Chrétien Maximillien du Bois
Chrétien Maximillien du Bois
Chrétien Maximillien du Bois
Chrétien Maximillian duBois de Fiennes, Marquis de Fiennes MP
Né le : circa 1597
La Bassa, Wicres, Lille, Artois, France
Décès : 10 octobre 1655 (54-62)
La Bassa, Wicres, Lilli, Artois, France
Famille proche :
Fils de Antoine DuBois et Anne Cousin
Époux de Cornelia de Tournay; Françoise le Poivre et Jeanne Masic Brunel
Chrétien Maximillien du Bois
Chrétien DuBois MP
Né le : circa 1597
Tournai, France
Décès : circa 1641 (36-52)
Wicres, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Famille proche :
Fils de Antoine Dubois et Anne Cousin
Époux de Cornelia du Bois et Jeanne Masic Brunel
here some discutions that can help
http://www.geni.com/discussions/150712?msg=1056933&page=1 read for more
i have shearch for link provided in some place about =
Watch Out for
Family Trees
By James Pylant
most of hes work is deleted supressed but its very interesting and i suport this!
i got the Authorisation with sourcing hes work and word
Family Trees
By James Pylant
Several years ago, upon our first visit to Salt Lake City's Family History Library, we found a microfilmed copy of a genealogy of the Van Meters in New York. It traced the lineage of this family back to Joost Jansen Van Meteren who married Sara DuBois. But it was the DuBois bloodline that never seemed to end. It started with Sara's parents, French emigrants, and continued backward, giving names of grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. It concluded with the DuBois descent from the Plantagenet family. In just an hour we started our search with a seventeenth century New York family and ended with a royal bloodline.
There was no documentation, but we wouldn't let it end there. After returning from Salt Lake City, a search was started on the newly found DuBois line. It did not take long to answer that question about documentation for the royal pedigree. William Heidgerd's The American Descendants of Chrètien DuBois of Wicres, France, Part One (New Paltz, New York: DuBois Family Association, 1968), gave the sobering news. The illustrious lineage was widely published, but that didn't make it accurate. A French genealogist hired by a DuBois descendant had, as Heidgerd wrote, "perpetrated upon her an outrageous fraud." The French genealogist copied the lineage of a DuBois family of royal descent from a reliable reference and then grafted the noble branch to the family tree of his client. The French genealogist purposely combined the identities of Chrètien DuBois and Chrètien Maxmillan DuBois des Fiennes. He then conveniently omitted dates of birth and death, for Chrètien DuBois was at least 120 years older than Chrètien Maxmillan DuBois des Fiennes!
Heidgerd credits the late Reverend W. Twyman Williams for exposing the fraud. Although the Williams report was in 1935, many did not learn of it until the publication of Heidgerd's volume—more than 30 years later. Sadly, this is often the case with fraudulent genealogies. They make their way into books which sit on library shelves waiting to deceive a new, unsuspecting generation of genealogists.
Robert Charles Anderson's article, "We Wuz Robbed!," in the Genealogical Journal of the Utah Genealogical Association, Vol. 19, Nos. 1 & 2 (1991), warns researchers of the genealogical pitfalls created by the late Gustave Anjou. It's been nearly 60 years since Anjou's death, yet his fraudulent pedigrees were incorporated into many published family histories. For an overview of the Anjou fraud, see Ron Wild's article, "Beware of Fraudulent Genealogies," in Family Chronicle.
In National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 79, No. 2, editors Gary B. and Elizabeth Shown Mills, on the subject of documentation, shared their experience with a well-known genealogical compiler who did not cite his sources. "Several expensive years later, we discovered that he disdained documentation: he had manufactured ancestors for us. As he later explained, he 'liked to make people happy, and people don't like dead ends or dull forbearers.' The Millses added, "This man's writings are still very much alive on library shelves, as well as on genealogy's 'swap-out circuit.'"
In "Early Nichols Genealogy Exposed as Fraud," in American Genealogy Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 1, we wrote of George L. Nichols's experience with the research of an earlier researcher named Leon Nelson Nichols. George L. Nichols concluded that the work of the earlier researcher was purely fictional. "It's a shame that people think they have to invent glamorous backgrounds for a family or families," he said, "but they do it."
PS: Thank you James to let me use your work acording to
By James Pylant
(((very boring to do but i have to do it)))
now in this website =((( http://www.dbfa.org/newsletter8archives.htm)))
(((2015 Newsletter (--------the info are in pdf)))
(((finding you dubois ancestor: guide to navigating the blue book genealogical numbering system)))
evrybody can read by them self
((( since the arival here of Louis "The Walloon" Du Bois and Jacques Du Bois brother and their sister Françoise Du Bois)) so it imply that 3 oficial childrens of XX AND XX
but here on this website geni they are not brother and sister
Jacques DuBois
Louis Du Bois "The Patentee"
Research of Reverend W. Twyman Williams, Minister of College Church, Hampden-Sydney, Virginia, dated 13 December 1935
DuBois Family There are some uncertainties regarding early lineage in this family as indicated in the follow "Report of European Research of Reverend W. Twyman Williams, Minister of College Church, Hampden-Sydney, Virginia, dated 13 December 1935: "Mr. Williams pointed out errors in Mackenzie's Colonial Families of the United States of America, IV, duBois, because of lack of conciliation in generation dates, such as placing Louis DuBois, born 21 October 1626, as the son of Chretien Maxmillan des Finnes. In the Dictionarie de la Noblesse by La Chesnay, Desbois and Baider, a standard work on the French nobility, Chretien Maxmilien du Bois de Finnes was listed in Vol. VIII and recorded as 'Captain in the Regiment of his father, died 1747 ages 21 without issue'. His father was Charles Maxmilien (1701-1750); his grandfather, Maximilien Francois (1669-1714); his great-grandfather, Maximilien, who married 1662 Catherine Cecile de Guernonval; and his great-great-grandfather, Marc, who married 1624 Madeleine d-Ognies. Obviously, if Louis duBois' father, Chretien, were of this line, he could not belong to a later generation than of Marc du Bois de Fiennes, who was son of Guislain, son of Eustace, son of Charles du Bois and Claude de Lannoy. A record of the children of the last three named seems conclusive that Chretien du Bois was not of this line at all. "This incorrect pedigree had been secured by Mrs. Anna Louise Thompson of Geneva, Illinois, since deceased, from a French genealogist, who perpetrated upon her an outrageous fraud, namely copying these generations from the Dictionarie and omitting all dates to conceal his ridiculous identification of Chretien du Bois, father of Louis, the emigrant, with Chretien Maximilien du Bois de Fiennes (1726-1747). "Mr. S. Gordon Smythe called attention to a statement in E. de Valcourt-Vermont's America Heraldica that Chretien du Bois of Wicres, a village near Lille, belonged to the family of DuBois who were Seigneurs of La Bourse and Beaufermez, two old family estates in the vicinity of Lille. "Mr. Williams found an Antoine du Bois, of the DuBois de Fiennes family, but in a cadet branch founded the latter part of the fourteenth century, who was Seigneur de la Bourse, as his ancestors had been for five or six generations, and who became Seigneur de Beaufermez by his marriage to Philipotte de Landas, Dame de Beaufermez. "Wallerand du Bois, son of Antoine and Philipotte du Bois, first of his line to be by inheritance Seigneur both of La Bourse and of Beaufermez, married 1583, Madelein de Croix. Wallerand and Madeleine du Bois thus lived at the right place and the right time to have been the parents of Chretien du Bois, father of Louis, the emigrant to New York. For since the Parish Register of La Bassee (in which Wicres is situated) shows that Chretien du Bois had at least two sons older than Louis, who was born in 1626, Chretien could not have been born much later than 