This Sir William Harris WAS NOT THE FATHER OF CAPT THOMAS HARRIS OF JAMESTOWN. The 1616 Will of the son of this Sir William Harris and Lady Alice Smythe named Thomas Harris, has been written about in Harris family books since 1915. It was
finally found in the 1990's and published in "The Virginia Genealogist" in Vol 38, No 2, May-Jun 1994. This Will, probated in 1617, is proven conclusively to be by the son of William Harris and Alice Smythe, as he died UNMARRIED and WITHOUT ISSUE, leaving his property to his named siblings, all known and proven children of Sir William Harris and Lady Alice Smythe as recorded in the 1612 Visitations of Essex. There are not now nor ever have been any proven parents for the Capt Thomas Harris of Jamestown. Research is currently being done in the Aylesbury Parish records for any trace of this Thomas Harris. And yDNA of living direct male Harris descendants of this Thomas Harris do not match the yDNA of living direct male Harris descendants of Sgt John Harris d1638, a proven son of Sir William Harris and Alice Smythe.