Arnold van Rode - Parents Unknown?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, April 9, 2017
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One Wikipedia article says that his parents are unknown?

1. Arnold I van Rode (~1060 - >1116), heer van Rode, gehuwd in 1096 met Helwig van Cuijk (1075-1125). Vermoedelijk is hij eerder getrouwd geweest, want zijn kinderen Gijsbert I van Rode en Arnold II van Rode zijn vóór die datum geboren. Mogelijk was hun moeder Heilwiva of Helwira van Walbeck (*ca 1065), dochter van Siegfried II van Walbeck en Guda van Valkenburg.
De ouders van Arnold I zijn niet bekend

Do you read the Talk tab on wiki pages?
There can be all sorts of gems and clues hidden away.

No. If you find anything - please add here.

Sharon if you look at the other profile of Arnold I van Rode it is managed by
Justin Swanström We should bring him into this. He could probable help.

I cant read this maybe you can help Sharon to translate it properly Please.


is on geni as the daughter of Guda, lady of Valkenburg and Siegfried III, Count of Walbeck and in the Nordthüringau

But if you read the translated Wiki page for

Marriage [ processing ]

Guda was married twice. Her first husband was Siegfried II Walbeck (- after 1087), Count of Thuringia North Shire and Derlingouw . There are no children of Guda and Siegfried known. Her second husband was Thibald of Feeding (ca 1049-1106), lord of Feeding . Also with Thibald Guda had no known children. [5] As a result of the childless keep this marriage went Thibald's Voeren belongings after his death to his nephew Arnulf II Feeding, while around 1118 Guda's Valkenburgse possessions vererfden its related Oda Walbeck and thus passed on her husband Gosewijn I . And in 1128 by his son Gosewijn II . [6]

so my question is where is this daughter of N.N. come from?,_Count_of_Loon

Arnold I, Count of Loon

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Arnold I (1060 - 1135), Count of Looz (Loon) (1078-1135), Count of Hesbaye, and Lord of Horn, son of Emmo, Count of Loon, and Suanhildis, daughter of Dirk III, Count of Holland, and his wife Othelandis.

He was an ally of Henry of Verdun and Otbert, both bishops of Liège. In 1078, he endowed the Collegiate Church of Huy and that of St. John at Liège.

In 1088, he spoke on the request of Bishop Henry of Verdun to end a conflict in the Abbey of St. Truiden where the bishop and emperor Henry IV had both appointed a successor abbot. As a result of his diplomacy, the emperor transferred the authority of the abbey of Sint-Truiden from Henry I, Duke of Lower Lorraine, to Arnold. Arnold forced Henry and his ally Godfrey of Bouillon, to withdraw from the monastery. The domain of Arnold expanded with the County of Rieneck by his marriage to Agnes.

Arnold married Agnes von Mainz, daughter of Gerhard I, Count of Rieneck, and Helwig von Bliescastel. Sources disagree on their number of children, but are believed to include:
Gerard (d. 1103), possibly Count of Looz for a brief period
Arnold II, Count of Looz
Gertrude van Loon (1100-1154), married to Hugo XI, Count of Dagsburg. Their son was Hugo XII, Count of Dagsburg, who married Luitgarde, widow of Godfrey II, Count of Louvain. She was daughter of Berengar II of Sulzbach, and sister of Gertrude von Sulzbach, wife of Conrad III of Germany, and Bertha, wife of Manuel I Comnenus, the emperor of Byzantium. Their granddaughter was Gertrude of Dagsburg, wife of Theobald I, King of Navarre.
Agnes van Loon (b. ca 1100), married Gerhard IV, Count of Jülich
Beatrix van Loon (d. after 1132), married Arnout III, Count of Aarschot and had issue.

While the question of Gerard’s countship remains, it is believed the Arnold was succeeded by his son Arnold as Count of Looz upon his death.


Vanderlinden, H., "Le tribunal de la paix de Henri de Verdun (1082) et la transformation de la principauté de Liège", in Mélanges Henri Pirenne, 1926

Baerten, J., "Les origines des comtes de Looz et la formation territoriale du comté", Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire 43 (2), 1965

Medieval Lands Project, Comtes de Looz

Medieval Lands Project, Grafen von Egisheim und Dagsburg (Moha)

Stub icon This biographical article of a European noble is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

Categories: 1060 births
1135 deaths
Belgian nobility
House of Loon
European nobility stubs

Dorothy I don't know this area. You need the profile managers to weigh in: Carl Gustav Verbraeken A.

Also - Jan Sem Dambæk.

If you research it together and come to a conclusion referencing sources in the overviews, I'll be happy to come and put Curator notes on the profiles you need them on.

her is a PDF page too for you to read but its in Dutch

I just invited Justin to join too

If you translate .. I think ". Arnold I Red" (. Arnold I van Rode) AKA Arnold I, Count of Loon are the same person.