1600 at latest, not too late for the birth of a son to parents married in 1583. "A later report of the Reverend Mr. W. Twyman Williams dated 24 July 1937 states: "A communication from Monsieur J. S. Willems-Le Clercq of Brussels, an accredited genealogist of the Institute, gives only negative values of proving that the wanted records were NOT to be found in the church registers of Leyden. The genealogist wrote that he had examined the Cambrai Historical Society's publications, in which are genealogies of families resident at or near Wicres and known to have inter-married with the du Bois of that locality, and also the state archives at Gand, where in the 17th century were kept records of the court within the jurisdiction of which Wicres then belonged. "In the data thus far received there were several items of positive value, corroborating, so far as they go, Mr. Williams' conclusion that our ancestor, Chretien du Bois of Wicres, was a son of Wallerand du Bois who married 1583 Madeleine de Croix. "First: the estate of Beaufermez, of which Wallerand du Bois was Seigneur, is proved to have been situated at Wicres. The value of this item is apparent in connection with the hitherto unsupported statement of America Heraldica that Beaufermez was one of the estates possessed by the ancestors of Chretien du Bois. "Second: the family to which Madeleine de Croix belonged also had estates in the commune of Wicres. "Third: estates at Wicres owned by several du Bois and by 'the Seigneur of Beaufermez (Bauffremez)' adjoined estates of the family Billau (Bilyou), one of whom is known to have married a daughter of Chretien du Bois. We have a record of this marriage in Leyden, and in New York a record mentioning Louis DuBois as uncle of a daughter of this marriage." The following was written by George Washington DuBois, D.D. (1822-1910) who was of Keeseville, Essex County, New York at the time of his death: "Chretien du Bois of Wicres in Artois, Pas de Calais, France, was born in 1597 and died prior to 10 October 1655. Owing to the systematic mutilation of the records of Huguenot families of the nobility, neither his parentage nor issue can be definitely proved. It is believed that he belonged to one of the five quite well known families stemming from Geoffroi de Bois and his wife Sidonie Tesson of the Cotentin Peninsula in Normandy who were alive in the middle of the 11th century. From records in the Netherlands, where many Huguenots gained sanctuary, it is certain that Louis and Jacque s, both Walloons, were sons of Chretien du Bois. "Helps to the identification of the American Branch of the 'famille du Bois': In a book in my library entitled Souvenirs d'une ancienne famille Maison de Mailly en Artois, published at Limoges, France 1889, pp. 111-115, it is recorded that the 9th child of Robert de Mailly-Couronel and Jeanne de Beaumont, his wife, was Madeline, who about 1550 was married to Jacques du Bois, Baron de Finnes (one of the 12 Baronnes of the Conte de Guise), Artois, his oldest son was Pierre, Seigneur de Rantigny, advocate at the Council of Artois, married at Cambray, Jacqueline de Mouen. The second child was Jean. The third child of Robert de Mailly-Couronel was Charles, Seigneur du Rien. Note the perpetuation of Christian and surnames - Jacques, Pierre, Pierrone, Jacqueline, Jean, du Rien. Our ancestor Jacques was from Artois province (Lille). Marie du Rien was sponsor at baptism of Marie 1664, the first child of our Jacques as of record in Leyden. As this record contained in the book above referred to connects our branch with Jacques du Bois, Baron de Fienne (presumably), so does it also connect us in ascending line with the Baron de Fienne, the lineal descendant of Geoffroi de Bois, according to the genealogy preserved in the Bibliotheque du Rois Paris" Heidgerd continues, "In 1675, Jacques and his family joined his elder brother, Louis, who had emigrated 15 years earlier to the Esopus. Seven of their children had been baptised in Leyden. The eighth was born while the family were en route or shortly after their arrival. Jacques died soon after the birth of his last child, Christian, certainly before the marriage of his widow in 1677 to John L. Pietersy. Quick re-marriages were almost a necessity in early colonial times. "The above account was furnished by Koert DuBois Burnham of Keeseville, New York to the DuBois Family Association in 1967." The reference next reports the following "from the papers of John Coert Du Bois, M.D. (1831-1913), late of the city of Hudson, Columbia County, New York: "The following is a compilation from research of Dr. DuBois during the time he was a medical student in Paris from 1858 to 1860, and during a later visit there in 1883. His references were the d'Hozier Manuscripts, 1696-1716, the records of the Reformation Church at Lille, the records of the Reformation Church at Leyden. These were all examined by him personally. "The DuBois family is one of the oldest of the noble houses of Conentin in the duchy of Normandy. The heraldic records in the Bibliotheque Nationale, rue de Richelieu, Paris, commence the genealogy with Geoffroi du Bois, 'a knight banneret' who was companion of William of Normandy, called the Conqueror after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. To date the line from Geoffroi has not been confirmed to Chretien du Bois, the father of Louis and Jacques who emigrated to Ulster County, New York, during the seventeenth century. "In the Maison Royale de France, the 'famille du Bois' is mentioned as 'Grand Masters of the Forests of France.' "I have traced while living in Paris during the years 1858 through 1860, and since that time, with the following generations listed: 1. Jean, Seigneur de Fontaines, maitre d'hotel of Charles VIII, died 1507. 2. Jean, king's councillor and controller-general of finances, married 7 October 1493 to the niece of the Chancellor of France. 3. Astremoine, a Huguenot who afterwards renounced his faith, was restored to his nobility, and was declared to be descended from 'la maison du Bois en Artois.' 4. Antoine, Seigneur de Fontaines, king's councillor and ambassador to the Pays-Bas. He was married in 1571. 5. Pierre, Seigneur de Fontaines-Moran, married Francoise Olivier de Leuville. He served in the army during 1597. Chretien, a younger son, became a Huguenot, and was deprived of his nobility in consequence. His elder brother, Louis, who remained a Catholic, was designated as Seigneur de Fontaines, lieutenant-general of the Armies of the King. Louis was in 1653 made Marquis de Giuvi." After reading the foregoing pages, it is clearly understood that Heidgerd states "it is necessary that further European research be commissioned. It is hoped that a later installment of this DuBois Family History will provide a completely authenticated lineage for Chretien du Bois of Wicres" Chre'tien DU BOIS was born about 1590 to 1600, probably at Wicres, France. He became a Huguenot and was deprived of his nobility in consequence. He settled on lands at Wicres about 10 miles southwest of Lille where his farm is still pointed out. He is described as 'a gentleman of the family of du Bois, Seigneurs de Beaufermez and de Bourse.' (d'Hozier MSS) His children, apparently all baptized at Lille, parish church of Wicres, were: Francoise, born 17 June 1622, married Pierre Billiou; Anne, baptized 30 November 1625 at Lille, parish church of Wicres; Louis, baptized on 13 November 1626 at Lille, parish church of Wicres, married Catherine Blanchan at Mannheim, in the Pfalz, German Palatinate on 10 October 1655; and Jacques, baptized on 27 October 1628 at Reformation Church of Lille, parish church of Wicres, married Pierrone Bentyn at the Walloon Church at Leyden on 25 April 1663, and had eight children. "The Rev. W. Twyman Williams, Minister of the College Church, Hampden-Sydney, Virginia, suggested as a result of his research that Chretien possibly had at least two additional sons, possibly Antoine and Isaac, who were older than the children of whom we have definite record." Chretien had died by 10 October 1655 when his son Louis was married at Mannheim. Louis DU BOIS was baptized on 21 October 1626 at Lille, parish church of Wicres, France, the son of Chretien du Bois (and possibly a Cornelia [Unknown]). Either with his parents or on his own he went to Mannheim, Germany in the