Willem van Wijk, SV/PROG 2 - Incorrect positionig?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, April 10, 2016
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Magdalena Elizabeth Booysen has contacted us about Willem van Wijk, SV/PROG 2:

Gerrit Willemsz van Wijk
Geboorte: Omtrent 1689
Drakenstein ( Paarl), Cape, South Africa
Managed by: Daniel Jacobus Botes
Seun van Willem van Wijk, SV/PROG 2?through=6000000004137610825 en Trijntjen Hillebrants, SM
And he is under Jannetjie van Wyk Niewoudt as a child

Man van Agnitie Antonette Campher maried to Arij Willemse van Wijk, a2b1 is also a child of Jannetjie Johanna van Wyk, a2b2

They are also children off Willem van Wijk, SV/PROG 2 and Catharina (Trijntje) Hillebrants

Hi, I am not sure about whether this is directed to Willem Van Wijk or his son Gerrit. This is what is on the Ball family site...http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/kfp/I225.html
If I can get some clarity I will try and see if I can find anything further out.
Best wishes, Melissa

Richard Ball's web pages on the van Wijk family are the best source around - very well backed up with sources.

Also would Jannetjie van Wyk Niewoudt not be the daughter of Anna Van Wijk, daughter of Willem SV/Prog and Catherina Harmensz not Hillebrants. Jannetjie is meant to have died bef 1689 or when the will was written for the father that only mentioned the two boys Arie and Gerrit/ There is another Willem baptised 30 Sept 1714 in Stellenbosch but he is the son of Arie and Antoinetta Campher. The witnesses are Gerrit and Aletta Van Wijk. As I understand it Gerrit Willemsz Van Wijk (the son of the SV/Prog and Hillebrants) went on to marry Elisabeth Vivier and Maria Provo....is this another case of the two wives of the SV/Prog and their offspring and of the other Van Wijks at the time becoming confused?

Sorry my confusion as well...that should have read: "Also would Jannetjie Van Wijk Niewoudt not be Anna Van Wijk, daughter of Willem SV/Prog and Catherina Harmensz......"
My apologies.

The First 50 years project also has some interesting insight on the Gerrit Niewoudt, the son of Anna Van Wijk and Gerrit Willemsz before her relationship with Gerrit Niewoudt.

Sorry can't help much.
My only source of information being A Set (Vol. 1 - 17) of SAGEN Books
and Familysearch.org
My only other source is A large file we bought from eggsa which had about 580,000 names in it and over the years I have added other names and now have 593,854 and this info comes from all over. So there is no way I can guarantee the info.
Best regards Ilse

PS. I have a lot of notes for WvWyk (a2) If you are interest! But you probably already have them.

WILLEM VAN WYK (a2) the following is given

WIFE NO 1 Catharina Hillebrand b. abt 1660 Netherlands d. 1693/1695 CapeSA
3 children:
Willem (Arie) Van Wyk (b1a2) b. 1686 Cape SA Chr. 13 Apr 1686 Cape Town d. bef. 1734 Cape SA.
Arij owned the farms "Bontevlei" and "Kuiken Vallei".
J. A. Heese's comment was that at the baptism of this child Roelof and Trynjtie VAN WYK were witnesses, as they were at the baptism of Arie's first child, Roelof; suggesting a relationship did exist.

Web SA Stamouers: Arij van Wyk wat op die plaas Kuikenvallei gewoon het. Arij was die seun van Williem van Wyk en Catharina Hillebrandts.

Anthoinetta Campher (b2a) b.1699 Camdeboo Graaff-Reinett. E-Cape SA
d. about 1735 Elandskloof ?