I'll take a look when get some time, but I'm not sure I can help.

Geni says I added this profile, but I still have the reference database. This profile has shifted so much from what I had that it is almost no longer the same person.

As near as I can make out, my profile was for Arnulf I, Graf von Looz-Reineck (c1075-1135), son of Emmo II, Graf von Looz and his wife Ermengaerd van Hornes. He married (according to my notes) Agnes von Mainz zu Rieneck. My notes say only that "He was Count of Looz and Reineck, Burgrave of Mainz (1138-1162), and Vogt of Averboden and Munsterbilsen (1155). With his son Ludwig, he founded the monastery of Overbaden."

In other words, my information is fairly close to the Wikipedia article Dorothy has posted about Arnold I, Count of Loon except that his mother is different.

Based on this information I doubt he was the same person as Arnold van Rode. Maybe, but I'd want to see some very good evidence.

Here is one more profile to look at but for some reason it's been made privet along with others too. Could a curator please make it so they are not privet and wee can see who is who etc...

Arnold I, lord of Rode

Arnold I van Rode = Arnold I of Red

In Dutch

Het Graafschap Rode is een voormalig graafschap waarvan Sint-Oedenrode de zetel was. Het graafschap kwam qua grondgebied ruwweg overeen met het latere Kwartier van Peelland, wat één der kwartieren van de Meierij van 's-Hertogenbosch was en waarvan Sint-Oedenrode oorspronkelijk eveneens de hoofdstad was.

Aan de hand van het werkingsgebied van de in 1546 opgetekende costuijmen van Rode kan men stellen dat de plaatsen: Sint-Oedenrode, Liempde, Son en Breugel, Veghel en Erp, Schijndel, Stiphout, Lieshout, Aarle-Rixtel, Beek en Donk, Bakel, Deurne, Lierop, Tongelre, Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten tot het Graafschap Rode hebben behoord. De zuidelijke delen van het Kwartier van Peelland hebben dus geen deel uitgemaakt van het Graafschap Rode. Het Roois recht werd wel aangeduid met: Jure Rodensi beate Ode.

Het Graafschap Rode, geen graafschap in de eigenlijke zin maar eerder een landstreek, voortkomend uit een allodium, wordt vermeld in de Annalen van Egmond (1172-1215) en in het oudste leenregister van Brabant uit 1312.

Er is een vroege burcht in Sint-Oedenrode geweest. Omstreeks 1250 werd gesproken van Rodensis ecclesiae oppidulum, een kleine sterkte bij de (Sint-Oda)kerk. In 1311 gaf Jan II van Brabant een huis dat staat te Rode aan de Sint-Odakerk in leen uit. In 1401 mocht de leenman dit huis afbreken en een nieuw huis bouwen. De huidige kastelen in Sint-Oedenrode houden geen rechtstreeks verband met deze burcht. Kasteel Henckeshage gaat terug tot de 14e eeuw en Kasteel Dommelrode is van latere datum.

Aanvankelijk viel Rode onder de invloedssfeer van de Graaf van Gelre. Toen de invloed van het Hertogdom Brabant in de streek was toegenomen, verkocht de Graaf van Gelre het Graafschap Rode in de 13e eeuw aan de Hertog van Brabant. In 1206 werd namelijk een huwelijkscontract gesloten tussen Hendrik I van Brabant en Otto I van Gelre, waarbij hun kinderen, Gerard III van Gelre en Margaretha van Brabant zouden trouwen en Margaretha daarbij het allodium van Rothe als huwelijksgeschenk zou krijgen. Uiteindelijk doet Gerard III in 1229 afstand van Roda in ruil voor 2000 marken.

In 1232 kreeg Sint-Oedenrode vrijheidsrechten. Ook kwam er een schepenbank, waarvan in 1311 wordt gesproken. Vanaf 1350 zou het Roois recht geleidelijk in Brabants recht omgezet worden.

Heren van Rode[bewerken]

De Heren van Rode zijn te traceren vanaf omstreeks 1060. Aangezien er hiaten bestaan in de documenten werd een hypothetische stamboom opgesteld door historicus Hans Vogels. Het betreft de volgende personen:

1. Arnold I van Rode (~1060 - >1116), heer van Rode, gehuwd in 1096 met Helwig van Cuijk (1075-1125). Vermoedelijk is hij eerder getrouwd geweest, want zijn kinderen Gijsbert I van Rode en Arnold II van Rode zijn vóór die datum geboren. Mogelijk was hun moeder Heilwiva of Helwira van Walbeck (*ca 1065), dochter van Siegfried II van Walbeck en Guda van Valkenburg. De ouders van Arnold I zijn niet bekend

2. Gijsbert I van Rode (1090 - >1146), heer van Rode, mogelijk ook van Rekem en Bronkhorst, van zijn huwelijk zijn geen gegevens bekend, kind was Arnold III van Rode

3. Arnold III van Rode (~1125 - >1180), heer van Rode, gehuwd met nn. van Tilborgh, kind was Roelof van Rode

4. Roelof van Rode (van Myerle of: Van Mierlo) (~1160 - < 1220), heer van Rode en Mierlo, gehuwd met Didradis Hendrix van Rixtel, kind was Hendrik I van Mierlo.