Pfalz, German Palatinate. Abstracts of Mannheim Palatine Records translated by Louis DuBois of Yardley, Pennsylvania in 1928 state: "In the year 1606, the Elector Frederick IV of the Palatinate, being an Evangelical Prince and foreseeing a religious war, built the fortified city of Mannheim at the confluence of the Neckar and Rhine Rivers. Soon after, in 1618, there broke out the devastating 'Thirty Years War' and then the youthful fortress of Mannheim was taken and destroyed by the Bavarian General Tilly. The persecuted French Protestants were brotherly received in the German Evangelical country, particularly in the Rhineland. The Walloons were likewise welcomed in Mannheim and allowed to establish their own French Evangelical community with their own clergymen. For a time they were united with the German Evangelical Reformed church, which union was made with the understanding that services and Holy Communion should be held in the French language in the Spring and Autumn. "The civil and church records of Mannheim do not go back beyond the year 1621, the date of the city's destruction. It is only at a later date that the records of the French Protestants are to be found inscribed by French clergymen in the German church book of records. "The name du Bois is found for the first time in 1653.... Louis du Bois, son of the late Chretien DuBois, resident of Wicres in the vicinity of La Bassee, of the first part, and Catharine Blanchan, daughter of Mathieu Blanchan, bourgeois of Mannheim, of the second part, were married at the French (Protestant) Church of Mannheim (in the Pfalz, German Palatinate), the 10th of October 1655. (Note: A photostatic copy of this record is included in the DuBois Family History)" Their children were: Abraham, born at Mannheim, Germany on 26 December 1657, married Margriet Deyo on 6 March 1681 at First Dutch Church, Kingston, had eight children, and died on 7 October 1731 at New Paltz; Isaac, born at Mannheim in 1659, married Maria Hasbrouck on 1 June 1683 at First Dutch Church, Kingston, had three children, and died on 28 June 1690 at New Paltz; Jacob, baptized on 9 October 1661 at Kingston, married Lysbeth Varnoye on 8 March 1689 at First Dutch Church, Kingston, had one child, married (2) Gerritje Gerritsen (nee van Nieuwkirk) in 1691/2 at First Dutch Church, had eleven children by her, and died in June 1745 at Hurley; Sarah, baptized on 14 September 1664 at Kingston, married Joost Jansen Van Meteren on 12 December 1682 at Kingston, had nine children, and died in 1726 at Salem County, New Jersey; David, baptized on 13 March 1667 at Kingston, married Cornelia Varnoye on 8 March 1689 at First Dutch Church, Kingston, and had six children; Solomon, born in 1669 at Hurley, baptized at the Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam on 3 February 1669, married Tryntje Foochen (nee Gerritsen) in 1692, had nine children, and died on 2 February 1759 at New Paltz; Rebecca, baptized at Old Dutch Church, Kingston on 18 June 1671 and died young; Rachel, baptized at Old Dutch Church, Kingston on 18 April 1675 and died young; Louis, born at Hurley in 1677, married Rachel Hasbrouck at Old Dutch Church, Kingston, on 19 January 1701, had seven children, and died in 1749; Mattheus, born on 3 January 1679 at Hurley, married Sara Matthysen on 17 January 1697 at Old Dutch Church, Kingston, had twelve children, and died in 1748 in Dutchess County, New York; and Magdalena, baptized on 12 May 1680. "It has been generally accepted that Louis, his wife and children accompanied Matthys Blanchan and Antoine Crispell (departing 27 April 1660 in the 'Gilded Otter'), but Riker suggests that he probably came with his brother-in-law Pierre Billiou the following year. "Blanchan, Crispell and DuBois all received grants of land in Hurley, near Kingston, obtaining ground briefs on 25 April 1663. "On the 10th of June 1663, Hurley and part of Kingston was burned by the Indians, and the wife of Louis DuBois and three children were among those who were carried away captive. Three months afterward an expedition under Captain Krieger, sent from New York, recovered the captives by surprising the Indians at their Fort near the Hogaberg in Shawangunk. "From Ralph LeFebre's History of New Paltz, Fort Orange Press, Albany, New York, 1909: 'The story (of the rescue of the Indian captives) which is dear to the Huguenot heart of New Paltz, is that when Captain Krieger and his company, directed by an Indian, attacked the savages at their place of refuge near the Shawangunk Kill, they were about to burn one or more captives at the stake, and the women commenced singing the 137th Psalm, which so pleased the red men that they deferred the proposed death by torture. In the meantime Captain Krieger's band, with Louis DuBois and others, arrived and rescued the captives from a horrible death. Louis DuBois is reported to have killed with his sword an Indian who was in advance of the rest, before the alarm could be raised. Captain Krieger's report says nothing of this. However, as the tradition contains nothing irreconcilable with the Captain's report which deals mainly with the fighting done by his soldiers, it is interesting to keep the tradition alive as it deals more upon the condition of the captives.' "E. M. Ruttenber, the Orange County historian, states his objections to the tradition as follows: 'The story was repudiated as a statement of fact, first, on the authority of Indian customs. We do not recall a single instance where a woman was burned at the stake by the Indians. They killed female prisoners on the march sometimes when they were too feeble to keep up but very rarely after reaching camp. Mrs. DuBois and her companions had been prisoners from June 10th to September 5th, or nearly three months before they were rescued from captivity. During all that time they had been guarded carefully at the castle of the Indians, and held ransom or exchange, to which end negotiations had been opened. The Indians asked especially for the return of some of their chiefs who had been sent to Curacao and sold as slaves by Governor Stuyvesant. "'Second: Documentary evidence concerning events of that period is entirely against tradition. The written record is, that when the Dutch forces surprised the Indians, the latter were busy in constructing a third angle to their fort for the purpose of strengthening it, instead of being engaged in preparations for burning prisoners. The prisoners were found alive and well, and no complaint is recorded of any ill treatment, not even their heads had been shaved and painted as had been customary. Every night, says the record, they were removed from the castle to the woods, lest the Dutch should recover them before negotiations for their release were consumated.' "Among the Huguenot settlers at Kingston, at this time, was Abraham Hasbrouck. He had served with Edmund Andros in the English army. He was a native of Calais, had emigrated to Mannheim, and in 1675 to America, settling finally in Esopus. "The Huguenots, being desirous of forming a settlement of their own, were indebted to some extent to the acquaintanceship of Abraham Hasbrouck with Edmund Andros who was Colonial Governor at this time, having been appointed to that office when the colony of New York passed from the Dutch to the English in 1665. "These French settlers longed for a settlement of their own where they could speak their own language, worship in their own church, and be in a community where they could govern themselves according to their own choice. The traffic with the Indians in furs was becoming less profitable. It was becoming more and more necessary to follow the occupation of cultivating the soil. The fertile lowlands of the Wallkill had undoubtedly been in the mind of Louis DuBois as an ideal place to establish the French community. The mountains and forests lining the valley most certainly must have reminded the Huguenots of their native county in French Flanders, and the Meuse Valley through which they escaped to the Pfalz. "The papers relating to the Paltz Patent are among the most cherished possessions of the Huguenot Historical Society of New Paltz, New York, Inc They are written in Dutch and present a unique example of fair dealing between red men and white. LeFevre's History gives the translation as follows: Contract of Sale 'By approbation of his Excellency Governor Edmond Andros, dated 28 April 1677, an agreement is made on this date, the 26th of May, of the year 1677, for the purchase of certain lands, between the parties herein named and the undersigned Esopus Indians. 