Reb Raphael of Peiser

Started by Private User on Tuesday, August 30, 2016
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Under the list of the Jaffa Rabinical Family profile number 50 is Raphael of Peiser. (I believe it should be a new number, it seems mixed into that of Menachem Mendel Jaffe). He is the son of Yaacov. He also authored Gulas Tachtiyoth as well as Or Layesharim. Could anyone locate his profile on Geni. Does anyone have any more information on him, his lineage and descendants? I think he is from the Margoliyos/Perla branch. Thanks.

From his introduction to his book Or Layesharim it seems that he doesn't have any offspring. (I posted a link to this book in the previous post). However in the approbation from Rabbi Binyomin of Korotschin (R' Benjamin Katzenellenbogen, Rosh Beth Din Krotoschin) he refers to Rabbi Refael as "mechutani" implying their children married. Unless this term was used in a looser sense. I do happen to know a family who claim to be descended from this Rabbi Refoel, all in all a bit confusing......

'Mechutani' used by R' Benjamin Katzenellenbogen, Rosh Beth Din Krotoschin probably was used in the sense that Raphael was a brother of either Sophie Katzenellenbogen or Eva Katzenellenbogen or perhaps some other unkown daughter or son in law of R' Benjamin Katzenellenbogen, Rosh Beth Din Krotoschin.

What we know about Raphael of Peiser: He served as a Dayan in Peiser. His father's name was Yaakov. His wife was called Golda. Her father was called Leib. Raphael was descended from Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, Ba׳al "Halevushim". He was probably born around 1735. Was still alive in 1805.

In the he is mentioned at number 50. But there seems to be some kind of mistake there, looks like he's been mixed together with someone else.

R' Benjamin Katzenellenbogen, Rosh Beth Din Krotoschin's profile has been updated. It is now clear that R' Benjamin Katzenellenbogen, Rosh Beth Din Krotoschin had no children. Therefore 'mechutani' could not have meant the marriage of their children. Perhaps Raphael Jaffe, ABD of Peisern (Pyzdry) was a brother of Yota Katzenellenbogen?

Private User,

That is not listed in Dr. Rosenstein's 3rd edition, volume 1 of "The Unbroken Chain".

Is Raphael Jaffe, ABD of Peisern (Pyzdry) brought in any of his books? Does he give Yota Katzenellenbogen's birth surname or father's first name?

The answer to your first question is not yet. The answer to the second question is no.

Private User I was interested to read your thread and would like to add what I have found. I understood that he was also known as Raphael Pyzer. His book Gulat Tachtiyot was published after his death by his wife Rachel and three sons - Michael Shimon, Aharon and Yosef - from the front page of the book.

My interest in him is that my Great Grandfather was also Raphael Pyzer. The family story that the name Pyzer came from the town that they came from. I am trying so far unsuccessfully to find a connection.

If you have any further information I would be very interested.

Thanks Private User. It's news to me that he was known as Rapahel Pyzer but definitely possible.
As to the additional family members you've named, if you look at his book's title page you'll see those names are of the printers and are not his relatives. His wife was actually called Golda as I've stated above and probably didn't have any children.
I've found this profile - Raphel Peyser, it might interest you.

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