Guillaume Langlois - Portrait Source

Started by Kevin Casey on Sunday, April 30, 2017
Problem with this page?


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Does anyone know the source of the portrait attached to this individual?

Thank you,

A quick google image search leads to this page among others, - a painting by the artist Titian, c. 1520

Thank you, though this is my point: we seem to have selected a random portrait of an un-named person as the avatar for Mr. Langlois, which seems misleading. Perhaps I'm just cranky, but this appears not to be in the spirit of accuracy that I think most of us are striving for.


I agree with you Kevin. The implication is that the painting of Guillaume Langlois, and there doesn't seem to be any evidence of this.

I just added a map highlighting his place of residence and made it his profile pic. Feel free to suggest a different pic.

I think that's a great idea; thanks for changing it.


As per Geni standards, it is preferable not to use maps for profile pictures:

if no valid image is available for a profile, it is better to leave it to default.

Please understand that the reason is that, for profiles long death, there are no images available for the vast majority. If we start inserting maps for tens of thousands of profiles, we will create more controversies than add value. For example, If place of birth is not available, then should we map place of death? place of mariage? a predominant place? What if there is uncertainty about where the person is from? Which one do we chose? Or should we create an image with multiple locations shown? etc. this can get very messy very fast.

(We have similar challenges with some users who want to use a coat of arm of a city/castle/etc. The same issues arise.)

About the Titian's painting: you were totally correct to remove it. As per standards, we are not allowed to post a painting of someone else.

Therefore, I think it might be best to remove the two images currently associated with this profile.

What do you think?

Deleting is fine by me, but I can't do it. As far as i can tell--and I'm not an expert--I only have access to the picture I posted. If I delete mine, the default will be the painting. If there's a way for me to delete the painting, please let me know, and I'll go in and get rid of both.

OK, I removed both pictures so that the profile aligns with standards. I hope it won't upset anyone. I appreciate very much our eagerness to make profiles more complete and interesting. Please if you find pictures that meet Geni's quality criteria, by all means, post them.

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