'Matsaysay, Nekahakaway, Magakahas, Assinnerakan, Wawawanis, acknowledge to have sold to Lowies du Booys and his partners the land described as follows: Beginning from the high hills at a place named Moggonck, from thence south-east toward the river to a point named Juffrous Hoock (Juffrons Hook), lying in the Long Reach, named by the Indians Magaatramis (Great River), then north up along the river to the island called by the Indians Raphoes (Rappoos, on the Kroonme Elbow), then west toward the high hills to a place called Waratahaes and Tawaentaqui, along the high hills south-west to Moggonck, being described by the four corners with everything included within these boundaries, hills, dales, waters, etc., and a right of way to the Ronduyt kill (Rondout Kill - New Paltz) as directly as it can be found, and also that the Indians shall have the same right to hunt and to fish as the Christians, for which land the Indians have agreed to accept the articles here specified: '40 kettles, 10 large, 30 small; 40 axes, 40 adzes; 40 shirts, 400 fathoms of white net-work; 300 fathoms of black net-work; 60 pairs of stockings, half small sizes; 100 bars of lead; 1 keg of powder; 100 knives; 4 kegs of wine; 40 oars; 40 pieces of duffel (heavy woolen cloth); 60 blankets; 100 needles; 100 awls; 1 measure of tobacco; 2 horses - 1 stallion, 1 mare. 'Parties on both sides acknowledge to be fully satisfied herewith and have affixed their own signatures ad ut supra. Louwies Du Booys Matsaya x his mark Christian de Yoo x his mark Waehtonck x his mark Abraham Haesbroecq Seneraken x his mark Andrie Lefeber Magakahoos x his mark Jan Broecq Wawateanis x his mark Piere Doyo Anthony Crespel Abraham Du Booys Hugo Freer Isaack D. Boojs Symon Lefeber Witnesses: Jan Eltinge; Jacomeyntje Sleght; Jan Mattyse. Agrees with the original. W. La: Montague, Secry. 'I do allow of the within Bargaine and shall Grant patents for y Same when payments made accordingly before mee or Magistrates of Esopus. Andross,' "This contract of sale, signed by the five chiefs of the Esopus and the twelve patentees of New Paltz, was followed on 15 September 1677 by a deed signed by 29 heads of families of the Esopus (including two women), and is translated as follows: The Indian Deed 'We the undersigned persons, former owners of the land sold to Lowies du Booys and his partners acknowledge to have been fully satisfied by them according to agreement we therefore transfer the designated land with a free right of way for them and their heirs, and relinquishing forever our right and title, will protect them against further claims, in token whereof we have affixed our signatures in the presence of the Justice, Sheriff, Magistrates and Bystanders, on the 15 September 1677 at Hurley, Esopus Sackmakers 'Witnesses: Sewakuny x his mark; Hamerwack x his mark; Manvest x her mark; Mahente; Papoehkies x his mark; Pochquqet x his mark; Haroman x his mark; Pagotamin x his mark; Haromini x his mark; Wingatiek x his mark; Wissinahkan x his mark; Mattawessick x his mark; Matsayay x his mark; Asserwvaka x his mark; Umtronok x his mark; Wawanies x sister in his absence called Warawenhtow; Magakhoos x her mark; Wawejask x his mark; Nawas x his mark; Tomaehkapray x his mark; Sagarowanto x his mark; Sawanawams x his mark; Machkamoeke x his mark. 'Witnesses: Jan Eltinge; Roelof Hendrycke; John Ward; Gars x Harris; Albert Jansen. 'Testis: Thomas Chambers; Hall Sherrife; Wessel Ten Broeck; Dirck Schepmoes; Hendrik Jochemsen; Joost de Yadus; Garit x Cornelise; Lambert x Huybertse. 'Mattay has publicly proclaimed and acknowledged in the presence of all the Indian bystanders that the land had been fully paid for in which all concurred. 'Testis: W. Montague, Secr.' "The grant by Gov. Edmund Andros confirming this purchase of land from the Indians, is in English as follows: The Patent 'Edmund Andros, Esqr. Seigneur of Sansmarez, Lieut't Governor generall under his Royall Highness: James Duke of Yorke & Albany &c. of all his Territoryes in America. WHEREAS there is a certain piece of Land att Esopus, the which by my approbation and Consent, hath been purchased of the Indian Proprietors, by Lewis DuBois and Partners; The said Land lyeing on the South side of the Redoute Creek or Kill, beginning from the High Hills called Moggonck, from thence stretching South East neare the Great River, to a certain Point or Hooke, called the Jeuffrous Hoocke, lyeing in the long Reach named by the Indyans Magaatramis, then North up alengst the River to an Island in a Crooked Elbow in the Beginning of the Long Reach called by the Indyans Raphoos, then West, on to the High Hills, to a place called Waratahaes and Tawaratague, and so alongst the said High Hills South West to Moggonck aforesaid; All which hath by the Magistrates of Esopus been certifyed unto mee, to have been publiquely bought and paid for in their presences; As by the returne from theme doth and may appeare: 'KNOW YEE that by vertue of his Ma'ties Letters Patents and the Commission and authority unto mee given by his Royall Highness, I have given, Ratifyed, confirmed and granted, and by these presents doe hereby give, ratify, confirme & grant unto the said Lewis DuBois and Partners, Thatt is to say, Christian Doyo, Abraham Haesbroecq, Andries Lefevre, Jean Broecq, Pierre Doyo, Laurens Biverie, Anthony Crespell, Abraham DuBois, Hugo Frere, Isaack DuBois, and Symeon LeFebre, their heyres and Assignes, the afore recited piece of Land and premises; Together with all the Lands, Soyles, Woods, Hills, Dales, meadowes, pastures, Marshes, Lakes, waters, Rivers, fishing, Hawking, Hunting and fowling, and all other Profitts, Commoditys, and Emoluments whatsoever to the said piece of land and premises belonging, with their & every of their appurtenances, & of every part and parcell thereof; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said piece of Land and Premises, with all and Singular the appurtenances unto the said Lewis DuBois and partners their heyres and Assignes, to the proper use and behoofe of him the said Lewis DuBois and partners their heyres and Assignes for ever. AND that the plantacons which shall bee settled upon the said piece of land bee a Township and that the Inhabitants to have liberty to make a High Way between them and the Redout Creeke or Kill for their Convenience. Hee, the said Lewis DuBois and partners their heyres and Assigns, Returning due Surveys & makeing improvem't thereon according to Law; And Yielding and paying therefore yearely and every yeare unto his Royall Highnesse use as an acknowledgment or Quitt Rent att the Redout in Esopus five bushells of good Winter Wheat unto such Officer or Officers as shall be empowered to receive the same: 'Given under my hand and Sealed with y Seale of the Province in New Yorke this 29th day of September in the 29th yeare of his Ma'ties Reigne, Anno Domini 1677. Andross. 