As say in https://www.geni.com/discussions/167368?msg=1159767
Incredible, this profil is not MP
To be or not to be MP ?
If Élisabeth Borne become again living, a respectable member of french government dissapear (get again private) of listing.
It is difficult to find a french curator to MP such profils. If you ave one I take it.
Pierre Quenee - You refer to Elisabeth as "a respectable member of french government" in comment above - but that info does NOT appear on her Profile. Perhaps add some info and/or link to info about her in her About - yes?
For Elisabeth, The info appear in her association of project
and in the notice (copy of Wikipedia) two month ago. What else ?
French Government (41th) not MP
Nicole Frier
Jacques Mézard
Gérald Moussa Darmanin
Laura Flessel
Marlène Schiappa
Sophie Cluzel
Great french actors and singers not yet deceased ( not deceased by me)
Michel Piccoli
with private duplicate
Michel Piccoli
Jacques Dutronc
who is a french singer (Jacques Dutronc)
and his son, so a french singer
(Thomas Dutronc)
Pierre Quenee I am having trouble with Aimé Marius Deneuve & Lucie Dolène if someone else can try. The rest are made MP, and merci pour votre travail.
actors and actress
living :
Pierre Richard
deceased :