Helena Torildsdatter, Queen of Sweden - Death and Burial

Started by Richard Furno on Saturday, February 25, 2017
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2/25/2017 at 1:26 PM

When I get to extract information from Geni for Helena Torildsdatter, I get a death of 1140 and a burial of 1100. Not good.

2/25/2017 at 1:37 PM

She was born 1060 and death 1105

Private User
2/25/2017 at 1:40 PM

Jeg har fjernet fødselsinformasjon (har inntrykk at amerikanere som er de som oftest dikter opp slik informasjon alltid bruker Uppsala som fødested for alle fra Norden) der det ikke finnes noen dokumentasjon, samt dødsår som du sier er feil da kilder sier børjan av 1100.

2/26/2017 at 12:51 PM

If bad information is coming from the US, I apologize. The US has a lot to apologize for these days.

3/6/2017 at 7:35 PM

she founded Sweden's first known nunnery, the Benedictine Vreta Abbey in Östergötland, jointly with her spouse some time between 1090[4] and 1100. She donated twenty estates in Östergötland to the convent upon its foundation[5], estates believed to have been the queen's, possibly as a dowry, or as an inheritance after her brother Sweyn. After the death of her spouse in c. 1105, Queen Dowager Helena enterred the Vreta Abbey as a nun.
Queen Helena or Elin has long been confused in history with Saint Helena of Skövde (d.1135), who lived in Sweden during the same period. This is a misconception which has no support from historians now.
I have her down as 1070-1140 [70]

Helena´s parents are mentioned in Geni as Torild Totinsson, King of Sweden and Cecilia. Medieval Lands Project doesn´t know parents to Helena. Where is Helena mentioned as daughter of Torild, the source?
Who was this Torild? He was not a king for sure in Sweden.

From Medieval Lands Project:
" HELENA, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by a charter dated 1194/95, reciting the consanguinity between Philippe II King of France and his second wife Ingebjörg of Denmark, on which their divorce was based, which names “Cristinæ Reginæ…filia…Ingonis Suevorum Regis et Helena Reginæ”[94]. Presumably Helena originated in Russia where her husband allegedly lived before 1080. She is first named in Abbot William's genealogy of the Danish kings written in [1194][95]. Her possible Russian or Byzantine origin, and whether the series of Greek names were introduced into the Swedish royal family through her influence, is discussed by M. Sjöström[96]. m secondly MAER, sister of BLOT-SVEN [later King of Sweden]. She is the wife attributed to King Inge in the Sagas, but as "Maer" means "the maiden" she may be identical with his first wife shown above[97]. However, Sjöström suggests that Queen Helena´s religious donations indicate that this is unlikely to be correct because Blot-Sven is recorded in primary sources as a heathen[98]. "

(No Name)
4/8/2018 at 7:47 PM

Queen Helena Torildsdotter is your 27th great grandmother.
→ Marjorie Ann McLean
your mother → James Forrest McLean
her father → Jared Sylvester McLean
his father → Thomas Ashton McLean, Jr
his father → Elizabeth June Crow
his mother → Thomas Crow
her father → Rachel Crow
his mother → Catherine Craven
her mother → Pieter Barentsen Van Horn
her father → Barent Christiansen van Horn
his father → Christian Barentsen van Hoorn
his father → Barent Barentszoon van Hoorn
his father → Christian Filipsz. Von Hoorn aka Christian Barent van Hoorn
his father → Anna Emilia Walburgis von Neuenahr-Alpen
his mother → Anna von Runkel, Gräfin von Moers
her mother → Margaretha von Moers
her mother → Elisabeth von Rodemachern
her mother → Margarethe van Nassau
her mother → Philipp I, Graf von Nassau-Weilburg
her father → Johann I, Graf von Nassau-Weilburg
his father → Agnes von Hessen
his mother → Heinrich 'The Younger' Brabant, Herzog
her father → Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
his mother → Otto I, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
her father → Helene Valdemarsdottir
his mother → Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark
her father → Ingeborg of Kiev
his mother → Princess Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden
her mother → Queen Helena Torildsdotter
her mother

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