'Examined by mee, Matthias: Nicolls, Secr.' "The final action taken by Governor Andros in regard to granting the patent appears in the Documentary History of New York as follows: 'Upon request of Louis DuBois and partners at Esopus, that they may have Liberty to goe and settle upon the land by them purchased on the South side of the Redout Creek, at their first convenience, these are to certify that they have Liberty to do so, Provided they build a Redoute there first for a place of Retreat and Safeguard upon Occasion: 'Action in New York, November 1677. E. Andros' "From Kingston the little party came to New Paltz in three carts, and the spot of their encampment, about a mile south of the present village, on the west side of the Wallkill is still known as Tri-Cor, 'Three Carts'. "On 28 December 1678 an Indian deed for land at Esopus, embracing 'ye land on both sides of ye creeke, and ye land called in ye Indian tongue Pawachta to Pakasek, Wakaseeck, Wakankonach (Ibid., p. 152). "In 1686, Louis DuBois, who had been the leader of the settlement, returned from New Paltz to Kingston, where he purchased a house and lived at this location ten years until his death in 1696." "Early records of Kingston include: "Book 1, p. 11: 16 November 1661, Lowys DuBo against Bart Lybrantse, demand for freight of cattle, 7 schepels of wheat - sentenced to pay. "Book 2, p. 259: 11 August 1679, shows sale of negro named Mingoo for 1000 Guilders to Thomas Harmansen & Jan Hendrix. "Book 2, p. 259: 11 August 1679, shows a sale of negro and negress for 800 guilders to Matthew Blanchan. "Book 2, p. 450: 22 December 1679, Louis DuBois complaint that he has been beaten and also that he was disturbed by loud knocking at his door. The jury decided that the defendant has been unjustly accused and complainent must pay expenses. "Book 2, p. 603: 4 April 1682, Louis DuBois against Thomas Chambers. Demand excise pay. Answer: that according to law no excise is to be levied at the Paltz. Ordered not to distill until the case shall have been settled and the hose and distilling apparatus are to be taken from there. "And many others. "Some land transfers in Kingston: "6 February 1688: Lewis DuBois to Anthony Dilba, a house and lot in Kingston, south of William de la Montanye. "16 March 1689: Joachim Van Name to Louis DuBois, a certain fly (meadow) being upon the Great Binnewater. "8 August 1689: Trustees of the Corporation of Kingston to Louis DuBois, a tract upon the Great Binnewater, north of Town. "20 May 1691: Matthys Matthysen to Louis DuBois, a house and lot adjoining the land of the said DuBois. "5 November 1698: Trustees of the Corporation of Kingston to heirs of Louis DuBois, Twenty acres formerly owned by John Hendrickse." Louis died at Kingston, reported by Heidgerd as 23 June 1693. However, Louis had three wills (all written in Dutch) recorded in Ulster County Surrogate's Office, the last of which was dated 22 February 1696, and his wills were proved on 26 March 1696, so his death occurred sometime during that interval of a month's time. An early will, or more properly defined, a joint agreement of Louis DuBois and Catherine, his wife, was dated 13 October 1676 and written in Dutch, translated as follows: "After their deaths, the whole estate shall go to their children, the monors first to be educated until they can earn a living. If either should re-marry, he or she shall pay one half to the children, begotten by them, and in case of death, one fourt of the remaining half shall be divided among the children. If the survivor remains unmarried, he or she shall not be compelled to pay out anything more to the children than it may please the survivor, either as a marriage portion, or in some other way. At death of both parties, the children shall inherit the entire estate. In case of re-marriage of either party, without lawful issue, the children shall have one half of the estate." A will dated 30 March 1686, and recorded 5 May 1686, provides that Louis' "estate, after payment of debts to be equally divided 'amongst my children but my two eldest sons desiring to have Each of them a part of the land of New Paltz and more than the other children by Reason their names 'uppon the Patent', but if they will be content 'to deale Equally with my other children whether in land, houses or any other sort of goods whatever belonging to my Estate As well the land of the Paltz....' that if they have the land at New Paltz they should pay a share of its worth to the other children as all of the estate should be divided equally. 'My wife, their mother, shall have the ordering of the Estate as long as she remains a widow.' 'If she marry the Estate to be divided among the children aforesaid except my two eldest sons.' "The second will dated 27 March 1694, proved 26 March 1696, states that if the widow should marry, then to the eldest son Abraham, 6 Pounds, as his primogeniture right, also 1/8 of the estate; son Jacob 1/8; and 1/8 to each of the following children: David, Solomon, Louis, Matthew; and to the children of deceased son Isaac 1/8; and to children of Sara wife of Joost Janse (Van Meter) 1/8. Wife Catherine appointed executrix." Louis' will dated 22 February 1695/6 and written in the Dutch language provides for the disposition of his property as follows: "to my son Jacob half of my farm at Hurley adjoining land of Hyman and Jan Rosa and land of Lammert Huyberse on condition that he pays 1500 shepels wheat; Jacob to use the other half until my youngest son Matthew Du Bois becomes of age, for which he is to pay 50 shepels wheat yearly. I have this day conveyed to my youngest son, Matthew Du Bois, house and land in Kingston, a parcel of me adow land, and one half of my land at Hurley, for which he is to pay 1500 schepels of wheat. Payments for the land which my son David bought from Jan Wood to come out of my estate, as I had promised my son David. My sons Salomon and Louis Du Bois are to have my land in the Paltz, conveyed to me by deed from Coll. Thomas Dongan, dated 2 June 1688, for which they are to pay 800 shepels of wheat. My daughter Sara wife of Joost Janse to have a piece of land in Hurley adjoining the land of Corneles Cool, for which she is to pay 700 shepels of wheat. This includes the woodland adjoining." The Ulster County Genealogy Archive included a brief biography which stated: "There is a memorial to Louis in the Dutch Reformed Churchyard, right across from the Post Office. His actual burial place is unknown, but it is somewhere on the Churchyards grounds." Sarah DU BOIS was born on 14 September 1662 and baptized on 14 September 1664 at First Dutch Church, Kingston, Ulster County, New York, the daughter of Louis DuBois and Catherine Blanchan. She married Joost Jansen Van Metern on 12 December 1682 in Kingston (banns 18 November 1682). She died in 1726 at Salem County, New Jersey.
i ask a merge from this 2 profiles finaly resolve in hapyness the childrens togheter
Chrétien Maximillian duBois de Fiennes, Marquis de Fiennes
Chrétien DuBois
this merge will make those profile the family of dubois in USA finaly reunited :)
Louis "The Walloon" DuBois
Jacques Du Bois
but its not time for party yet this merge will create a BIg mess not to mention
i just wish that all geni member mostly curators are not held in hostage from family assosiation witout naming them
in any case...
personal word of the intention:
after the merge the children they will be disconected from the parents .
copy and backup of the profile
Chrétien Maximillian duBois de Fiennes, Marquis de Fiennes MP
Né le : circa 1597
La Bassa, Wicres, Lille, Artois, France
Décès : 10 octobre 1655 (54-62)
La Bassa, Wicres, Lilli, Artois, France
Famille proche :
Fils de Antoine DuBois et Anne Cousin
Époux de Cornelia de Tournay; Françoise le Poivre et Jeanne Masic Brunel
Père de Antoine DuBois; Anne Du Bois; Philippe Du Bois; Toussaint DuBois; Albert Pierre Dubois; Louis "The Walloon" DuBois et Jacques Du Bois « moins
Ajouté par : Thomas Bowman Marshall le 30 janvier 2007
Géré par : Marsha Gail (Kamish) Veazey et 72 autres
Conservateur: Kevin Lawrence Hanit
Travail de Gustav anjou!!!!
Chrétien DuBois
Chrétien du Bois (1597-1655) was a French official in the Comté of Coupigny.
He was the father of three Protestant French-speaking immigrants to colonial New York.[1] One of these, Louis Dubois, was among the founders of New Paltz, New York, in the late 1600s.[2]
Chretien du Bois was the son of Antoine du Bois and Anne Cousin, and was married to Françoise le Poivre.[3]
Chretien du Bois lived in the village of Wicres, outside of Lille. Documents from the Archives Départementales de Lille indicate he was bailli, lieutenant, greffier & receveur of the Comté of Coupigny. He died sometime after 1641.
Internet pages frequently—and incorrectly—claim that Chretien du Bois' wife was named "Cornelia." This claim was first made by researcher Matthew Hilt Murphy in a 1980 presentation later re-printed in William Heidgerd, "The American Descendants of Chretien Dubois of Wicres, France." Murphy referenced a 1646 item in the church records of Middlebourg, Zeeland referring to "Bois/Cornelia du/vefve de Jen de Chrestien, native de Tournay." Murphy, who apparently was not familiar with the French custom of referring to women in documents by their maiden names throughout their lives, misinterpreted this as a reference to a woman who had married (1) Jean du Bois and (2) Chretien DuBois. In fact, the record refers to a woman whose maiden name was "Cornelia du Bois", who was the widow of "Jean de Chrestien." There is no basis to associate her with Chretien du Bois of Wicres.
