Private User Could be several reasons. One could be that Geni just calculated the relationship differently and showed a different path way. If you were in a different area on your tree and then went to see what relationship you were to Johnny, it could show a different pathway. Or someone could have disrupted the links between you and Johnny.
It's probably the first one reason. In 2 weeks you should get a little icon that looks like a "re-cycle" icon that you can push to recalculate and it will go to the closest relationship between you and Johnny.
What I like to do on certain profiles that I like, is to just capture a screenshot of the links to that person. That way if I ever go to it again and it's showing some kind of odd connection I can go step by step, link to link to the profile in question. And usually that resets the cache (a hardware or software component that stores data so future requests for that data can be served faster) and that solves the problem :)
BTW, you're my 11th cousin, nice to meet you!
I agree with Arthur and Ulf. I noticed that too Melissa, that it changes. I have the "We're Related" app on my phone and it uses a lot of info from ancestry.com, so I often have two different paths. Plus my wife is on it too, and we often get the same connections, so then I get a third pathway.
On Geni.com Johnny Depp shows up as 7th cousin twice removed and on the phone app he shows up as 7th cousin 1x removed. A difference of going through a brother or the father in mine.
Lots of branches on these here trees. I love all of this! Enjoy! :)
Johnny Depp is my 11th cousin.
→ David Ronald Davis
your father → Elizabeth Jane Davis
his mother → Elsie Vernor Horn
her mother → William Ambrose Redding
her father → William Alfred Redding
his father → William J. Redding
his father → William Redding
his father → William Pendleton Redding
his father → Sarah Redding
his mother → Henry Pendleton
her father → Henry Pendleton
his father → Henry Pendleton, II
his father → Martha Elizabeth Sherwood
his daughter → Martha Jane Sherwood
her daughter → Captain John Marshall, 'of the Forest'
her son → John Marshall
his son → Thomas Marshall
his son → Reuban Marshall
his son → Lurana Whitaker
his daughter → Pvt. William C. Whitaker, USA
her son → Branch Whitaker
his son → Bessie Irene Wells
his daughter → Betty Sue Wells
her daughter → Johnny Depp
her son
Johnny Depp is your 14th cousin.
→ Johan Krijn Temmink
your father → Bastiaan Temmink
his father → Bastiaan Temmink
his father → Krijntje Meurs
his mother → Leunis Meurs
her father → Jannetje van der Linde
his mother → Jannetje Martinis van Dam
her mother → Maarten Maartensz Van Dam
her father → Neeltje Jansdr de Witte
his mother → Catharina Gerritsd Witte
her mother → Lijsbet Van Houten
her mother → Catalijn Aarts van Deijl
her mother → Aert Sebastiaens van de Burghgraeff
her father → Count Sebastian Adriaensz van den Burgrave
his father → Hendrick Adriaen Burghgraeff
his brother → Maycke Hendrickse Hendrieux Van Der Burchgraeff
his daughter → Margrietje Cornelise ‘Grietje’ van Ness
her daughter → Cornelius Pieterse Wyckoff
her son → John Cornelise Wyckoff
his son → Jacobus Jan Wyckoff
his son → Willemptje Stout
his daughter → James Abel Stout
her son → Ephraim H. Stout
his son → Elizabeth Jane Bailey
his daughter → Joseph Taylor Bailey
her son → Mary Edna Grinstead
his daughter → Violet Mattie Depp
her daughter → John Christopher Depp, Sr.
her son → Johnny Depp
his son