I see somebody put her back on the Clare tree based on assumptions made by Cawley at FMG. He *doesn't have* primary documentation for her parentage, and he is IGNORING the explicit statement that she was "sister of the treasurer of the church at York" - as well as the lack of ANY Clare sons having anything to do with York Minster.
Cawley *can* get things wrong - he made a right mess of the early Camvilles due to Emma Siggins White Disease, for instance - and should by no means be taken as the Final Authority.
York is not a place where you find Clares. Cleres, on the other hand, do turn up in the neighborhood.
Private User do you have alternative primary sources for the de Cleres which would help us place her? Are you relying solely on Cawley below?
MATILDA (-bur Stanlow Priory). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not been identified. A manuscript history of the Lacy family names “Matildam de Clare sororem thesaurarii Eborum ecclesie” as wife of Roger, son of John Constable of Chester, adding that she was buried “in choro monachorum de Stanlaw” with her husband[880]. m ROGER FitzJohn de Lacy, son of JOHN FitzRobert Constable of Chester & his wife Alice --- (-1211, bur Stanlow Priory). http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISH%20NOBILITY%20MEDIEVAL1.htm#...
would you suggest the lack of primary source for the marriage means we should isolate her profile altogether?
cf http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISHNOBILITYMEDIEVAL3T-Z.htm#Rog...
Dictionoary of National Biography (a relatively modern secondary source) came down on the "Clere" side of the question: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Dictionary_of_National_Biography,_18...
Soc. genealogy.medieval has been exercised about the question for something like three decades now, without reaching a clear consensus. This post https://groups.google.com/g/soc.genealogy.medieval/c/EDthyh06leQ/m/... goes over the various treasurers of York, what little is known about them, and which ones are plausible brothers of Maud.
Something that doesn't get gone into is the ramifications of "William de Rotherfield" being in the picture, under Archbishop of York Walter de Grey *of Rotherfield Greys*. (That is, the Archbishop bought Rotherfield Greys from a kinswoman and subinfeudated it to his brother Robert.) While there was a minor gentry Rotherfield family in North Yorkshire, it wouldn't do to overlook the possibility that we have an obscure Grey connection.
There's also the sticky little detail that if Maud were a Clare, daughter of Roger de Clare, her granddaughter Maud de Lacy would have required a Papal dispensation to marry Richard de Clare - they would have been second cousins once removed. A Clere (or Grey) connection would encounter no such obstacle.
The whole Clare/Clere problem is a problem only because time has forgotten the Cleres and most of their documentation, if it ever existed, has been lost. This leads unwary researchers to jump to the conclusion that any poorly documented "Clere" "must" be a Clare.
I still remember the gymkhana we went through over Amice de CLARE and Avice de CLERE. Very similar names, very different geography, very different husbands and destinies (Avice married a Yorkshireman, Nigel de Plumpton - very appropriate for a Yorkshire gal).
https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Dictionary_of_National_Biography,_18... this isn't citing primary sources for the marriage either.
Happy to change her to Clere and remove her as a Clare child, on your points.
Concerned that the only source for her marriage to de Lacy appears to be a manuscript history of the Lacy family name that we're discrediting.
This Kirkstall Coucher Book that states that Maud was sister
of the treasurer of York, and includes a separate mention of William "the
treasurer of York" in 1225. https://groups.google.com/g/soc.genealogy.medieval/c/EDthyh06leQ/m/...
Still trying to find the date of above book.
When I did so I realised that Roger de Lacy descended from
Gilbert fitz Richard de Clare in the female line. https://groups.google.com/g/soc.genealogy.medieval/c/EDthyh06leQ/m/...
There's an Archive copy of the published book (dates 1896, 1904) at https://archive.org/details/coucherbookofcis00kirkrich/page/n7/mode...
The contents are an assortment of records from the 13th-14th centuries, mostly in Latin, and the relevant reference is in the middle of page 241: https://archive.org/details/coucherbookofcis00kirkrich/page/240/mod...
Sed et iste Rogerus constabularius duxit in uxorem Matildem de Clere,^ sororem thesaurarii Eboracensis Ecclesie, de qua genuit Johannem constabularium. Tempore quoque istius Rogeri constabularii fuit quidam comes Cestrie qui vocabatur Ranulphus,^
There is a quibble in the footnotes that an earlier MS. had "Clare", and a cross-reference to Ormerod's History of Cheshire, vol 1, p. 511 https://archive.org/details/historyofcountyp00orme/page/510/mode/2up wherein he points out that the only known Clare treasurer of York, Bevis de Clare, had no sister Maud and was from a later generation than Roger de Lacy.
