@Stuart Baillie Strong Hi Morgan, my name is Stuart Baillie Strong. I am also Haplogroup H6a1b2 as tested by Family Tree DNA. I suspect you're going to find it difficult to find where your maternal ancestors come from as I don't think 23andMe goes into enough detail. There is a web site called mtDNA Community which has some information on us (http://www.mtdnacommunity.org) . It breaks Haplogroup H6a1b2 down into four subclaves - unfortunately my extra 'private' mutations don't fit any of these. Nevertheless the people there are from Denmark, France (specifically Montbeliard, near Switzerland), Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom (specifically Lancashire), and Spain(specifically Galicia). Genbank (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/) has 45 H6a1b2s out of 30,000 so we're pretty rare! My closest Genbank person comes from Scotland shares two of my private mutations but not a third and he/she has another mutation I don't have. My maternal ancestors also come from Scotland so I suppose I am getting closer to finding an exact MtDNA match. All the best.
Stuart Baillie Strong I know this is an old thread, but thanks for the info and links. Mine is also H6a1b2 and I thought I was just from England, Wales and Scotland, but my NA results are indicating Ireland as the source of most of my matches. Time for a rethink ;)
Morgan Conlan Hope you had some success with this.
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