There was a famous figure in 17th century Krakow called Aryeh Leib. As https://www.geni.com/people/Yigal-Burstein-יגאל-בורשטיין/2834724 already points out there is confusion if there was one of them or two. i.e. Rabbi Arye-Leib Fishles Kalusner/Kloisner, [der Hoicher of Cracow] and Rabbi Aryeh Leib Sobotka, [Shpolar Zeide I of Krakow].
I found here http://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=640&st=&pgnum=131 two people mentioned as descendants of Aryeh Leib of Krakow, R' Samuel Folkenfeld, A.B.D. Bilgoraj, Przeworsk, Tarnopol and Posen and R' Moses Solomon Zalman Zamosc, A.B.D. Cracow, formerly A.B.D. Koretz (Korec) (brother of R' Zvi Hirsch Zamosc, A.B.D. Tomaszow). Neither of these are currently connected as grandchildren of either Aryeh Leib. Can anyone help?
Private User
Does this information help your question
Note: In this family there is a marriage between cousins (both descendants of rashi)
@Samuel, it looks like the correct 17th century rabbi from Krakow is Rabbi Aryeh Leib Löwenstam
He is the great grandfather Fokenfiled.The other descendent you mention is descended from a duplicate, and less fleshed out version of the Arye-Leib Lowenstanm above, who was brother to the Hart Lion.... PLEASE don't try to merge the profile above with the others, until we do further research. Not only is he my 8th great grandfather (and likely yours) his profile is very fleshed out! Thanks, cousins!
Private User
Private User
I checked back generations, and found a very large pdf file in hebrew, according to what is written in the father's name of :
Rabbi Naftuli Hirsch (Hertzki) Krakowitz Fum, ABD Lvov
he is not
R' R' Menachem Mendel Krakowitz Fum, (A.B.D. Krakavitz)
His name is:
rabbi moshe herzki, also written names of : his wife's father, his brother-in-law and more (unfortunately, the name of his wife , not written
If any of you are interested in checking, I will send you the link to the file (as I wrote in Hebrew)
Thanks Private User.
As it is now, neither R' Samuel Folkenfeld, A.B.D. Bilgoraj, Przeworsk, Tarnopol and Posen nor R' Moses Solomon Zalman Zamosc, A.B.D. Cracow, formerly A.B.D. Koretz (Korec) are descended from Rabbi Aryeh Leib Löwenstam, I don't think they were either.
The clue may lie in the fact that R' Moses Solomon Zalman Zamosc, A.B.D. Cracow, formerly A.B.D. Koretz (Korec) is descended from Aryey Leib, "Der Hoicher". This profile, and that of his wife's look like duplicates of Rabbi Arye-Leib Fishles Kalusner/Kloisner, [der Hoicher of Cracow] or Rabbi Aryeh Leib Sobotka, [Shpolar Zeide I of Krakow] and Yehudit (Jute) Kloisner/Saba.
If you'd take a look at these profiles you'd see there is a lot of confusion in this area of the tree. How many Aryeh Leib of Krakows were there? etc. Yigal has been doing a super job curating this area but the same mistakes have been copied across various books and trees countless times over the years. I don't think it'll help finding more online trees to add to the confusion...
(P.S. Arye will almost always go with Leib. Leib could either be a nickname for Yehuda or Aryeh).