Alice de Lacy (de Madeville/de Vere) - Alice de Lacy's SURNAME

Started by James Lacey on Sunday, January 31, 2016
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1/31/2016 at 10:46 AM

i am very confused as to why Alice De Lacy, born of a father whose last name is MANDEVILLE,
isn't named Alice Mandeville.

She in turn marries John FitzRichard de Lacy, who himself isn't a Lacy. He is John fitz ("son of") Richard,
who in turn is Richard fitz Eustace, who in turn is Eustace fitz John de Burgh.

Two things confuse me utterly:

1. All of the bloodline following the marriage of John FitzRichard de Lacy and Alice would not
actually be Lacys at all -- or so it seems to me. They would actually be "de Burghs".

2. When and where does Lacy come into the picture? It happens somewhere between
John de Burgh (1060-1138) and and Alice Mandeville (1150-1248) but how and why?


Being name Lacy, myself, I am not interested in know any adoptive line in my past. I'm wanting
to know my BLOOD line. If I am actually a "de Burgh," fine, but I want to know that.

1/31/2016 at 11:07 AM

One part of this is easy.

Note in profile:

Not the daughter of Geoffrey de Mandeville - there is no record of his having had any daughters.


Therefore I have disconnected. She was not a Mandeville.

1/31/2016 at 11:51 AM

Re the surname "de Lacy"


7 Roger FitzJohn de Lacy
The son of John FitzRichard. He adopted the surname of de Lacy. He was a renowned soldier and was nicknamed "Hell" Lacy for his military daring. In 1192 he was also serving with Richard I in the Third Crusade. Later he served King John in the unsuccessful attempt to thwart the French conquest of Normandy following which he was made High Sheriff of Lancashire. He was buried in the abbey founded by his father at Stanlow.[11][12]


There might be a generational mixup in the tree around Alice. Working on it ...

1/31/2016 at 12:04 PM

This looks to be a different Alice de Lacy

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