Magnus I Ericsson Nilssøn af Danmark (Estridsøn), kung av Sverige - Please fix the name

Started by Private User on Sunday, May 8, 2016
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Hej Kurt
Hvordan mener du vi skulle kalde ham
Når jeg bruger Estridsøn som fødenavn, er det fordi det reelt er brugt som slægtnavn!! hvor Ericson kommer fra ved jeg ikke!

You can add different languages and call him "Magnus Nilsson, King of Sweden" in english, "Magnus Nilsson, Kung av Sverige" in Swedish etcetera.

Then the nicknames can be added like "Magnus den Stærke" in danish etc.

Ericsson is totally wrong and should be deleted.

Estridsøn is irrelevant too and should be deleted. Nobody called him that.

This is the article about him in Nationalencyklopedin:

Magnus Nilsson, kallad ”Magnus den starke” (enligt Snorre Sturlasson), född ca 1106, död 1134, dansk prins och svensk kung, son till kung Nils av Danmark och Margareta Fredkulla.

Hello Mikael: I was not aware of the error Magnus NIlsson's name. I am not a genealogist, I only know that my grandparents were Nilsson from Sweden. Many people have changed the information by adding or removing names I don't know because I did not have any other information from the rest of he Lindberg/Lindburg/Nilsson family except for one first cousin, now deceased, I have no way of confirming information that is incorrect.
Are you a relative of this line? Is that how you know this is incorrect.? Or
are you a relative of my grandmother Lindburg?or great grandmother? I
cannot read Swedish,so if you could reply to me in English? If you could give me some information about yourself so I have an idea of where this all came from it would help.
It has taken me years to finally find out who my great grandparents were..
And I still don't have much of the Swedish side as Uncles and Aunts. Do you have any of that information? I live in Minnesota, my brother started looking many years ago before computers trying to write to sources that were sometimes never answered. So , please send me information that
you have. I am 75 and would like to know. Thank you. Lila Lindberg

Vreta is not in Skåne but in Östergötland. Why do we have a locked profile if the manager does not know anything about Sweden and Swedish naming practices of commons and kings? If you write Vreta Kloster you will get the right place, and get a proper search possibility of place, even if hos place of burial is contested and some scholars claim he was buried in Varnhem, Västergötlan. That could well be added in the about me.

Hello Lila: Nilsson means son of Nils. There are millions of people with this name and they are not necessarily related to each other.

In this case King Magnus was the son of Nils, that is why he should be called Magnus Nilsson, not Magnus Ericsson (son of Eric) or Magnus Estridsson (son of Estrid). Use of the wrong name is confusing and eventually a profile will have dozens of wrong names.

A son of Magnus Nilsson would be called XX Magnusson etc.

Have a nice day!

I have revised the profile and removed the obvious errors.


Hi Kurt
Using Estridsøn, is only a "house name" not a called name!!
Don't you thing we should use his called name "the strong" to?

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