I totally agree, some curators have adopted it as a bad habit of misuse. I guess some of them don't even have a minimum of necessary basic knowledge in their luggage, but in order to become a curator it should at least imply that they had some skills, but it is just based on volunteering, the majority of them probably do their best, but the bad apples, we simply can't get rid off them, and unfortunately some of them are very overactive, cutting, locking, making own conclusions without discussions, locking every single field afterwards, and sometimes, unfortunately, leaving profiles managed as if they were mixed like a deck of cards and thrown out at random.
But I get it, 14 millions users but only ca. 250 voluntary curators, they have to settle with what they get.
Tech Support, here's what happens:
Profile displays *three* tabs instead of the previous two: "Basic", "Relationships", and "About".
Relationships *display* under the "Relationships" tab, *but cannot be changed* - BUT there is no warning that they cannot be changed.
Attempting to change a relationship produces an "Error -
You don't have permission to view this page" message.
Here's one: https://www.geni.com/profile/edit_relationships/6000000010973625024
Displays the three tabs I mentioned, the "Remove" box is clickable and the button *appears* to be active when the box is selected - but only one of the actual Managers (I am not one) or a Curator can actually perform the Remove. (Using her as an Example - she may or may not have been one of the wives of William I Hanby, so doesn't really have to be removed.)
The point is, the box and/or button should *not* appear to be active if trying to use them just generates an Error page.
A bit related to Relationship Locking -
what I would really appreciate is if, instead of just telling me, for example, that [so-and-so]'s parents were changed to [AAAA] and [BBBB] by [whoever]
- Would they please tell me also what were they changed from?
I think often I see that message when it may just mean the parents were merged, and now the parents are the merged version of the previous parents [does that phrasing make sense to anyone?]. But I never know, and am always worried each time I see it on one of the profiles I care about.
If they gave that information, it would make it a whole lot easier to tell if that was a good thing, basically a nothing, or an error, and to correct it if it was an error.
And, I would think, would likely make locking the relationship seem less important.
It is correct that the relationship locking feature contained a bug which affected ordinary relationships, but this should be corrected by now: https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115007330348-Impossi...
It is also correct that the edit relationships tab is now opened for any deceased profile on Geni. This was done as a response to my question about why I had full editing rights of living profiles managed by family group members at the same time as I had just basic editing rights if the same profiles were marked as deceased: https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115006037187-Relatio...
I am able to edit the marriage date, change the order of the relationships or to change an existing relationship, but not to remove it. In that case, I get an error message that I don't have access to that page.
Torbjørn Igelkjøn - The situation with the Profiles Managed by a Family Member was not Living vs Deceased -- it was Public vs Private -- and it was on purpose.
If your family always allows the Deceased to be Public (which Geni prefers), you probably never got to see what happened when Profiles family managed were Deceased and Private, but I definitely did.
Personally, I found it really annoying, but I did understand - Family Group to edit Private Profiles managed by my Family Members, and if I wanted full edit rights on the Public Profiles they managed, then I would have to Collaborate with them.
Had noticed that it seemed to have been changed - had been thinking it was probably unintentional. Surprised to discover the real situation.
So - now does accepting a Family Group request give all the privileges Collaborating gives, as well as access to the Private Profiles the person manages?
If so, this is definitely a big change.
This was what customer service said they would do, but when I tested this two weeks ago the only change that I noticed was that I had access to the edit relationships tab as described above for any public Geni profile on the Internet. But now, I discover that I have full editing rights of public profiles managed by family members. So customer service has actually made the change that they promised, which means that family group members now also have all the privilleges that collaboration gives.
(I have so far not tried to split the tree via profiles managed by family group members, so I don't know if this would work).
Once both profiles are added - you should be able to add the date for the marriage from the Relationship Tab one sees after clicking to Edit the Profile, as Bjorn says.
Alternately you can usually add the Marriage Date, once both profiles created, one as spouse of other, by going to the Timeline and editing the Timeline Event for their Marriage.