Randy Stebbing are we missing somthing?: your the Mormon expert right or was that another cuator I was thinking of.,..
oh and happy new year cuz pamela
I've added you as a manager of Isaac Hale's profile. I hope this will help you to keep tabs on this profile. I myself haven't done much on his profile since adding it back in 2011. Clicking on the revision tab on his profile might help you determine who best to contact to coordinate additional research and updates. I'm not myself familiar with the documents you indicate are missing. If you could point me to some on-line documents like the affidavits I could certainly help attach or re-attach them to his profile. Regards Randy Stebbing
Private User the local dar chapter some times meets at my apartment complex when i ask about Maj. Thaddeus Crane and Deacon Benjamin Bancroft i will put in a request to see what they might know