Chretien du Bois is of particular interest to American genealogists, both because of the notability of his descendants and because several different—and inaccurate—versions of noble ancestry have been claimed for him.[1]
Several prominent Americans figure among Chretien du Bois' descendants, including former governor of Massachusetts William Floyd Weld,[4] actor Marlon Brando, Jr.,[5] painter Mary Cassatt,[6] journalist Maria Shriver (wife of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger), Samuel Walton, General George Smith Patton III[7] and film director George Lucas. W. E. B. Du Bois is also said to be a descendant.[8]
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chretien_DuBois
Christian DuBois
M, #69401, b. circa 1597, d. 10 October 1655
Father Jacques Louis Wallerund, Marquis du Bois b. c 1560, d. 1620
Mother Madaline Renee de Croix b. c 1565, d. 1625
Christian DuBois was born circa 1597 at Wicres la Bassa, Lilli, Artois, France. He married Jeanne Masic Brunel, daughter of Jean Brunel and Jean Jariot, circa 1620 at Wicres la Bassa, Lilli, Artois, France. Christian DuBois died on 10 October 1655 at Wicres la Bassa, Lilli, Artois, France.
Family Jeanne Masic Brunel b. 26 Mar 1599
Louis DuBois+ b. 27 Oct 1627, d. 23 Jun 1696
From: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p2309.htm#...
Chretien DuBois
Birth: 1597 Wicres, Departement du Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Death: Oct. 10, 1655 Wicres, Departement du Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Chretien (Christian) Du Bois was born in 1597 in Wicres, Artois, Pas de Calais, France and died before Oct 10, 1655 there about 58 years of age.
His first wife was Cornelia --, whom he married ca. 1621. She was born ca. 1600 in Tournay, Hainaut, Belgium. His second wife was Jeanne Masic Brunel.
William Heidgerd, in The American Descendants of Chretien DuBois of Wicres, France (New Paltz, NY 1968) preface, wrote:
"Following written by George Washington DuBois, D. D. (1822-1910). ‘Chretien du Bois of Wicres in Artois, Pas de Calais, France was born in 1597 and died prior to Oct 10, 1655. Owing to the systematic mutilation of the records of Huguenot families of the nobility, neither his parentage nor issue can be definitely proved. It is believed that he belonged to one of the five quite well known families stemming from Geoffroi de Bois and his wife Sidonie Tesson of the Cotentin Peninsula in Normandy who were alive in the middle of the 11th century.
‘From records in the Netherlands, where many Huguenots gained sanctuary, it is certain that Louis and Jacques, both Walloons, were sons of Chretien du Bois.'"
John Coert DuBois, M. D. (1831-1913), of Hudson, Columbia County, New York, researched records in Europe during the time he was a medical student in Paris from 1858 to 1860, and during a later visit there in 1883. He examined and cited the d'Hozier Manuscripts, 1696-1716, the records of the Reformation Church at Lille, and the records of the Reformation Church at Leyden. The following are his findings:
"In the Maison Royale de France, the ‘famille du Bois' is mentioned as ‘Grand Masters of the Forests of France'
"Generations listed:
"1. Jean, Seigneur de Fountaines, maetre d'hotel of Charles VIII, d. 1507
"2. Jean, kings councillor and controller-general of finances, married 10-7-1493, the niece of the Chancellor of France.
"3. Astremoine, a Huguenot who afterwards renounced his faith, was restored to his nobility, and was declared to be descended from ‘la maison du Bois en Artois.'
"4. Antoine, Seigneur de Fountaines, king's councillor and ambassador to the Pays-Bas. He was married during 1571.
"5. Pierre, Seigneur de Fountaines-Moran, married Francoise Olivier de Leuville. He served in the army during 1597.
"6. Chretien, a younger son, became a Huguenot, and was deprived of his nobility in consequence. His elder brother, Louis, who remained a Catholic, is designated as Seigneur de Fountaines, lietuenant-general of the armies of the king. He was in 1653 made Marquis de Giuvi.
"Chretien du Bois was dead on October 10, 1655, when his son Louis was married at Mannheim. Chretien also had a daughter Ann (Wicres baptismal record). Chretien settled on lands at Wicres about 10 miles southwest of Lille where his farm is still pointed out. He was probably born about 1590. He is described as ‘a gentleman of the family of du Bois, Seigneurs de Beaufermez and de Bourse' in the d'Hozier manuscript."
Chretien du Bois and Cornelia - had the following children:
i. Francoise, b. Jun 17, 1622, bap. Jun 18, 1622, m. Pierre Billiou on May 2, 1649, d. bef. Jan 17, 1695
ii. Anne, b. ca. 1625, d. 1643
iii. Louis, b. ca. 1626, d. 1696
iv. Jacques, b. ca. 1628
Family links:
Francoise DuBois Billiou (1622 - 1695)*
Louis DuBois (1626 - 1696)*
Jacques DuBois (1628 - 1677)*
Burial: Unknown
Find A Grave Memorial# 33562657
From: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=33562657
A Genealogy of the Duke-Shepherd-Van Metre Family: From Civil, Military ... edited by Samuel Gordon Smyth
The line of descent from Charles du Bois and Claude de Lannoy was:
1st generation: Eustache, Seigneur des Querder and de Fiennes, m. 1st Gille de Renel ; m. 2d Jeanne St. Ol.
2d generation : Guislain des Fiennes, Count de Clarmont, who m. Jeanne de Longueville.
3d generation : Marc de Fiennes, Seigneur des Querder, m. Madelaine d'Ognies.
4th generation: Maximillian de Fiennes, Seigneur des Querder, m. Catharine Cecil Germand.
5th generation: Maximillian des Fiennes, m. Louise Charlotte d' E'tamps.
6th generation: Chas. Maximillian des Fiennes, m. Henrietta de Reignier de Boisleau.
7th generation : Chrétien Maximillian des Fiennes, m. ____ ____ (not on record, but a Huguenot, as supposed by M. Le Turcq — record erased).
8th generation: Louis du Bois de Fiennes, b. Oct., 1626, who evidently took refuge from religious persecution in Mannheim, Germany, where he m. Catharine Blanchan in 1655. Their two eldest children were born in Mannheim, and in 1660 the family came to America.
The du Bois des Fiennes appear to have been a military family and to have furnished to France some able soldiers. The first Maximillian beside being a Count was "Marischall des camps et des armées du roi." His son Maximillian was lieutenant-general "du armées du roi." Chrétian Maximillian, Marquis des Fiennes, was captain of cavalry in his father's regiment.
The erasure of the record of Chrétien's marriage and family, the Chrétien known to have been the father of Louis du Bois, makes a break in Louis' line of descent and it was done, obviously, to destroy official record of his ancestry because of his being a "heretic"; to prevent him or any of his descendants from ever afterward establishing a claim to the title and estates. But in this connection, continues Mrs. Thompson, "certainly there were not two branches after the resumption of the title of Marquis des Fiennes. It does not seem that Louis could belong to the line des Fiennes, as the writer of 'The Du Bois Family' says he does,
and be other than the son of Chrétien Maximillian, Marquis de Fiennes."
