This profile, Lijsbeth Voet, has two "SmartCopy" references in it's About. Looking at the data in the profile and then looking at the family trees that the two links lead two I think the process needs to be renamed as "DumbCopy", or just "Copy".
Birth of Roelof Hendricksen
Birth of Femmetje Hendricksen
Dreuth? Surely this means Drenth(e)
Mappelen? Meppel?
What ever the answer the complete lack of consistency and basic Dutch geography blows a giant hole in the author's credibility.
"Marriage of Hendrick to Ann Jans; Mappel, Drenthe, Netherlands"
If they really did marry in Drenthe the question becomes, Why?
She is born Groningen, he is born Gelderland, opposite ends of the country. Meppel, in Drenthe, is a little village about 1/2 way between Groningen and Gelderland did they just walk towards each other until they collided?
5 years after her death her husband, Hendrick Hendrickse van den Oever, dies in Monmouth,New Jersey,USA ... which doesn't exist for another 50 years.
The year after her husband dies (so 6 years after she dies) the couple's daughter, Annetje Hendricks, is born back in the Netherlands.
Fact, fiction, fantasy? What is the point of these profiles if they are clearly wrong and there is no way to correct them?
Was Ann born in Mappelen or Meppel? We cant correct it because we don't know what Mappelen is. We can't change it to Meppel because that is just a guess. We can't check the baptismal records of Meppel because they don't exist before 1626... so where is this data coming from?
Okay, after some digging I need to retract one of my earlier statements, I have found a reference to Laeckervelt being a manor near Vianen. So is the husband from Vianen? Unfortunately for us Vianen is in Utrecht
Hendrick is apparently from Gelderland, Ann is apparently from either Groningen or Drenthe and dies in North Brabant, now we are adding Utrecht into the mix we almost have all of the provinces covered by one couple.
The comments section is solid gold
The reference to Laeckervelt brought me to this couple Annetje Janse and Hendrick Adriaense van den Burghgraeff i wonder if the MyHeritage trees are garbled versions of these people. Very hard to tell, at first glance not but ...
As a Humphrey Bogart fan I am aware of his (supposed) ancestry. Tops at
Jan Janszoon van Haarlem, aka Murat Reis the Younger
In his profile:
Possible other children:
Symon Jansz
Hendrick Jansen
Anne Jan Jans (daughter of Jannetye)
Several merges later ....
From the notes in the profile for Hendrick Hendrickse van den Oever
Likelier candidates for Maycken's parents are Hendrick Hendricksen van den Oever and Lysbet Voet. This is supported by Maycken herself appearing (even when no parents are mentioned) with the place-surname van den Oever, which means "of the seashore" or "riverbank." Although this could apply to a large percentage of 17th Century Netherlanders, ~jabberwocky's Peter van Maanen reminds us there was a wealthy Van (den) Oever clan who intermarried with the Houses of Van Haeften, Van Naeldwijk, and Van Cuijck van Meteren—as illustrated in the Van Haeften / Van Oever Tree.
Possible Siblings
Two other Hendrickses from Meppel preceded Maycken to New Amsterdam: Roeloft, a farmhand, and Femmetje, a "maiden," came circa 1659-61 on De Trouw (the Faith). At the New Amsterdam Reformed Dutch Church in the Spring of 1663, Femmetje Hendricks van Meppel married Joost Adriaenszen van Pynacker, who had been a fellow passenger aboard De Trouw. Then in October 1668, widower Joost married Lysbet Willems Krom, the eldest daughter of Maycken Hendricks. From these correlations, Maycken "is supposed to have been the sister of Femmetjen Hendricksen"—though this would indicate that Joost Adriaenszen married his late wife's teenaged niece.
