He was born about 1631.
He died on September 8, 1677.
Household of Jacques Retief
He is married to Debora Joubert in the year 1667.
Francois /Retif Sv 1663-1721 Tree (----- parents still not married?
Anne /Retief Sm ± 1667-< 1710
nothing say he was the son of....
and before going furthermore in this line
Honoré Rousseau born abt. 1590 in Gourgé, Department of Deux-Sèvres, Poitou-Charentes Region, FRANCE.
Marie Boillerot/Billerot born abt. 1595 in FRANCE; died before 1667.
Honore and Marie were married abt. 1625 in Gourgé, Poitou-Charentes Region, FRANCE (or alternate documents state Oroux, district of Parthenay, diocese of Poitiers, ancient province of Poitou (department of Deux-Sevres today), France.) It is thought that they had only one child, Thomas.
no Francoise as a sister
This appears to the doc used: http://family.morkel.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/searchingforfra...
Managers of:
Marie (Retif) Rossouw Francois Retif, SV/PROG Anne Retif, SM/PROG Paul Retief Paul Retif Françoise Retif
please provide sources to validate these profiles, and their relationship position on the tree at the moment.
i dont understand the DOC Sharon :/
btw jacques have a bro rousseau?
Francois Retif, SV/PROG
i stick with my side thomas did not have a sister
I haven't researched here, so I don't have a side. I'm just alerting you to the document that is cited as a source - It has a description of how the info was accessed that might help you and the other managers come to a decision about which profiles to disconnect:
"The information within this document was found by searching through microfilm and
original documents at the Departmental Archives in Blois, France in December 2002. As
far as we are aware, we are the only family members to have searched these records so
far. It was a thrilling experience and I sometimes had the strange feeling of being directed
through the piles of information by the spirit of François himself.
When we entered this grand government building and were about to take the stairs up to
the archives, our attention was caught by a temporary display in the foyer that just
happened to be about the Huguenots who colonised the Cape. We peered into a sealed
glass cabinet and saw a book listing all the known names of those that made it there. We
could not believe our eyes when we saw that the very page this book was opened to was
the page that listed François Retif himself. We took this as a good omen and trotted up
the stairs in anticipation. On hearing our story, the staff members were very eager to help
and were gracious enough to allow us to handle original documents from as far back as
the late 1500s ; not commonly permitted. The very first original document we opened
had a Retif listed on that very page. We were shocked. We actually had Françoise’s
marriage certificate from 1685 in our hands (see Gen D). We searched the archives
mainly from the commune of Mer (where the Rétifs were at this time) and also those of
Seris and Marchenoir which are both small villages close by.
Although most Protestant archives were either lost or destroyed during the persecution,
we did manage to find enough to piece together what you see now. Unfortunately, there
is a big hole just where the most crucial information would be: 1640 to 1669 all lost! That
means no notice of birth for François which is crucial to establish an accurate link. This
was very disappointing. However, we did find many mentions of the family name and
have attempted a rudimentary family tree for these would-be ancestors. We have inferred
generation boundaries and suggested connections where we suspect a link based on
some information (e.g. dates, names of Godparents, Uncles, Aunts, etc.). As outlined in
the notes section, we see a reasonable chance of these being accurate but we welcome
you to draw your own conclusions.
We hope you find this extension of the family history interesting and enjoy a small peak
past the elusive boundary that was François Retif’s departure from France.
Charl Retief Morkel & Valerie Morkel (nee Graff)
Last updated 14th February 2009"
Sharon and Martin as an outside observer I have noticed some things that don't add up (I will remove dates in suffix field after)
First Marie Rétif, b.1644 vs Marie Rousseau Retif b.1645 same husband Daniel Rousseau, b. c1640
This Marie Rétif, b.1644 parents shows as Paul Rétif, b.1602 and Françoise Rousseau, b c1615
This Marie Rousseau Retif b.1645 parents shows as Francois Retif and Maria Retif
Then the daughter Maria Rousseau, SM/PROG b.c1659 vs Maria (Rousseau) Van Eeden, b.1666
If you look at Maria Rousseau, SM/PROG b.c1659 Maria Russaar, SM/PROG
She married Cornelis Joost van Dalen, b.c1660 and Theunis Botha, b.1686 (this I question)
Now this Maria (Rousseau) Van Eeden, b.1666 Maria Russaar, SM/PROG
She is married to Jan Janse Van Eeden, b.c1637
If you look at the 'About me of Maria Rousseau, SM/PROG b.c1659 it shows
'Marriage 1 Jan Janse van Eeden on 13 June 1688 Cape Town
Marriage 2 Cornelis Joosten van Daalen - Lorna Newcomb and Ockert Malan, compilers, Annale van Nederduits Gereformeerde Moedergemeente Stellenbosch No 1.., CD-ROM (Stellenbosch) Die Genootskap vir die Kerkversameling, 2004 0-9584832-1-3), Baptism Register, Lorna:
I think those two are the same we need proof that Theunis Botha, b.1686 was a husband
Now to the question at hand looking at this ( if I am reading this correctly)
It shows Paul (Retif) m 18/1/1623 Anne Guerin (No Francoise Rousseau)
Anne Guerin in Geni does not show an age but in the document it shows she was born 18/1/1623
It shows they had a child Marye baptised 2/4/1682 married to a 7/7/1658 Daniel Rousseau
It shows Noel (Ratif) married to Madeleine Guerin having a son Paul ~6/1/1633 married to a Françoise Rousseau
It also shows Paul's GF (Godfather as uncle Paul) and GM (Godmother as Aunt Anne) if this was Anne Guerin born 18/1/1623 then she would have been 10 yrs old as a Godmother
Honoré Rousseau Honoré Rousseau born abt. 1590 in Gourgé, Department of Deux-Sèvres, Poitou-Charentes Region, FRANCE.
Marie Boillerot/Billerot NN N Rousseau born abt. 1595 in FRANCE; died before 1667.
Honore and Marie were married abt. 1625 in Gourgé, Poitou-Charentes Region, FRANCE (or alternate documents state Oroux, district of Parthenay, diocese of Poitiers, ancient province of Poitou (department of Deux-Sevres today), France.) It is thought that they had only one child, Thomas Thomas Rousseau
no Francoise Françoise Retif as a sister
I have disconnected Françoise Rousseau, b c1615 as a child of Honoré Rousseau and Marie Boillerot until further sources shows differently