Looks as though somebody fixed her dates, but other problems remain. According to MedLands, Thibaut and (Elizabeth - Cawley says her name is not known) are only documented to have had one surviving child, Guy. Milo was Guy's son, not Thibaut's - Thibaut was his *grandfather*.
Guy married Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté, and their children were:
Milo I de Bray
Guy II "le Rouge"
Melisende (l'ainée) m. Hugues de Rethel
Melisende "Caravecina" m. Pons de Traînel
There are two unexplained Montlhéry relatives:
Milon de Montlhéry (d. after 1034), who had a son Hugues (d. after 1074)
Dreux de Montlhéry (d. after 1034), possibly a brother of Milo, as they co-witnessed the same charter in 1034.
The dating suggests that they were not sons of Thibaut, but they may possibly have been his brothers (or same-generation cousins).
Milo de Bray had 10 children, but none of them was a daughter Eustachie.
I think Cawley reorganized things again, but here's his list for Montlhery: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/parcorroc.htm#_Toc495733088
I'm starting to see some shape to this, but it's a timey-wimey mess-up.
Thibaut de Montlhery had a wife, name unknown, and *one child*, Guy [I] de Montlhery.
Guy married Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté, and they had a whole bunch of children:
* MILON "le Grand" de Bray, m LITHUAISE Vicomtesse de Troyes and had about 10 children (q.v. separately).
* GUY [II] “le Rouge” (-1108), an early Comte de Rochefort, m. Elisabeth NN (has been identified as "Elisabeth de Crecy", but not in any primary source) and Adelais de Crécy, widow of Bouchard [II] Comte de Corbeil - the order of his marriages has been disputed. Biotte de Montlhéry was apparently HIS daughter, probably by his first wife (whichever one she was) - but the only documentation for her is very late indeed (1630).
* Melisende "l'ainee", m. Hugues de Rethel
* Alix, m. Hugues [I] "Blavons" de Breteuil
* Melisende "Bona-vecina/Caravecina", m Pons de Traînel Seigneur de Pont-sur-Sein
* Isabelle, m. Joscelin de Courtenay (second wife)
* Hodierne alias Ernesende, m [Gauthier Seigneur de Saint-Valéry-en-Caux].
I'm going to give THibault a NN wife, and disconnect Elizabeth de Crecy, Dame de Chevreuse as his wife
Removing Bouchard I de Bray, seigneur de Montmorency and Hildegarde de Blois as parents of Thibaut “Filans-stupas/File-Etoupes
"No primary source has been found that indicates that Thibaut was related to the seigneurs de Montmorency. "http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/parcorroc.htm#_Toc495733088