DNA.LAND has Private as 2nd cousin once removed from John George Singer
Note: John George Singer is 100% Ashkenazi and dna connections may be further than expected
Ancestors of Private and Abe Isaac Moore
2. Max M. Moore
3. Shaieh Moore
4. Moshe More
5. David More More
4. Priva Rivka More
5. Leibush
3. Elka Brondel Moore
2. Florence (Frimet) Moore
3. Myer Getzel Moore
4. Avraham Yitzhak More
5. Moshe More
6. David More More
5. Priva Rivka More
6. Leibush
4. Hinde Zisel More
5. Avraham Aba Zisel
3. Esther Rachel Moore
4. Efraim Fishel Goldberg
5. Mordechai Shmuel Goldberg
4. Chava Goldberg