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Capt Jesse Evans
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Birth: 1759
Death: Jul. 29, 1843
Bonnots Mill
Osage County
Missouri, USA
Jesse Evans's February 1839 declaration for his veteran's pension states that he was then 79 years old. He served as a captain in the Revolutionary War under George Rogers Clark at Kaskaskia and Vincennes after their capture, then served as a recruiter for Clark in North Carolina and Virginia. After the war, he returned to southwestern Virginia where he helped establish the town of Evansham (now named Wytheville). In 1815, he moved with his children to the Missouri territory and settled at the village of Cote Sans Dessein. In 1828, he moved across the Missouri River to what would become Osage County and began acquiring federal land patents there. In 2000, a marker provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs was placed by the Osage County Historical Society on his property