The birth date shown for "Anne Paine Hopkins" is the birth date of Ann Fuller of Norfolk, sister of Edward and Samuel Fuller (both Mayflower). John Nicholas Hopkins and Mary Poore have no records and are hold-overs from when people were trying to make anyone with the right last name the parents of Stephen Hopkins of the Mayflower.
The Mayflower Society, New England Historic Genealogical Society's Publication "Great Migration Begins" and Fuller researchers and historians agree that no one knows her first or last name. "Ann" didn't work out.
Search 2 blank ____ lines _____ for Edward Fuller;s wife at " Great Migration . . .." p712 (image #787) pub by NEHGS in 1995.
Search Third Supplement (published 2003) to Torrey's "New England Marriages Prior to 1700" for EDWARD FULLER His wife's first name has been removed (Torrey never had a last name for her) and her first and last names are now two blank ______ lines ______ at's current Green Leaf Hint for Mrs. Fuller's name is using the 2004 REPRINT of the original 1985 edition using Torrey's pre-1963 notes that he got from old books like Savage's who probably got "Ann" confused with the wife of Edward Tilley or sister Ann Fuller.
No known connection between any Hopkins family in England and the Fullers. No records in England or America of the name of Edward Fuller.
We don't know the exact dates of death for the Fuller couple.