Louis du Bois emigrated from Manheim to America with his family circa 1660 and eventually settled at New Village (now Hurley], near Kingston, Ulster County, N. Y., where he rapidly rose to prominence in the civil and religious affairs of the settlement. He was one of the twelve original patentees of New Paltz, a village next to Hurley ; he later became one of the magistrates of the jurisdiction comprising the villages of New Paltz and Hurley. Before this period, however, the settlement had been attacked by Indians who burned Hurley ; they killed and injured many of the inhabitants and carried into captivity all the family of Louis du Bois, the wife and three children of Jan Joosten Van Metern and others, all of whom were carried off to the fastnesses of the Catskill Mountains. This event, which occurred 7th June, 1663, was known in history as the Second Esopus War. Captain Martin Krieger, an old Dutch soldier and a familiar figure in the earlier Dutch settlements on the Delaware, organized, and, with Louis du Bois, headed an expedition to rescue the captives and chastise the Indians. After three months of ineffectual warfare they finally rounded up the savages on September 3, 1663, defeated the Indians and restored the captive women and children to their homes. In connection with these tragic experiences. Professor Obenchain, of Ogden College, Bowling Green, Ky., sends me the following relation : .... etc.
Colonial Men and Times: Containing the Journal of Col. Daniel Trabue, Some ... By Daniel Trabue
"Biographical History of the First Congressional District of New Jersey" Bol. 1. p. 32.
"Louis Du Bois married, Katryn, written Catryn and Catherine Blanshan. Katryn was daughter of Matthys and Madeline Jorisen, of Artois, France. Louis and Katryn were married at Mannheim, Germany Oct. 10, 1655. They and their children came to America in 1660, in the "Gilded Otter," and settled at Esopus, Ulster Co., New York. Louis and Catherine had ten children. Louis Du Bois Died in 1696.
Chrétien or Christian Du Bois, of Artois, France, had
Louis Du Bois, "The Walloon," born 28th. of October 1626. Married Sun, Oct. 10th. 1655 Catherin Blancon, daughter of Matthe Blanshan.
Chrétien Du Bois is deceased at the time of his son Louis' marriage at Manheim. He has after his name "resident of Wicres," a place of 300 inhabitants in 1875.
"Louis du Bois and his 2 sons Isaac and Abraham were Patentees for the town of New Paltz in New York opposite Poughkeepsie, in 1677."
.... etc.
Louis Du Bois, or in French Louys du bois, was born October 28, 1626. Married Catherine Blancon, who was born and married at Manheim, Germany, They were married Sunday Oct. 10th, 1655. It was a Huguenot custom to be married on Sunday, after the communion service.
Catherine Blancon lived about ten years longer than her husband Louis Du Bois.
.... etc.
1st Gen. Louis Du Bois died aged about 66 yrs. and no doubt was buried in the ground of the Dutch church at Kingston, N. Y. His will was proved 23rd of June 1696.
.... etc.
After the fifteen years that he had spent in New Palz he returned to Kingston, N. Y. The will of Louis Du Bois was proved 23rd June 1696 and was divided into eight equal parts. It mentions son 1. Abraham Du Bois, 2. Jacob Du Bois, 3. David Du Bois, 4. Solomon Du Bois, 5. Louis Du Bois, 6. Matthew Du Bois, 7 children of Isaac, deceased, 8. children of Sarah, deceased.
Louis Du Bois had 1. Abraham Du Bois, b. 1661. b. Artois, France, 2. Isaac Du Bois b. 1658. Died 1690. b. Manheim, Germany 3. Jacob Du Bois, b. Ulster Co. N. Y. 1661. 4 Sarah Du Bois, 5. David Du Bois, (married 1689) 6. Solomon Du Bois, b. 1669. D. 1759. 7. Rabecca Du Bois, b. 1671. 8, Rachel Du Bois, b.1675. 9. Louis Du Bois, b. 1677. 10. Matthew Du Bois, b. 1679.
.... etc.
American Ancestry: Giving the Name and Descent in the Male Line of Americans Whose Ancestors Settled in the United States Previous to the Declaration of Independence, AD 1776, VOL. 1 by Thomas P. Hughes
DUBOIS, HIRAM and LUTHER, Albany; sons of Henry J., d. 1876 (m. Anna Elting); son of Isaac (m. Cornelia Rose) ; son of Henry P., d. 1876 (m. Anna Elting); son of Isaac (m. Rebecca Dego); son of Simon (m. Cathamitge Lefever); son of Daniel (m. Mary Lefever), his first will is written in French; son ot Isaac of New Paltz, d. 1690 (m. Mary Hasbrouck); son of LOUIS DU BOIS (m. Catharine Blanchau in France), was called Louis De Wall "the Patentee," came to America and settled at New Paltz, New York State, a brother of Jacques Du Bois. See 201. [199]
DU BOIS, JAMES and JONATHAN, Albany; sons of James of Albany, b. 1810 (?), d. 1884 (m. Margaret Le Fevre); son of Jonas of New Paltz (m. Rachel Le Fevre); son of Louis (m. Catherine Broadhead); son of Jonathan (m. Elizabeth Le Fevre); son of Louis of New Paltz (m. Rachel Hasbrook); son of LOUIS DU BOIS (m. Catharine Blanchau in France); was called Louis De Wall "the Patentee," came to America and settled at New Paltz, New York State, a brother of Jacques Du Bois. See 201. [200]
DU BOIS, PIERRE EUGENE, Albany; son of Egbert of Bluffton, South Carolina, b. 1825 (m. 1862 Kate Hope); son of Peter K. of Pleasant Valley, Dutchess county, N. Y., b. 1796, d. 1872 (m. 1817 Sarah Lattin), justice of the peace, supervisor, memb. assembly, 1842, delegate const, convention, 1846; son of Koert of Clinton, Dutchess county, b. 1763, d. 1831 (m. 1786 Elizabeth Burroughs); capt. of militia, magistrate, memb. assembly, 1810-11 ; son of Peter of Fishkill, b. 1730, d. 1769 (m. Mary Van Voorhees); son of Jonathan of Fishkill (m. Adrietta Osterhout); son of Peter of Fishkill, b. at Leyden, Holland, 1674, d. at Fishkill, 1737 (m. 1697 Jannetje Burhans), deacon and elder of the Dutch ch.; son of JACQUES DU BOIS, a French Huguenot of Artois, France, who came from Holland to America, 1675 ; his brother Louis having emigrated some fifteen years previous. He married Pieronne Beutign at Leyden, 1663 ; on arrival in America they settled at Wiltwyck (Kingston), in the State of New York. [201]
DU BOIS, JOHN COERTLAND, M. D. of Hudson, b. 1831 (m. 1869 Eva P. Kimball); son of Stephen A. of Hudson, b. 1804, d. 1869 (m. 1830 Rachel A. Schryver), director and president of National Hudson River Bank fifteen years; son of Coert, b. 1774, d- 1854 (m. 1801 Mary Thorn, b. 1778, d. 1846), member of New York assembly, 1820-21; son of Christian, b. 1746, d. 1807 (m. 1768 Helena Van Voorhis, b. 1744. d. 1826 ); son of Christian, b. 1702, d. 1787 (m. Neeltje Van Vliet), resided in the old homestead built by his father at Swartwoutville, Fishkill, N. Y.; son of Pierre of Fishkill, b. at Leyden, Holland, 1674, d. at Fishkill, 1737 (m. 1697 Jannetje Burhans of Brabant), deacon and elder of the Dutch church; son of JACQUES DU BOIS. See 348. [346]
DU BOIS, STEPHEN AUGUSTUS of Greenport; son of Henry A. of
JACQUES DU BOIS (ancestor of 346, 347) (m. 1663 at Leyden, Pierronne Beutijn), a son of Chretien Du Bois, was born at Wicres, near Lille, France, 1625, and was a brother of Louis Du Bois, "the Walloon," who emigrated to America and founded New Paltz. Jacques followed his brother to America, fifteen years later, in 1675, and settled at Wiltwyck (Kingston) in the State of New York, where he died, 1676. See Bicentenary Reunion of Descendants of Louis and Jacques Du Bois, Philadelphia, 1876. [348]
Bi-centenary reunion of the descendants of Louis and Jacques Du Bois (emigrants to America, 1660 and 1675), at New Paltz, New York, 1875 .. (1876)
Louis was married at Manheim, in October, 1655, and Jacques at Leyden, in April, 1663. The marriage record of Jacques, at Leyden, says that he was from the vicinity of LaBassee, which was in the province of Artois.
