Kristin Sigurdsdtr. Sigurdsdatter, Prinsesse - So many children with Sigurd Munn?

Started by Private User on Friday, June 3, 2016
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Private User
6/3/2016 at 3:32 PM

If I'm teasing out the family tree here correctly, this profile has about nine children attributed to Kristin and Sigurd Munn

This seems contradictory to the sources given with indicate only one illegitimate child from this pairing (Harald Sigurdsson).

Certainly the only mention I see of Helga (other that some questionable lists) is this unattributed note in Sigurd Munn's Overview text:

"Sigurd Ble konge i Norge da han var 4år gammel, og han var konge fra 1137 til han ble myrdet i 1155. Sigurd Munn hadde mange friller, og med en av dem fikk an datteren Helga."

Which makes Helga the daughter of an unknown concubine, not Kristin.

So again, why are 9 of 12 of Kristin Sigurdsdatter's children attributed also to Sigurd Munn, and only three with her husband Erling Ormsson Skakke?

Is this the result of sketchy merges or are there any sources in support of these connections?

6/3/2016 at 3:48 PM

Utdrag fra Norsk biografisk leksikon:

Kardinalens vrede mot Sigurd skyldtes kanskje at han, slik sagaskriverne mener å vite, hadde fått barn med sitt søskenbarn, kong Sigurd Jorsalfares datter Kristin, og dermed hadde begått blodskam. Han blir i alle fall skildret som en kvinnelysten mann, ugift og uten fastere frilleforhold. En gang han red forbi en gård i Viken, hørte han fager kvinnesang innenfra. Han gikk inn og la seg med kvinnen, som het Tora, og frukten av denne episoden ble den senere kong Håkon Herdebreid. Sigurds øvrige barn var ifølge sagaene datteren Cecilia, hennes bror kong Sverre og deres halvbrødre Eirik jarl og opprørskongen Sigurd Markusfostre.

6/3/2016 at 3:51 PM

Sigurd giftet seg ikke, og hadde ikke faste frilleforhold som man kjenner til, men han fikk flere barn. Enkelte av disse er man rimelig sikre på at var hans egne barn, mens det var og er strid om andre. De man kjenner er Håkon Herdebrei, Sverre Sigurdsson, Sigurd Sigurdsson Markusfostre, Eirik Sigurdsson jarl og Cecilia Sigurdsdotter. Det er spesielt omkring Sverre det er var stor usikkerhet omkring farskapet, og dette forblir et uløst mysterium. Disse barna skulle alle på forskjellige måter prege Norges historie i tiden etter Sigurds død.

Så skal man gå etter dokumentasjon så er det kun disse 5 som kan regnes som Sigurd Munns barn.

Private User
6/3/2016 at 4:18 PM

(Forgive my use of English in replying, though my great-grandparents spoke Norwegian natively, I do not and rely on google/translate and similar services).

So the sources you point out discuss mostly Sigurd's children. There seems to agreement that he had many illegitimate children, and that one with Kristin seems quite possible.

So I think maybe that you are agreeing with my point that there are way too many child attributed to the Kristin Sigurdsdatter + , Sigurd Munn pairing?

6/4/2016 at 12:23 AM

It is high time this Geni problem of Kristin being attributed with far too many children is being discussed. Some of these children are her husband's or Sigurd's frille children. The children mentioned that are based on gossip should be removed from her profile. Please do not try to turn the theme in this discussion away to Sigurd or anybody else. I have been worried about all the children in her profile but have not been able to do much about it. Please do not try to turn the theme in this discussion away to Sigurd or anybody else.
If this problem could be cleared up now would be good.

Private User
6/4/2016 at 12:50 AM

Don't blame Kristin and the managers of her profile. You have to direct the question to the adder and managers of the profiles not mentioned in the sources.

6/4/2016 at 9:19 AM

I am not blaming Kristin.

6/4/2016 at 9:44 AM

Accordin to sources it's impossible to say how many children Sigurd Munn or who where their mothers. He had 3-5 children, according to different sources. He had children with three different women is seems. So there is to many children listed here in Geni.

Private User
6/4/2016 at 2:03 PM

May Alta

Isn't it time to quit adding profiles that already exist here on Geni May?

Oluf Glug


Private User
6/4/2016 at 2:05 PM

How do anyone reach forward to you May Alta, did you read what I have written, look at your own first side "Gästbok, guestbook", or what ever you notice!

Private User
6/4/2016 at 2:06 PM

I want you temporary blocked until you've understand how this site works.

Private User
6/4/2016 at 2:08 PM

How many more profiles do you intend to add, 10.000 or more?

Private User
6/4/2016 at 2:24 PM

Do you intend to connect this one,

with this one,

or are you building your own personal tree?

6/4/2016 at 2:29 PM

I try to find out if profiles already excists, but it isn't easy due to different spellings. I'm not out to mess anything up. I admit I'm a bit hooked on this, and have too much fin poking around trying to find new profiles and links.

6/4/2016 at 2:44 PM

To block a user please follow the steps outlined below:

1. Make sure you are logged into your Geni account
2. Select the Profile of the person you would like to block.
3. Click the Actions button on the profile page and select 'Block This User'
4. Selecting 'Block This User' will add this person to the Blocked Users list in your Account Settings

Clicking the 'x' next to their name in the Blocked Users list will unblock them. Please note, we do not send an email to notify users that you have blocked them.

By adding someone to the Blocked Users list:

Any family group or collaborator relationship is removed
They can't contact you

Private User
6/4/2016 at 2:56 PM

You do not understand at all what I'm trying to say to you, that's obvious.

Stop adding any profiles until you at least have tried to find them here on Geni, is that really so hard?

Private User
6/4/2016 at 2:58 PM

You say that your intention are not to mess up, but that's the sad result anyway, try to listen.

Private User
6/4/2016 at 3:00 PM

Read my tips here, or continue to act irresponsible.

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