7/27/2017 at 10:28 AM

Email from Bill Devo today states: "If you study the Pamunkey matrilineal succession that determined the rulers of the Federation, it would be highly unlikely that Totopotomoi could have been a son of Nectowance. Since Cockacoeske was later the ruler of the Federation in her own right, not because she was Totopotomoi's widow, and is known to have been Opechancanough's granddaughter, it follows that "she" was Necotowance's daughter, by his traditional wife of the matrilineal succession." ~ ~ ~ ~Bill Devo, PATAWOMECK TRIBAL HISTORIAN, email July 27, 017

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