Johanna (Anna) Van Wyk (b2a2) b. 1688 Chr. 13 Jun 1688 Cape SA
d. between 1725 and 1737 Cape SA
MARRIED: Gerrit Willemse (a2) abt 1716
and Isaac Nieuwoudt (a) 6 Feb 1724

Gerrit Willemsz Van Wyk (b3a2) b. 1689/1694 d. abt 1737
MARRIED 26 Apr 1722 Cape Town.
Elizabeth Vivier (b2a1) (4 children)

WIFE NO 2. Married abt 1694
Maria Van Wyk (b4a2) b. abt 1696 d. 25 Feb 1773 Cape SA

Willem Van Wyk (b5a2) b. 1698 Drakenstein W-Cape SA
Chr. 19 Jan 1698 d./ abt Jan 1756 Cape SA
MARRIED 2 Jan 1729 Drakenstein W-Cape SA
Johanna Catharina Campher (c1b1a) b. 1707 Chr. 19 Jun 1707 Stellenbosch W-Cape SA d. Bef 30 Aug 1746 Cape SA
8 Children

WIFE NO 2. Married 30 Aug 1746 Cape SA
Hendrin Monk (c3b6a2) b. abt 1729
5 Children.

Thanks, I'll have a look when I get the chance.


Richard Ball on the 3 different Gerrits van Wijk: http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/notes/VanWijk_Gerrit.htm

The generally accepted view has been1 that Gerrit van Wijk was the son of Arie van Wijk and Cornelia Helms; that he was three times married, to Elisabeth Vivier, to Maria Provo and to Maria Magdalena Eekhof; that he produced nineteen children between 1723 and 1764.

My investigation of the extant church registers, wills, estate accounts and estate inventories has made it plain to me that there were, in fact, two men named Gerrit van Wijk, neither of them the son of Arie van Wijk and Cornelia Helms.

Gerrit, the son of Arij van Wijk and Cornelia Helmes was baptised in Stellenbosch on 14th December 1707, his godparents having been Adam Tas and Elisabeth van Brakel, and, in all probability, buried2 in the same place sometime before 12th August 1708.

His mother, Cornelia Helmes made two wills. The first was made in April 1713,3 a joint will with his father, Arij van Wijk, probably at that time on his death bed, and the second made in May 1720, a joint will with her third husband4, Jacob Coetser, shortly before she herself died. In both wills her children by Arij van Wijk are stated to have been 8 in number and are individually named; in neither will does a child named Gerrit appear.

When Willem van Wijk, called the elder (d'oude) died in 1772 he left no will and no wife or descendants. The account of his estate was drawn up by the officials of the Weeskamer. His brothers and sisters, whole and half, or their children, are carefully named5. It is clear that he was the son of Arij van Wijk and Cornelia Helmes, and once again there is no mention of a brother named Gerrit.

In the Inventory drawn up on 16th August 1730 after the death of Elisabeth Vivier, her husband is named as Gerrit van Wijk, but in the joint will made by him with his second wife6, Maria Provo, he is named as Gerrit Willemsz: van wijk. This will was presented to the Weeskamer on 8th January 1738.

And in the Instrument drawn up by Maria Provo upon her subsequent marriage with Gerrit van Schalkwijk, dated 21st October 17407, her late husband is again named as Gerrit Willemsz: van Wijk.

This would imply that the Gerrit van Wijk who was married firstly to Elisabeth Vivier and subsequently to Maria Provo, had died before January 1738 and was the son of someone called Willem (see my notes on his probable parentage).

Gerrit van Wijk and Maria Magdalena Eekhof were married at Drakenstein8 on 2nd November 1738, when Gerrit the husband of Elisabeth Vivier and Maria Provo had been dead almost a year.

No mention is made in the marriage register of his or her marital status (ie. jongman/bachelor or weduwenaar/widower) as was usual at that time and on that page, before and after this entry, but the reason for this becomes plain when one sees that their eldest child was baptised at the same service8 at which his parents were married (it was normal to baptise children and marry couples at the end of a normal Sunday church service).

In 1775 Gerrit and Maria Magdalena drew up a will in which they make special provision for their sons Arie Willems and Gerrit Matthij9. In this will they are named as Gerrit van Wijk Ariisz: en Maria Magdalena Eijkhoff. This will was filed in November 1776, presumably after the death of Maria Magdalena.

When Gerrit van Wijk died intestate in 1787, the accounts drawn up at that time name him as 'Gerrit van Wijk Arrysz:' and list his eleven children, starting with Ary Willemsz van Wijk and including Gerrit Matthijs van Wijk, mentioned in the will above.

