Currently the birth location is set as "Stettin (Szczecin), Pomerania, Pressen, Germany, now Poland"
Which refers to this city:
In 1616, the year of Evert's birth, Szczecin was a city in the
I am not sure if "Pomerania" is accurate or time appropriate.
I think "Pressen" is perhaps a reference to Prussia? Again not sure of accuracy or appropriateness.
"Germany" is clearly wrong as that political entity didn't appear for nearly another 300 years.
Evert's marriage records show he was from "Statijn", amongst many spelling variations for Szczecin, listed here , is "Stettyn (Afrikaans)".
I think it is a very strong correlation between 17th century Dutch (with all it's spelling vagaries) and modern Afrikaans, ie. Statijn > Statyn > Stettyn
Based on this while it is not historically appropriate i think the most intelligent Birth Location to list on the profile would be using the Google API data = "Szczecin, Szczecin, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland".
Then a brief explanation in the About to expalin.
What say you MvB? The data field is locked so I am playing nice today and "consulting" rather than bull-dozing :)