Hi Seth,
I just saw this and wanted to respond to you. I am not sure how we are related. You were born somewhat close to where my parent's families are located. Would assume that as 2nd cousins, we must be related through one of my grandparent's siblings. They all lived in south Georgia and Florida. Your birthyear is interesting to me in that it is 1970 and would somewhat limit the number of folks from my family that could possibly be at least one of your parents. Are we second cousins through a maternal line? Have a good day. Marshall
Hi Marshall
I do not know how we could be related as I am adopted and I have no information about my adoption other than my birth year and location. My adoption was finalized through Juarez, Mexico which complicates things even more.
I hesitate to bother people if I have no idea how we are related but I have to start somewhere. I have noticed that there are a lot of 'Spires' in my matches through Ancestry.com. Thank you for responding.
Seth Napel
If you send me an email address, I will give you permission to view my ancestry.com lineage so that you can see my ancestry and, possibly, find a clue that might help you. I will definitely help however I can. It is interesting that you were adopted in Juarez. When it states that we are 2nd Cousins does it say through a maternal or paternal line. Typically, my 2nd, 3rd and 4th cousin notices will say either maternal or paternal connection. Have a good one.
Thank you so much. My ancestry.com email address is bonnie_matthews@my.cuesta.edu. My GF is administering my account. I have also tested through Family Tree DNA and uploaded to Gedmatch. I am trying all the sites to try something. I found out from Florida that since my adoption was done thru Mexico, Florida may not have my original birth certificate. So many roadblocks. Thank you for your help.