Phebe Saxton (Roberts) - Project: to find Phebe Roberts parents

Started by Private User on Friday, August 5, 2016
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    Geni Pro

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1) We know that Phebe was born c. 1801
2) We know she was buried in Richland Township with other family members
3) A son was born to her in Northhampton
4) Her husband was from Bucks County

It is likely that her parents were both from Bucks County and either Richland or Northampton

I will look in the 1790, 1800, & 1810 census data to see what can be found.

The 1810 census records females under 10.

In Bucks county we have:
1)Evan Roberts with 3 females under 10
2)David Roberts with 2 under 10
3)John Roberts with 4 under 10
(I will continue the list in following posts)

The above in the 1st post are from Richland.
Here, in the second post we consider

4) James Roberts with 1 female under 10
James' family lives in Northampton

The following might be total coincidence:
Look at ancestry dot com:

David Roberts { #2 ? } was born 21 SEP 1772 • Richland, Bucks
and is the son of
PHEBE Roberts (Lancaster)

BIRTH 4 OCT 1734 • Wrightstown, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
DEATH 23 AUG 1797 • Richland, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA

perhaps this explains the source of our Phebe's name b.c. 1801

Shows the birth of David Roberts born 9th month 21st (which is November 21, 1772) to David and Phebe Roberts at Richland MM.

Also of same parents
AMOS 1st day 4th month 1755
MARY 4th mo. 19th day 1758 - 8th mo. 22 day 1760
ELIZABETH 9th mo. 4th day 1760
NATHAN 6th Mo. 29th day 1762 - 5th mo. 23 day 1763
JANE Dec. 19th 1764 (sic)
ABIGAIL 2nd mo. 14th 1767
NATHAN 24th day 9th mo. 1769
DAVID (as already stated)
EVAN 4th mo. 20th 1775

These Richland MM are consistent with my focus in my notes
EXHIBIT A... for in 1810, a David Roberts of Richland was married in a household totaling 7 persons that included 2 females under 10... These two might include our Phebe b.c. 1801

Following the previous post: Conjecture woulf lead us (if following the RIchland MM hypothesis) that the following offspring of David Roberts and Phebe Lancaster may be the father of Phebe nee Roberts b.c. 1801

1) AMOS (1755- )
2) NATHAN (1769- )
3) DAVID (1772- )
4) EVAN (1775- )

but: There is no 1) AMOS on the 1810 Census of Bucks county
... nor is there a 2) NATHAN
...there is a 3) DAVID of Richland (Exhibit A)
...there is a 4) EVAN of Richland (Exhibit A)

This leads me to pursue David and Evan a prime candidates.

The trouble with 3) David and 4) Evan is that neither could have fathered Phebe born 1801.
David wasn't married yet and Evan had other children in that period that makes it seem unlikely...

William b. 6 SEPT 1800
& Hannah b. 17 MAR 1802
So: Let's look further at 1) Amos & 2) Nathan

A pregnan

1) Amos Roberts (1755-1835) and Margaret (Thomas ) {dates unknown} had numerous children including Phoebe... born May 7th, 1788 according to:

I should now check findagrave and other sources to see if Phebe might have been born that early (3 years early)

2) NATHAN (1769-1841) moved to Lancaster but had at least one child born and shown in the records of Richalnd MM.
It may be that other children were born to him and his wife Margaret (Ashton) in Lancaster... for we see a record of a Nathan Roberts, Jr,. in a fire company of 1814: >>>>

"Fire Companies. — Just when, where, or by whom
the pioneer lire apparatus of the old Columbia Cora*
pany was purchased we cannot ascertain, as the earliest
records are lost or destroyed. However, we find tiiat
the company was organized and owned a fire-engine
as early as February 27, 1806, and an account of one
hundred and fifty dollars having been paid towards
its purchase, and the same year eleven dollars was
charged by the treasurer as having been paid for re-
pairs to the carriage. This is supposed to mean the
hose-carriage, though not definitely stated. In 1814,
at a reorganization of the company, the following
persons were enrolled as members: Samuel Miller,
William F. Houston, William B. Hunt. John Wilson,
John Haldeman, Michael Elder, William F. Beaty,
Joseph Jeffries, John McKissick, Joseph Mifliin, Jacob
Williams, Thomas Wright, Thomas M. Jlifflin, John
Forrey, John Brum field, Robert W. Houston, C.
Brennemau, Dominick Haughey, E. Green, Amos H(
Slaymaker, Benjamin Brubaker, John L. Wright,
John Gontner, Jr., James Willson, Jr., John Mathiot,
A. B. Breneman, John Greenleaf, Peter Yarnall, John
Evans, James Clyde, James Sweeney, Thomas Lloyd,
Joshua King, William Wright, James E. Mifflin,
Charles N. Wright, Hugh McCorkill, William Liston,
John W. Patton, Israel Cooke, James Collins, Nathan
Roberts, Jr., Benjamin Worrell, Henry Martin, Robert
Barber, Jacob Jlathiot, Casper Peters, John Hippey,
Th. A. Willson, Robert Magill, Thomas Trump, John
Dicks, William Kirkwood, George W. Gibbons, George
Mason, James Todd, George Peters, Christian Halde-


Margaret A. ASHTON was born27 on 24 Mar 1765 in Springfield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She died28 on 4 Oct 1850 in Drumore, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Margaret married29 Nathan ROBERTS son of David ROBERTS and Phebe LANCASTER on 5 May 1791 in Springfield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Nathan was born30 on 24 Sep 1769 in Richland, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He died31 on 21 Feb 1841 in Drumore, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
~• from :

Dead End: The Nathan Roberts family only had three sons according to other Quaker documents... but why are there young females in the household in the 1820 census?

I have found an intriguing profile:
Phoebe Fields, foster child
She may have taken <ROBERTS> as a foster maiden name... (?)

1810 Bucks County Census for Northampton Township:
James Roberts [ one dau. under 10 years old)
(Union cemetery is in Richboro, Northampton Township)
1810 Bensalem Township
another James Roberts with 9 in house hold and
1 female under 10 and 2 females 10-16

The foster father of Phoebe Fields, foster child ( who is Abel Roberts ) happens to be a family relative on the other side of the tree.

Abel Roberts 's mother is Jane Lee who is Amos Lee 's sister.
Amos Lee is my fifth great grandfather on the Bean side. The Roberts tree is on the Wildman side (!)
This ^ is a result of an examination of the church records of the Presby' church of Churchville in Northampton.
There are several Roberts weddings of interest
1) March 31, 1763 : Samuel Roberts married Mary Eastburn
Who were Samuel and Mary's children?
There was Jesse (born 1763) who married and moved to Ohio.
Might Jesse have had a brother James, the James who married Charlotte Plumley?

The previous post is not far-fetched in that the Gregg family was part of the Churchville Presbyteriam congregation and Charlotte benefitted from a Gregg/Plumley will.

2) Oct 8, 1800 : Phoebe Roberts married James Thompson.
Now of course this isn't Phebe who was born n 1801, but might not Pheobe Thompson (Roberts) be Phebe Saxton (Roberts') aunt....
Again, the same reasoning: The Gregg Presby' Northampton connection...

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