5. Hendrik I van Mierlo (~1195 - < 1256), heer van Rode en Mierlo, gehuwd met een zekere Helwig, kind was Ermegard van Mierlo, die zou trouwen met Engelbert van Horne, de vermoedelijke bouwer van het Kasteel Cranendonck te Soerendonk.

Translated to English;sl=nl&amp;u=https:/...

The Red County is a former county which Sint-Oedenrode was the seat. The county was in terms of territory roughly corresponds to the subsequent Quarter Peelland , which is one of the quarters of the bailiwick of 's-Hertogenbosch was and whose St. Oedenrode originally was also the capital.

Based on the scope of the in 1546 recorded costuijmen Red can say that the place: St. Oedenrode, Liempde , Son and Breugel , Veghel and Erp , Schijndel , Stiphout , Lieshout , Aarle-Rixtel , Beek en Donk , Bakel , Deurne , Lierop , Tongelre , Nuenen , Gerwen and Nederwetten have belonged to the County of Red. The southern parts of the Quarter Peelland have therefore not been part of the Red County. The Roois law was referred to as: Jure Rodensi beate Ode.

The County Red, no county in the strict sense but rather a region resulting from a allodium , is mentioned in the Annals of Egmond ( 1172 - 1215 ) and the oldest feudal register of Brabant in 1312 .

There was an early stronghold in Sint-Oedenrode. Around 1250 was spoken of Rodensis ecclesiae oppidulum a little strength in the (St. Oda) church. In 1311 gave John II of Brabant a house that is for Red to St. Odakerk on loan from. In 1401 could break the vassal this house and build a new house. The current castle in St. Oedenrode not directly related to this castle. Henckeshage castle dates back to the 14th century castle Dommelrode is of a later date.

Initially Red fell under the influence of the Count of Gelre . When the influence of the Duchy of Brabant had increased in the region, the Gelre Earl sold the County of Red in the 13th century by the Duke of Brabant. In 1206 was in fact signed a marriage contract between Henry I of Brabant and Otto I of Guelders , their children, Gerard Gelredome III and Margaret of Brabant would marry Margaret and thereby would get allodium Rothe as a wedding gift. Finally Gerard III does in 1229 from Roda in exchange for 2000 marks.

In 1232 St Oedenrode got freedom rights . There was also a aldermen , which in 1311 is spoken. From 1350 the Roois law would gradually be transformed into Brabants law.

Men from Red [ edit ]

The Red Men can be traced from about 1060 . Since there are gaps in the document a hypothetical pedigree was compiled by historian Hans Vogels . It concerns the following persons:

1. Arnold I Red (~ 1060 -> 1116 ), Mr. Red, married in 1096 with Helwig Cuijk ( 1075 - 1125 ). Presumably he's been married, because his children Gijsbert I Red and Arnold II Red born before that date. Possibly their mother Heilwiva or Helwira of Walbeck (* ca 1065), daughter of Siegfried II Walbeck and Guda Valkenburg . Arnold I. parents are unknown

2. Gijsbert I Red ( 1090 -> 1146 ), lord of red, possibly from Rekem and Bronkhorst , from his marriage no data, child was Arnold III of Red

3. Arnold III Red (~ 1125 -> 1180 ), Mr. Red, married to nn. van Tilborgh child was Roelof van Red

4. Roelof Red (or of Myerle: Van Mierlo) (~ 1160 - < 1220 ), Mr. Red and Mierlo , married Didradis Hendrix Rixtel child was Henry I of Mierlo.

5. Henry I van Mierlo (~ 1195 - < 1256 ), Mr. Red and Mierlo, married to a certain Helwig child was Ermegard van Mierlo , who would marry with Engelbert van Horne , the alleged builder of the Castle Cranendonck in Soerendonk .

another Arnold I, Count of Loon,_Count_of_Loon

Arnold I, Count of Loon

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Arnold I (1060 - 1135), Count of Looz (Loon) (1078-1135), Count of Hesbaye, and Lord of Horn, son of Emmo, Count of Loon, and Suanhildis, daughter of Dirk III, Count of Holland, and his wife Othelandis.

He was an ally of Henry of Verdun and Otbert, both bishops of Liège. In 1078, he endowed the Collegiate Church of Huy and that of St. John at Liège.

