Amelia Earhart - Place of death/burial?

Started by Private User on Friday, November 4, 2016
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Private User
11/4/2016 at 9:52 AM

The profile has been updated to give a "best guess" place of death. There is also a burial location.

I'm not comfortable with using a Facebook feed as a source for this:

Shouldn't we just leave the place of death blank, or go with something like "Pacific Ocean"? Same with place of burial?

Private User
11/4/2016 at 11:39 AM

I think you should leave the place of death blank .

Private User
11/4/2016 at 11:57 AM

For place of death and place of burial, I'd either leave blank, or state, unknown.

Private User
11/4/2016 at 1:18 PM

We should also probably note through a curator comment that her legal date of death, in abstentia, is January 5, 1939. Certain records use that date, so it's important to have it at hand.

11/5/2016 at 2:14 PM

It's actually Yahoo news that was posted to Fb... but yes... I feel you. I just thought it was interesting and might be of interest to the others, researching her disappearance etc. so, I added it, "for information".
The place of death was not updated by me... but someone else had apparently previous to my adding that link,... put it there, with the note, that it was only speculative.

11/5/2016 at 2:23 PM

Looking at the revisions page, it looks like Phillip J. Decker made the changes to death and burial then, locked those fields.
He's also, changed her parent sets... back and forth, quite a few times, for whatever reason.

Amelia Earhart's profile was locked by Philip J. Decker. birth, burial, death, gender, living status and name « less
Jun 11, 2014 at 2:25 AM

Amelia Earhart's profile was updated by Philip J. Decker. burial and death
Jun 11, 2014 at 2:25 AM · view

Amelia Earhart's profile was unlocked by Philip J. Decker. burial and death
Jun 11, 2014 at 2:25 AM

11/6/2016 at 9:59 PM

Here is one more link, from a television news Chanel 8... which supports the previously posted Yahoo, article.

Private User
11/7/2016 at 3:22 AM

The article is just speculation, however, so it doesn't tell us anything citable. I'm not sure what we'd gain from uploading that, other than more confusion. New speculation comes out about her all the time and nothing ever comes of it, so we need to be cautious.

Private User, do you want to weigh in? Otherwise, I'm going to start makimg edits.

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