He was the son of one of Geoffrey's many mistresses. He was raised in the household. His mother died when he was still quite young. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamelin_de_Warenne,_Earl_of_Surrey

He was the son of one of Geoffrey's many mistresses. He was raised in the household. His mother died when he was still quite young. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamelin_de_Warenne,_Earl_of_Surrey
Pam Wilson (on hiatus), as you are the curator of this profile I would be reluctant to make a change especially as there are conflicting references in the about me for the profile.
Here's another short article about Hamelin. The author recommends Dan Jones' The Plantagenets -- I recommend it, too. Great book. It's non-fiction but reads like a novel.
De Angers literally means of or from Angers. My maiden name, Lovier, was originally de Louviers, meaning my father's family came from Louviers, in Normandy. Angers was the capital of Anjou, in France, where the Planagenet line began. People from Anjou were called Angevins, a name also applied to the Plantagenet kings. Geoffrey of Anjou married Henry I's daughter, the Empress Matilda and they started the Angevin dynasty which ruled England for 331 years.