Anders Hansen Brinch - Alternative Data After Merges

Started by Sharon Doubell on Thursday, August 11, 2016
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Birth Location Ballum, Slesvig, Denmark OR Bredebro, Denmark OR Slesvig, Ballum OR Ballum, Bredebro, Tønder Municipality, Denmark
Death Date c. 1756 OR 6 November 1724
Death Location Orten, Varde, Ribe, Vester Horne, Denmark OR Varde, Varde, Syddanmark, Denmark OR Orten, Varde Municipality, Region Syddanmark, Denmark

Names and delineations of regions and municipalities have changed over time so that selecting from geographical regions in either genealogy options or google map options will yield different terms for exactly the same location.

So for example Cabo, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town etc refers to the same locality over different times.

So to return to the above: Ballum typically refers to a town/village, within Bredebro municipality ['kommune' in Danish](but also a town from which the municipal borders were formed).
Tonder (also a town from which the municipality originally grew) municipality is a more modern and broader municipality that incorporated Bredebro.
Slesvig is even broader and refers to the region north of the german border (and was also once part of Schleswig Holstein during German rule later, but long after Anders Hansen of course).
Syddanmark is Danish for South Denmark. The same arguments for Orten (village), Varde (town and municipal area), Ribe (town and municipal area), Syddanmark (south denmark). So no real contradictions here.

Thanks Andre. I like to use the one closest to the historically accurate orignal.

Birth Date 30 November 1688 1685
Birth Location Ballum, Slesvig, Denmark Germany
Death Date c. 1756 1724

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