In 1088, he spoke on the request of Bishop Henry of Verdun to end a conflict in the Abbey of St. Truiden where the bishop and emperor Henry IV had both appointed a successor abbot. As a result of his diplomacy, the emperor transferred the authority of the abbey of Sint-Truiden from Henry I, Duke of Lower Lorraine, to Arnold. Arnold forced Henry and his ally Godfrey of Bouillon, to withdraw from the monastery. The domain of Arnold expanded with the County of Rieneck by his marriage to Agnes.

Arnold married Agnes von Mainz, daughter of Gerhard I, Count of Rieneck, and Helwig von Bliescastel. Sources disagree on their number of children, but are believed to include:
Gerard (d. 1103), possibly Count of Looz for a brief period
Arnold II, Count of Looz
Gertrude van Loon (1100-1154), married to Hugo XI, Count of Dagsburg. Their son was Hugo XII, Count of Dagsburg, who married Luitgarde, widow of Godfrey II, Count of Louvain. She was daughter of Berengar II of Sulzbach, and sister of Gertrude von Sulzbach, wife of Conrad III of Germany, and Bertha, wife of Manuel I Comnenus, the emperor of Byzantium. Their granddaughter was Gertrude of Dagsburg, wife of Theobald I, King of Navarre.
Agnes van Loon (b. ca 1100), married Gerhard IV, Count of Jülich
Beatrix van Loon (d. after 1132), married Arnout III, Count of Aarschot and had issue.

While the question of Gerard’s countship remains, it is believed the Arnold was succeeded by his son Arnold as Count of Looz upon his death.


Vanderlinden, H., "Le tribunal de la paix de Henri de Verdun (1082) et la transformation de la principauté de Liège", in Mélanges Henri Pirenne, 1926

Baerten, J., "Les origines des comtes de Looz et la formation territoriale du comté", Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire 43 (2), 1965

Medieval Lands Project, Comtes de Looz

Medieval Lands Project, Grafen von Egisheim und Dagsburg (Moha)

Emmo of Loon

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Emmo (Emmon) (died 17 January 1078), Count of Looz (1046-1078), son of Gislebert, Count of Looz, and Erlande of Geldenaken.

Some historians believe that Emmo and his brother Otto jointly ruled the county of Looz, but others are skeptical and believe they divided the county, Otto receiving the County of Duras. Emmo's grandfather was Rudolf van Haspinga, Count of Betuwe (predecessors of the Counts of Looz), who married a daughter of Emmo, Count of Hesbaye. Vanderkindere suggested that this accounted for the use of the name Emmo in the generations following Gislebert.

Emmo married Suanhildis, who was possibly the daughter of Dirk III Hierosolymita, Count of Holland, and Othelandis of Nordmarck. Emmo and Suanhildis had four children:
##Sophie (d. 1065) married Géza I, King of Hungary. It is uncertain whether the subsequent dynasty of Kings of Hungary were the descendants of Sophie or Géza’s second wife.
##Arnold I, Count of Looz
##Thierry de Looz (d. after April 1125), Count of Horn. Thierry’s son Herman van Horne was Bishop of Utrecht (1150-1156)
##Renaud, first Abbot of Averboden.

Emmo was succeeded as Count of Looz by his son Arnold upon his death.


Baerten, J., "Les origines des comtes de Looz et la formation territoriale du comté", Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire 43 (2), 1965

Medieval Lands Project, Comtes de Looz

Vanderkindere, Léon, La Formation territoriale des principautés belges au Moyen Âge, Bruxelles, H. Lamertin, 1902

I made it public.

Sharon the rest are still privet .Is it possible to change all the others to public too that are attached to Arnold's other profile?

here is yet another profile that has been disconnected to the geni tree of Werner I van Rode managed by Justin.

I don't understand why?

Werner I van Rode

(Ritter en Voogd Te Kerpen) Werner van Rode

are the same person but looks like there are some work to be done



same person!

Huge chunks of copy and paste make it harder to follow your conversation. Just post a link to the wiki page rather than posting the whole page.

If time permits i will tidy the van Bronkhorst line tonight

I don't see how its harder to follow. If you open the links it says the same thing., but whatever make you happy.

There are a few different branches of "van Rode on geni, Arnold I, lord of Rode

Gerard I van Schelderode, Dominus de Roden, heer van Schelderode

was wondering if someone that can read Dutch could read through this E book;pg=PA221&amp;lpg=...

Maybe they are the fame branch and should be connected.

I have looked up the article which describes the theory that Hans Vogels put forward about why he thinks Arnold I of Rode might have been married to a daughter of Siegfried of Walbeck and Guda of Valkenburg. About the ancestry of Arnold I himself all Dutch historians are very clear: at the moment nothing is known about it

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