When Willem van Wijk died intestate in 1774, his estate accounts10 describe him as 'Willem van Wijk Arijsz:'. He apparently left no wife or children since his estate is divided amongst his brothers and sisters, whole and half, first among whom is Gerrit van Wijk Arijsz:. The names of his brothers and sisters make it plain that this group of Van Wijks are the children of Arij van Wijk Willemsz: and Antonetta Campher.


versus, on the profile:

Gerrit van Wijk Willemsz: d c 1690
Parents: Trijntjen Hillebrants & Willem van Wijk

married (1) 26 April 1722 Cape Town Elisabeth Vivier Baptised 12/02/1698 died 15/10/1730 of De Vaderlandse Rietklooff, Piquetberg

He married Maria Magdalena Eijkhoff on 02/11/1738 ( His Stepdaughter) in Drakenstein. His brother Arie Willems (a2b1)'s son, also Gerrit Willems (a2b1c2) Baptised 30/09/1724 was married to Maria Provo. They only had three daughters. when he died between 1736 and 1740. (1) Maria Elizabeth Bapt. 26/07/1733 (2) Anna Bapt. 21/11/1734 (3) Elsie Bapt. 21/10/1736
Gerrit Willems the uncle (a2b3)'s son Arie Willems van Wyk (a2b3c5), were also baptised on 02/11/1738 in Drakenstein.

We need sources / records Nic, if you want to argue for one case over the other.
Or you need to engage with Richard Ball's reasoning above, if you want to argue for an alternative scenario without sources.

Add a link to the profiles and add their dates if you want to distinguish between them in a Discussion.

Richard Ball's point seems to be that the Gerrit v Wijk who was the husband of Elizabeth Vivier died before Jan 1738.

Please upload the original sources you have, Nic - and we'll adjust accordingly.
We're not using SAG lists here.

Richard Ball's analysis is based on original sources too - hence the need to actually engage with his interpretation if we want to progress the Discussion

it would be best to work with Richard Ball's version as a baseline. At least it is visible to us all and includes clear references to the original sources.
Where do your interpretation differ from his, and why?

All welcome to join the van Wyk Project I created to keep track of our research: https://www.geni.com/projects/van-Wyk-Genealogy-of-South-Africa/47489

Good day Sharon

I want to appologise to all.

I have made a big mistake, because I overlooked the small inscription "wed" (For widower) in the transcriptions.
Gerrit Willems van Wyk (a2b3) was not married to Maria Magdalena Eckhoff but to Maria Prevot on 25 March 1731

The son of Arij Willems (a2b1), Gerrit Willems ( A2b1c2) was married to his uncle's stepdaughter, Maria Magdalena Eijkhoff on 2 November 1738 in Drakenstein.

Richard Ball's information is correct.

I know it caused a lot of trouble, and I am really sorry for causing inconvenience to you people.

I have rectified my information since

That's big of you, cuzzin. Thanks for letting us know. :-)

Thanks Nico, forgiven - we are all human :)

Thanks, Nic. Appreciate you apology. It happens to the best among us.
At least we now have CONFIRMATION of Richard Ball's information.

Verskoning aangenem Nic. lmal maak foute met die name wat so ooreenstem.

Mooi dag.


Gerrit Willems van Wyk's birth date, 1694/1695

According to the Muster roll for 1693 page 130, the inscription shows the following.
Willem van Wijk and Trijntje Wijkens (Hillebrandt?) 2k
This means there was only two children at that stage.

There was no Muster roll for 1694, but there was a Muster roll for 1695, page 151 indicating the following.
Willem van Wijk and Trijntie Harmens 3k ( Three Children)

We all know that Catharina Hillebrandt died early in 1695.
I think that Gerrit Willems van Wyk b3 might have been born at the day of his mothers death and that Trijntie Harmens was nursing the infant. I may be wrong but it looks like the answer to the problem, because Trijntie Harmens came into the picture in 1693.

Between 17 November 1697 and 5 October 1698, there are information missing in the Cape Town Baptism records. Gerrit might have been baptised during this period.


Can you tag the profile? - so many Gerrits.

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