It is well recorded that Rabbi Raphael Ziskind Cohen, Chief Rabbi of Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbek was a descendant of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim".
On Geni the route is: Rabbi Raphael Ziskind Cohen, Chief Rabbi of Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbek son of Yekutiel Susskind Katz - Kohn son of Rabbi Pesach Jehuda Cohen son of Rabbi Moshe HaKohen Katz, ABD Podhajce, Podolia] Shach s.#1 son of HaRav Shabty Ashkenazi HaCohen Katz, the "SHaCH" son of Rabbi Meir Hakohen Katz Ashkenazi son of Golda Bingen Katz daughter of Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King) son of Abigail Ogla Katzenellenbogen daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim".
A few points:
1) I heard the true route goes through the mother of Reb Rephoel's father - https://www.geni.com/people/רבנית-כהן-קוהן-Rbz-Kohn-Cohen/600000000...
2) Haven't found recorded that Reb Rephoel was a descendant of HaRav Shabty Ashkenazi HaCohen Katz, the "SHaCH". This begs an explanation.
3) The age gap according to Geni between Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King) and his given grandfather Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim" is 11 years - unlikely!
Whilst I'm at it I refer everyone to this discussion about Reb Rephoel's wife - https://www.geni.com/discussions/163223.
According to geni, R. Mordechai ben Avraham Jaffe - "Ba'al HaLevushim" was the grandfather of HaRav Shabty HaCohen Katz, HaShakh's aunt:
HaRav Shabty HaCohen Katz, HaShakh - הש״ך →
Rabbi Meir Hakohen Katz Ashkenazi his father →
R Eliezer Katz his brother →
Mother-of-Yechiel-Michel M'Nemirov Katz Hacohen his wife →
Bella Epstein her mother →
Rabbi Mordechai ben Avraham Jaffe "Ba'al HaLevushim" her father
HaRav Shabty HaCohen Katz, HaShakh, was the 2nd great grandfather of Rabbi Refoel:
Rabbi Raphael Ziskind Cohen, Chief Rabbi of Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbek
son of Yekutiel Susskind Cohen
son of Rabbi P. Jehuda Cohen - Kohn
son of Moshe HaCohen Katz
son of HaRav Shabty HaCohen Katz, HaShakh - הש״ך
As such, Rabbi Raphael Ziskind Cohen, Chief Rabbi of Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbek was the second great grandson of the nephew of the granddaughter of Rabbi Mordechai ben Avraham Jaffe "Ba'al HaLevushim."
Thanks Howard Lesser. It does seem however that Rabbi Raphael Ziskind Cohen, Chief Rabbi of Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbek was a direct grandson of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim", he himself writes so. Raphael Jaffe, ABD of Peisern (Pyzdry) was also a direct grandson, and I'm wondering if they were both descended from a common grandfather Raphael, descendant of Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim", although in Rabbi Raphael Ziskind Cohen, Chief Rabbi of Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbek 's letter at the begining of Raphael Jaffe, ABD of Peisern (Pyzdry) 's work there is no mention of this.
Rabbis Raphael Ziskind Cohen (b.1722) and Mordechai ben Avraham Jaffe (b.1530) are seven generations apart. I don't understand the argument that he could have been "Halevush's" grandson.
As for Raphael Jaffe, ABD of Peisern (Pyzdry), I can't find any connection, either to "HaLevush" or to Raphael Ziskind Cohen.