A lineage document with a lot of mysteries!!

Started by Private User on Thursday, November 10, 2016
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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I have uploaded here (https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjB-Z-O4Zw-PbRErqbGWFAn2Pns) a document written by a Yehoshua Levi (descendant of the famous Levi family of Jerusalem descendants of Rabbi Avraham from Pozna, Rabbi of Slesin). In it are a lot of clues, insights and mysteries. It would be great if collectively we could piece this all together.

I list a couple:

1) It says Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Leib Margaliyos, A.B.D. Exin (Kcynia) was a descendant of Rabbi Naftali Katz II, haKohen and that he was the same person as Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Leib Margaliyos, A.B.D. Exin (Kcynia). Please see this discussion: https://www.geni.com/discussions/161549.

2) A brother of the aforementioned Moshe Aryeh Leib is given as Yochanon ABD of Markisch Friedland. Now, that must be Rabbi Yohanan, ABD Markisch Friedland. They definitely lived the same time! Meaning Rabbi Yohanan, ABD Markisch Friedland was a descendant of Rabbi Naftali Katz II, haKohen! It doesn't really tie in, beacuse later on in this document he says Rabbi Avrohom Margaliyos - Perl, A.B.D. Freystadt (Kisielice) married a descendant of Meir Kremnitzer, of Kalish, not mentioning that he was anyway descended. So...

Would really appreciate if you could help.

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