Here are a couple more possible spam "members". I wasn't smart enough to deny the acceptance of Evelyn Vanessa, Jr to collaborate on the Tropical cyclones project until after I had accepted it then began to have 2nd thoughts.
Please ck these to see if valid members:
ROFL LMAO ROFL LMAO (remove from Tropical Cyclones project – follower & collaborator…)
{fake} {fake} (??Evelyn Vanessa, Jr)
Struat Eddie Vanessa Struat Eddie Vanessa
Private User the solution in this case was to make a new profile for the wife - Grace Newsham - move over the children, and then disconnect Henry from his time traveling not wife, Henry Newsham
You might be able to find a paying MH member that is willing to let you assist in building the MH tree. If you are a collaborator of a paying MH member you will to able to confirm MH matches from Geni (in that way you might also help the MH owner. He or she can then use the Geni information to expand the MH tree).
Could a curator please complete the merge of this profile:
I'm pretty sure that Ricardo Flores Magón is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricardo_Flores_Mag%C3%B3n
i.e. This person cannot be a user on this project since this individual has died in 1922.
This tree should be kept, and i would be quite happy to develop it as needed, and if the individual who has started it wants i am quite willing to develop this tree together.
Yuri Henrique Ostjen - I completed that merge ... but then un-did it (for now). The son of Elisabeth Staudt is rather too young to have been the son of
Elisabeth Staudt
That family needs more 'detailing' <smile>.
If Private User deceased is deceased her profile must be reported since she was a claimed user
The same for Private User
Both of the profiles you added for these people show as deceased, the originals show as living thus they still show as living, if you have proof they are deceased they should be reported