Joseph Guggenheim was my 9 times great grandfather. Here
according to information from the late Pascal Faustini, one of the most knowledgeable, respected researchers in this area, is the information he sent:
ou Josef Frankfurter ou Elijahu/Eliahu Gugenheim ou von Jugenheim
né vers 1560 selon certaines sources
Pascal Faustini from work done by John Berkowitch Articles published in "Cercle de Genealogie Juive"
Elie/Eliyahu Gugenheim
Mentionned in Fortune Tax Rolls in 1581, then diseapears several years when he lives in Jugenheim close to Mayence. In 1591, he is mentionned and represented by his brother Leib.
In 1598, the municipal registry mentions him as "Joseph von Jugenheim zur Flasche", brother of Abraham
Document: 10 Jul 1598, Chancery of Mayence:"Joseph, Jew of Jugenheim, jew protected by the count of Nasau-Sarrebruck" creditor of 2100 florins with his brothers "Abraham jew zur Flasche in frankfurt" and Leib, jew of the same place.
On 15 August 1614, sale of wine made by "Abraham, jew of frankfurt, son of Joseph, Jew of Jugenheim"
One bill mentions "Abraham jew "of" Jugenheim"
Rosanne Leeson
I asked Private User and he does not yet have a theory of who the parents might be, if not the ones suggested by Ettlinger in Ele Toldot. Perhaps Ralph can explain in this discussion why he does not find Ettlinger convincing. Ralph's representation on Ele Toldot yesterday at the IAJGS conference in Seattle was very good. It would be nice to have him working collaboratively with us on the Frankfurt tree on Geni.