By Ormerod's time (1785-1873, History first published in 1819) the Clere family had long been forgotten, so it shouldn't be surprising that he didn't think of so simple an explanation as a spelling error.
Bevis, alias Bogo, did not have a good reputation: https://archive.ph/20121202062237/
He piled clerical office on clerical office, and delegated the responsibilities as much as possible while collecting the revenues. It is not recorded that he was ever ordained.
Just checked the Revisions on Maud - this mess is RECENT. Profile "Alice" de Clare created Dec 12, 2021 (by YOU, Sharon!), renamed to "Matilda" a few hours later (again by you), crash-merged with extant (from 2011?) Maud de Clere profile December 12, 2021 at 4:47 AM (again by you), DESTROYING the original profile.
The "Added by" and "Managed by" citations on the profile are now FALSE.
We now have two irreconcilable bits of information. If she was indeed a ClAre, she was NOT born in Yorkshire. If she was born in Yorkshire, she was NOT a ClAre but a ClEre. Sinnington, Yorkshire, was a ClEre holding and the ClAres had absolutely nothing to do with it. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/yorks/north/vol2/pp489-492
Incidentally, here are a couple of the go-rounds about Amice de ClAre vs Avice de ClEre;
Maven, lets do our best to keep the tone congenial, as we've always been friends. (I'm experiencing you as accusative right now, but might be being hypersensitive as my own circumstances aren't great right now.)
I have no reason to 'crash' merge a profile I think should have a name change, I can just change it; and I have no vested interest in this profile at all.
What seems likely is I was working on another line and sorting the wives out to fit, without realising the history on this one - although it seems unlikely I'd merge against my own Curator note. I'll go and take a look and check what I was doing now.
Either way, I'm human and it could be my mistake - but we can definitely assume my intentions weren't sinister.
Okay, so this is the merge with a profile I'd just created: https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=81120215060
Ahh - here is the Discussion: https://www.geni.com/discussions/242270?msg=1528410. I'm trying to fix "the tree is a jumbled mess out from "Alice de Lacy" where it is mangled and all wrong, so good luck and fortitude to anybody who goes to work on putting that section right." in response to Private User's accurate judgement of that area.
cf NN (Alice?) de Lacy, Heiress of Kippax
RE We now have two irreconcilable bits of information. If she was indeed a ClAre, she was NOT born in Yorkshire. If she was born in Yorkshire, she was NOT a ClAre but a ClEre. Sinnington, Yorkshire, was a ClEre holding and the ClAres had absolutely nothing to do with it. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/yorks/north/vol2/pp489-492
I take this as the essential piece of info. I'm still trying to figure out if we change to Clere or remove birth place.
So, I'm stuck on the parents you're attributing to Roger de Lacy, Lord Pontefract, Baron of Halton 's wife:
Ralph de Clere, I
and First wife of Ralph de Clere or First Wife or Mabel de Clere or Mabel de Clere
There seem to be no Sources for making these her parents.
Am I wrong?
Should we just cut her free of parents and leave them as unknown?
Don't tell me we had another runaway GEDCOM messing things up? :-O Wonder why the "safeguards" keep failing....
Well, anyway, we still have to figure out Maud...if we can.
We can be reasonably sure she was *not* the sister of Bevis/Bogo de Clare, who glommed onto the treasurership of York Minster along with a pile of other benefices from about 1255 (when he was about seven, precocious little devil) into the 1290s - the dates don't mesh at all, at all. (And he had no sisters named Matilda or Maud.)
There are no other known Clare treasurers of York in this time period.
The most likely "brothers of Maud" are William no-last-name, referred to only as "treasurer", 1218-1222, and William de Rotherfield, treasurer 1222-about 1241. But unless we find a Clere-Rotherfield connection, the latter is problematical.
The bottom line seems to be that if Maud was the sister of a treasurer of York, she wasn't a Clare. This would explain why her granddaughter didn't need a Papal dispensation to marry into the Clares. (It's true some people thumbed their noses at Canon law and married anyway - but if the Church hierarchy got antsy about it, and they often did, the willful partners could find their marriage summarily annulled on them.)
Geographically, you generally find Cleres to the North and East, Clares to the South and West, and there's not a lot of overlap.
The Lacys started out as a mostly-Northern family, heading up around Pontefract in West Yorkshire, and associating with other Northern families such as the Vescys and Mowbrays. They later expanded south, west, and overseas to Ireland.
All in all, I rather think she was a Northern Clere rather than a Western Clare.