Ljot Hvite Þoresson på Møre (Hvite) - What are the sources?

Started by Dr. Ralph Kenneth Pedersen on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
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6/21/2016 at 3:07 PM

I have traced my tree back to this person via links on Geni, but what are the sources?

6/22/2016 at 7:28 AM

There are some problems in the line between you and Ljot.

1) Kari is probably a mixup with Kari (Karen)

2) Kari-Karen above has a father with the same name as her husband's father: Ole Iversen Hvitstein and Private They are probably a mixup of the same person.

3)Why does Iver Olsen Hvitstein (and his brothers use Iversen!!) use both Iversen and Olsen as patronym, when his (their) father firstname is Ole? Norwegians didn't inherit their fathers patronym, they had their own derived from their father's firstname, so all of these three brothers should use Olsen as their patronym and lastname. And what is the Source for the firstname Just? Bygdeboka names him Iver: http://andebu.info/tema/bygdebok/hvitstein.htm

4) What is the source for Private existence and what is the Source for him being the father of Iver Olsen Hvitstein ? If you don't have any good sources for his existence then he shouldn't be linked to his son.

5) All the persons mentioned between the person in 4) and Nikolas Ormson Hvitstein are unsourced and they look like bogus inventions. I think they never have existed. Most probably are they fake profiles.

I haven't checked the truthfullness of the persons further back in time, since I feel that there are so many troublefull profiles earlier on, that when you have checked all those out, I think your tree in this area will look totally different.

Remi Pedersen

6/22/2016 at 10:05 AM

Thanks Remi.

Your points 1 and 2: I really don't know about these people- they just turned up on Geni. It struck me that there was some mix up.

Your point 3: I noticed this about the patronymics. It is indeed odd to use Iversen. Perhaps the person who added the name to Geni can answer this.

Your point 4: No idea.

Your point 5: I see the names between 4 and Nikolas Hvitstein are managed by David Prins. (I don't know why my name appears as a manager here or on the others). Perhaps he knows about this?

Ralph Pedersen

6/22/2016 at 10:57 AM

Your name appears on the profiles between 4 and Nikolas Hvitstein because you have added them to Geni, and your profiles of these were merged by Toril Skovly on June 14th 2016, so yours and Davids profiles became one.

So as it looks to me, you have added these to Geni, then you must have gotten the information from somewhere. Where?

Remi Pedersen

6/22/2016 at 11:24 AM

Remi, the names were already on Geni.

6/22/2016 at 11:34 AM

Ok, then you must have inherited profiles from someone else. Any possibility that you can have inherited profiles from Lars Harald Alstadsæter? You have added 794 profiles to Geni, but are administrator of 864. You can have become an administrator this way, without knowing which profiles you inherited.

6/22/2016 at 11:35 AM

Private User can you shed some more light to these profiles?

6/22/2016 at 11:56 AM

Lars Harald Alstadsæter? I don't know. I have added a lot of profiles, but I try to make sure they are real through some source, and I add those sources to the profiles I find (might have missed some). The ones in question and some other profiles suddenly added several thousand profiles to my tree quite recently. I guess someone merged some profiles. I have suspected some things are not real (according to the tree I am related to Zeus! Ha!), which is why I am trying to find sources to verify connections.

Private User
6/22/2016 at 3:37 PM

Sorry I have no more light to shed here. This isn't my area. I must have also inherited some profiles here.

6/22/2016 at 4:06 PM

Then, since neither David nor Ralph know nothing about these profiles, I suggest you disconnect this person from his son: Ivar Iversen Hvitstein and then the unlinking and deletion of profiles should go all the way up to Hallvard Ormson Skoli who should be unlinked from his father and then deleted. All of the profiles between these to persons are most probably fake including spouses and other children. Please do the job!

6/22/2016 at 10:46 PM


Take and send a message to Kristian Hunskaar, he knows ALOT about vetsfold/Andebu

He ha written alot of this family also.


6/23/2016 at 10:46 AM

Here is LINK to norwegian Ancestry historian :)


6/23/2016 at 6:50 PM

Sigurd, there is no help in adding new sites on the internet, they are still not more trustworthy. And the Andebu bygdebok is still only a secondary source, which Rydjord is using as a source, and we should try to get the primary source as our source.

6/24/2016 at 12:53 AM

To get Primary Source, it is NOT possible, becouse church Books is GONE, it will say : Burned down, or rotten away , OR maby we need fysical go to Oslo to look it personal.

If, we all calling Oslo Riksarkivet maby they have answer for us.


Telefon: 22 02 26 00
They are our lasy Hope to finding stuff for Primary source, back further in 1500 and longer back is HARD to find.

Me my self was lucky to find 2 letters from 1200 / 1500 century.

Stupid i cant add picture here :(

Anyone need help contact me on e-mail : rotem.invest@hotmail.com

I will try help and also see if i has same person in my familytree :)

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