2) NATHAN (1769-1841) moved to Lancaster but had at least one child born and shown in the records of Richalnd MM.
It may be that other children were born to him and his wife Margaret (Ashton) in Lancaster... for we see a record of a Nathan Roberts, Jr,. in a fire company of 1814: >>>>
source: https://archive.org/stream/historyoflancast02elli/historyoflancast0...
"Fire Companies. — Just when, where, or by whom
the pioneer lire apparatus of the old Columbia Cora*
pany was purchased we cannot ascertain, as the earliest
records are lost or destroyed. However, we find tiiat
the company was organized and owned a fire-engine
as early as February 27, 1806, and an account of one
hundred and fifty dollars having been paid towards
its purchase, and the same year eleven dollars was
charged by the treasurer as having been paid for re-
pairs to the carriage. This is supposed to mean the
hose-carriage, though not definitely stated. In 1814,
at a reorganization of the company, the following
persons were enrolled as members: Samuel Miller,
William F. Houston, William B. Hunt. John Wilson,
John Haldeman, Michael Elder, William F. Beaty,
Joseph Jeffries, John McKissick, Joseph Mifliin, Jacob
Williams, Thomas Wright, Thomas M. Jlifflin, John
Forrey, John Brum field, Robert W. Houston, C.
Brennemau, Dominick Haughey, E. Green, Amos H(
Slaymaker, Benjamin Brubaker, John L. Wright,
John Gontner, Jr., James Willson, Jr., John Mathiot,
A. B. Breneman, John Greenleaf, Peter Yarnall, John
Evans, James Clyde, James Sweeney, Thomas Lloyd,
Joshua King, William Wright, James E. Mifflin,
Charles N. Wright, Hugh McCorkill, William Liston,
John W. Patton, Israel Cooke, James Collins, Nathan
Roberts, Jr., Benjamin Worrell, Henry Martin, Robert
Barber, Jacob Jlathiot, Casper Peters, John Hippey,
Th. A. Willson, Robert Magill, Thomas Trump, John
Dicks, William Kirkwood, George W. Gibbons, George
Mason, James Todd, George Peters, Christian Halde-