I often find that there are several paths to the same ancestor. But it may be difficult to spot more than one path. Like in this specific case where both my mother Unni and my father Albert have totally different paths to Harald "Blue Tooth".
In this case, Geni automatically choses the path via my mother. (-because it's the shorter path?)
If I didn't already have the other path on my "memory disc", I would probably have missed it. Is that just the way it is?
Question: Is there a way to make Geni chose a different path, without using the pin on the right??
Sometimes it just doesn't show the direct path, but goes far off track and beyond... "great aunt's husband's steph father's Cousin 8 times removed" or "second wife's husband's daughter's 4th Cousin 5 times removed", or similar confusing paths.
Geni often seems to chose randomly which path is shown back to you... *sigh*
Sounds familiar to anyone?
Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark is Unni Ellinor Kjærvik's 29th great grandfather.
Unni Ellinor Kjærvik →
Einar Johan Kjærvik, her father →
Helga Amalie Jørgensdatter Kjærvik, his mother →
Jørgen Sivertsen, her father →
Sivert Jørgensen Håheim, his father →
Jørgen Evensen Lochrem (Lokreim), his father →
Kjersti Arnfinnsdatter Berge, his mother →
Dorthe Jørgensdotter Greel, her mother →
Jørgen Jocumsen Greel, her father →
Anne Mickelsdtr. van Thien, his mother →
Thora Hansdatter Hvam, her mother →
Hans Sæbjørnsen Hvam, her father →
Sæbjørn Trondsson Hvam, his father →
Tora Olavsdatter Holter, his mother →
Bothilda Svendsdotter Dingelvik, her mother →
Svend Johansson (halv lilja), her father →
Johan Halstensson Halv lilja, his father →
Märta Knutsdotter (Tre Rosor), his mother →
Kristina Bengtsdotter (Hafridssons ätt), her mother →
Bengt Hafridsson (Hafridssons ätt), her father →
Hafrid Sigtryggsdotter (Boberg), his mother →
Kristina Magnusdotter, her mother →
Magnus Bengtsson Minnesköld, her father →
Sigrid Björnsdtr. Snivil, Lakman, his mother →
Björn Haraldssen Järnsida, Prince of Denmark, her father →
Harald Eriksen Eriksson, af Danmark, his father →
Eric the Good, king of Denmark, his father →
Sweyn II Ulfson, King of Denmark (from Jelling house), his father →
Ulf Thorgilsson, Danish earl, his father →
Thorgils Sprakalägg, his father →
Thyra Haraldsdottir Haraldsdotter, his mother →
Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark, her father.
Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark is Albert Albrigtsen's 30th great grandfather.
Albert Albrigtsen →
Odd Nikolai Albrigtsen, his father →
Albert Anton Albrigtsen, his father →
Anna Malene Larsdatter, his mother →
Anna Marie Dorthea Pedersdatter , her mother →
Elisabeth Sophia Thorstensdatter, her mother →
Anne Marie Olsdatter, her mother →
Ole Christoffersen, her father →
Maren Axelsdatter Borch, his mother →
Kirsten (Karen) Andersdatter Rist, her mother →
Anders Lorentsen Rist her father →
Else Knutsdatter Rist Säbye, his mother →
Sigrid Pedersen Jensdatter, her mother →
Jens Pedersson Skanke, till Hov, her father →
Peder Örjansson Örjansson Skanke til Hov, his father →
Örjan Karlsson Skanke, til Hov, his father →
Karl Örjansson Skanke, til Hov, his father →
Örjan Karlsson Skanke till Hov, his father →
Karl Pederson Skancke til Hov, his father →
Elin Ranesdtr Tunsberg, his mother →
Rane Eyvindsson, her father →
Eivind Raneson Sodheim, his father →
Rane Jonsen Rani, til Gørslev, his father →
Elisabeth Nielsdatter Falster, his mother →
Niels Aleksandersen Falster, her father →
Margrete Valdemarsdatter, Prinsesse, his mother →
Valdemar I The Great, King of Denmark, her father →
Knut Lavard, Duke of Schleswig, his father →
Eric the Good, king of Denmark, his father →
Sweyn II Ulfson, King of Denmark (from Jelling house), his father →
Estrid Margrethe Svendsdatter, Princess of Denmark, his mother →
Svend I Haraldsen «Forkbeard» Tveskæg, her father →
Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark, his father.