Could a curator please merge the duplicated children of Aline Katherine Stevens - they all seem to have 2 parents
When correcting this profile, I notice that he is the grandson of himself,
someone, please help undo this.
Niels Pedersen Dyre, til Sæby i Skaane
And if anybody else who are a curator want to do it, that's okay. The end result on Geni will be that he has no father at all, (yet), when you actions are done. Niels Pedersen Dyre, til Sæby i Skaane
I repeat my request, delete his parents because "they" are his son and wife.
Private User I disconnected the two set of parents based on Niels Pedersen Dyre, til Sæby i Skaane birth date of 1412. Please look at the wife dates.
Erica Howton Thanks, I have corrected the faulty dates etc. probably caused by the previous mix up, (most likely), or due to incompetence, also likely, or due to the fact that few really knows how to follow the "dot to dot", who knows...
Anyway, Dyre is a family with a couple of different suggestion on some of the members making it easy to build up conflicting tree, so that's excusable. What's not excusable are when someone do not give a ** about the few facts that actually exist or turn the chronological order upside down, I sat the born before to 1412 based on the fact that he in 1427 made an attesting that year, in order to do that he would have been of age, otherwise it wouldn't have been legal, at that period the minimum age of being at age was 15 years old, legal age, a fact that the people behind DAA often doesn't mention, if they do not have the exact year of birth, they usually just skip it. On Geni at the other hand, it's become more essential to in fact use the system with estimations of ages, just to minimize the causes for errors. This profile does actually also exist with a slightly different name in another tree here on Geni, but with another father that I would have used.
have found a lot of privates that are deceased if someone could un-private them
attached to my line and my profiles :( so I can not go any farther ugh!
anyway Thank you in advanced :)
Bobby Ann Sporing, Ruth is now public. It looks like you corrected Clifford. I am working in the first area that you linked. Jim
Oops I must of fixed the previous one not sure but here are some privates if you would be so kind to check them and see if they can become un-private .
Thank you