FROM A genealogy of the Duke-Shepherd-Van Metre family, from civil, military, church and family records and documents
by Smyth, Samuel Gordon, b. 1859 p.14
In the testamentary disposition written by Jan Joosten Van Meteren under date of i6th December, 1681, appears the following:
"Wife Macyke shall retain full possession (of the estate). She con-
sents that the survivor shall possess everything: lands, houses, personal
property, money, gold, silver — coined or uncoined. After their decease,
the property to be inherited by their children. Jooste to have one-half of
the entire estate first. Jooste and Gysbert to have the land at Marble-
town, Jooste one half and then the other half to be divided between them.
Geertje Crom to have the land at Wassemaker's land. Children of
Lysbeth, deceased, to have their portion, in money, from the other
[See Ulster Co., N. Y., Probate Records.]
It would thus appear than Jooste Jans was the eldest son, and
it is believed that the daughters were older than the sons.