But others dissent, convincingly. Femmetje's sister, they say, was named Hilletje, and their brother's name was Roeloff. Hilletje, widow of the soldier Andries Barentsen, married Albert Jansen of Steenwyck in 1664. Later that year, Roeloff (now a carpenter) married Aeltje Lubberse of Elburgh. Also in 1664, Femmetje and Joost's daughter Maertje was baptized; the witnesses were Roeloff, Hilletje, and Albert Jansen. Not till Joost married Lysbet four years later was there any authenticated tie between these siblings and Maycken—other than their all hailing from Meppel, and having fathers named Hendrick.
and remember that Annetje Hendricks is supposed to have been a sister of Femmetje & Roeloff, they are always attending baptisms for each other's children in that their Kingston / Brabant area. Until chased away by the Indians, anyway.
Well, the Anneken Hendricks siblings parents appear unknown.
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Van_den_Oever-9
The Krom-van Meteren Extended Family
Though now well understood, this extended family is slowly recovering from former misunderstandings, yet confusion persists. Details will follow, but briefly, this family lived in Gelderland along the Waal River between Zaltbommel and Tiel. In 1645, Maycken Hendrickse van den Oever married 1st Willem Gijsbertse Krom. About 12 years later, he died and she married 2nd Jan Joosten van Meteren. In 1662, Jan and Maycken immigrated to New Netherland with her infant son by Jan Joosten, and her four older Krom children.
Earlier researchers misunderstood Maycken's identity in two different ways.
Some have believed that Maycken was the sister of siblings Femmetje, Roelof and Hillitje Hendrickse van Meppel. There doesn't appear to have been any relationship between this family and Maycken until Femmetje's widower, Joost Adriaensz Molenaer, married Maycken's daughter Lysbet.
Maycken has also been confused with the completely unrelated Maycke Hendrieux Van Der Burchgraeff , daughter of Hendrick Adriense van der Burchgraeff (also known as Hendrick of Laeckervelt) and Annetje Jans.
Her [Mackyen] parents lived at Zaltbommel, Gelderland, Netherlands. She was probably born there c.1624. Some say 12 Dec 1624 at Meppel, Drenthe, Netherlands, but this derives from the erroneous belief that she was the sister of Femmetje, Roelof and Hilletje Hendrickse of Meppel.
So - the siblings were from Meppel, and the "captured by Indians" was from Zaltbommel.
Despite the name change Lijsbeth Voet's Timeline is still a mess with children born 12 years after her death.
This tree appears correct Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burghgraeff but there are fragments from the Lijsbeth Voet tree that may belong there. I don't know the other siblings of Maijken Hendricks van den Oever
Where is the idea that Annetje Hendricks is "supposed to have been a sister of Femmetje & Roeloff" from?
If Roelof and Femmetje come from from Meppel then Annetje's marriage suggests otherwise, listing her as a local girl "van N. Amsterdam"
1653 25 Oct; Jan Janszen van Oostersont; Anneken Hendricks, van N. Amsterdam
The connection between Jan Jansen van Osterwout & the Hendricks persisting after Annetje's death.
I read that article as a listing of various people with the patronym Hendricks not a specific family group.
The only link i see is that Femmetje was a witness at the baptism of Lysbet Oosterwout in 1663, that does not prove she was the sister of the father's former wife.
I can't see anywhere that it states Annetje was a sister of anyone.
Alex and Erica, i am following your discussion with much interest. Because i have family from my mothers side, van Meteren and Burggraaf.
So the are also connected with that famous couple who immigrated to the USA.
It seems what i can see that there are maybe two family's in one story.
But also the city's mentioned in the story are not 100% correct.
Drueth can also be Druten in Gelderland, and Oisterwijk can also be Oosterwijk in Gelderland, that makes more sense to the story.
I am trying to find out what or is Mappelen, it is almost impossible that that is Meppel in Drenthe. it is too far away from each other.
So i am working at the moment what is that Mappelen and where is it.
To see a map around the year 1800 go to http://www.topotijdreis.nl/ and type oosterwijk and/or druten.