Odeline (Edeina) de Beaumont (de Beaumont-Au-Maine), dame de Sainte-Suzanne - Parents of Odeline confirmed with a source?

Started by Terry Jackson (Switzer) on Tuesday, April 18, 2017
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It seems that this profile started without parents but now has parents but I cannot see where these have come from - what source is being used? If someone has a reliable source could they please cite it? Adding de Beaumont to her name doesn't mean we've got this relationship correct.

No one has answered this in years, so I’m going ahead and disconnecting Edelina as daughter of Roscelin de Beaumont, Vicomte de Beaumont

From Medlands:


RICHER de Laigle . Robert of Torigny records the death in 1176 of "Richerius de Aquila" and the succession of "Richerius filius eius"[2807]. m EDELINA, daughter of ---.

“Gillebertus dominus de Aquila” donated property to Beigham Abbey, Sussex, for the souls of “Richerii patris mei” and for the health of “dominæ Edelinæ matris meæ…”, by undated charter, witnessed by “Edelina matre mea…”[2808]. Richer & his wife had five children ...

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