Jacques, however, did not arrive at Esopus till some fifteen years after Louis was settled there. The letters of church-membership, or letters of dismissal from the church of the Walloons, at Leyden, which he took with him on leaving that city, are dated 15th April, 1675, as is evidenced by the church records still extant. He must have died at Esopus, the same or the succeeding year, as in the old records of Ulster county there is still preserved a document by which it appears that his widow, Pieronne Bentyn, was married again to a John Pietersy, who, as such husband, and for a small consideration to himself personally, in December, 1677, contracts with Matthew Blanshan (who was the father-in-law of Louis DuBois) to pledge to him the lands belonging to Jacques Du Bois, in Ryssel, Flanders, as also the rents which the said lands had earned, for the fulfilment of the conditions of a contract which said Jacques DuBois, in his life-time, had made with said Blanshan. The nature or object of the contract does not in this document appear, but as Pieronne Bentyn is described in her marriage record with Jacques DuBois, at Leyden, as of Lisle (which is the same as Ryssel in Flanders), it may be that the lands referred to were held partly or altogether in right of the wife. Else there would seem to be no good reason why Pietersy should be called upon to confirm DuBois's contract with Blanshan.
The father of Louis Du Bois, as before remarked, was Chretien Du Bois. He is designated in the record of his son's marriage, at Manheim, October 10th, 1655, as the deceased Chretien Du Bois, resident of Wicres.
The records of this latter place have been examined, and I regret to say that, from age and bad ink and mutilation, the register is almost illegible.
The baptismal record shows that Chretien Du Bois had three children baptized at Wicres. The dates made out are the 18th June, 1622, the 13th November, 1625, and the 21st October, 1626. The names are illegible, and seem to have been intentionally obliterated. These researches were made by archivists under the direction of the consul for the United States at Lille, Mons. C. DuBois Gregoire. In his letter of 15th July, 1875, he writes that he had visited the canton of La Bassee several times, where there are very old records, but could make nothing out, as, where the Christian names occurred, the paper was torn or cut out. He further states that the registers in the village of Wicres were also in many places illegible from age, bad ink, and from being torn and worm-eaten. He says Wicres has a population of three hundred inhabitants, and that many farmers in the vicinity had pointed out to him the farm which the tradition of the country recognizes to have belonged to the Du Bois.
The New York genealogical and biographical record Vol. XXVII. by Greene, Richard Henry
The Du Bois family is one of the oldest of the noble houses of Cotentin, in the Duchy of Normandy. The heraldic records at Paris commence the genealogy with Geoffroi du Bois, a knight banneret and a companion of Duke William in the conquest of England in 1066.
In "America Heraldica " the arms, etc., are given as follows, viz.: Arms — Argent, a lion, rampant, sable, armed and langued, gules. Crest — between two tree stumps vert, the lion of the shield. Motto — Tiens ta foy.
In the "Du Bois Reunion," at page 38, is emblazoned another coat of arms, entitled "Original Du Bois Arms," and described as follows : "Arms d'or, a l'aigle eployé de sable onglé, becqué de gueles ;" but I have been able to find no authority for the use of these arms in connection with the family of Chrétien Du Bois.
Chrétien Du Bois, the father of Louis and Jacques, was a Huguenot gentleman of the family of Du Bois Seigneurs de Beaufermez and de Bourse, having an estate at Wicres, in La Bassée, near Lille, in French Flanders, now Artois.
Louis was born October 27, 1627, and the mutilated baptismal record at Wicres shows that two other sons of Chrétien Du Bois were baptized severally on June 18, 1622, and November 13, 1625. One of these was Jacques, and probably the other was named Albert.
The baptisms of these three sons are all of the records extant of Wicres referring to the children of Chrétien, but it is certain that he had also two daughters, Francoise and Anne, for the records of the church of the Walloons, at Leyden, Holland, show that his daughter Francoise was married on April 20, 1649, to Pierre Biljouw. By this marriage she had two daughters, Marie, baptized at Leyden March 3, 1650, and Martha, also baptized at Leyden February 8, 1652. Marie came to Kingston, where she married Arendt Jansen, with the approval of her uncle Louis, whose consent is signified in the marriage contract dated June 3, 1670.
It was undoubtedly owing to the circumstance of Chrétien's being identified with the Huguenot faith that an attempt was made to obliterate the public records of the family, and to destroy all evidences of his connection with the nobility of France.
The religious persecutions in Artois induced Louis and Jacques to abandon their country, and Louis went to Mannheim in the Palatinate, Jacques going to Leyden, where he became a manufacturer of silks and cloth.
.... etc.
The Genealogy of the Sahlers, of the United States of America: And of Their ... By Louis Hasbrouck Sahler
Dusk of Dawn: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept By W. E. B. Du Bois
Dusk of Dawn (The Oxford W. E. B. Du Bois) By W. E. B. Du Bois
According to the above site, "Chretien Maximillian DuBois Marquis De Fiennes was born in 1597 in Wicres La Bassa, Lilli, Artois, France. He died on 10 Oct 1655 in Wicres La Bassa, Lilli, Artois, France. Chretien married Jeanne Masic Brunel in 1620 in Wicres, French Flanders."
URL above shortened to:
Also see:
According to that site: "Chretien du Bois of Wicres in Artois, Pas de Calais, France, was born in 1597 and died prior to 10 October 1655. Owing to the systematic mutilation of the records of Huguenot families of the nobility, neither his parentage nor issue can be definitely proved."
Cretien gave up status of landed gentry and probably his life for the Hugenot religion, His children fled to Mannheim, then Leyden and lastly to America to escape persecution fo the Hugenots. They spoke Dutch when they arrived in southern NJ in the late 17th century.
the following information is from http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=wsen...
- date of marriage and surname of wife unknown - birth may have been ca. 1590 - date of death was
probably sometime before 10-10-1655 which was the date of son Louis' marriage in Mannheim, Germany
- Apparently of a family of nobility but after becoming a Huguenot this nobility was deprived him and
official records was systemmatically destroyed as were the records of other Huguenot families in
France at the time. - Settled on lands at Wicres, France about 10 miles southeast of Lille. - Described
as a "gentleman of the family of DuBois". - There may have been two (2) older sons, Antoine and Isaac
who were older than the children listed above
Much has been written about Louis du Bois, and there is yet much to be revealed by investigation concerning the ancestry of this influential forbear of the American Van Metres. From various sources of authority the following lineage has been compiled.
Monsieur Le Turque, of the Genealogical Institute of Paris, has developed a line of ancestors running back to the days of the Scyrri which includes descent from Charlemagne, Emperor of the West; Alfred the Great; Hugh Capet, King of France, and Henry I., Emperor of Germany. The most important of these lines have been compared and verified; and where the line is broken the cause is attributed to the summary action of Louis XIV.'s minister, Cardinal Mazarin, and Marshall Turenne, who decreed that the names of many of the noble families of France, who espoused and held to the faith of Protestantism, should be erased from the rolls of the nobility and their property confiscated. By the Edict of Nantes, promulgated in 1598, civil and religious liberty was restored and confirmed to the Huguenots, but when Louis XIV. revoked the Edict, thousands of French families fled to England, Germany, Switzerland and Holland. It was during the latter part of this reign of terror that the father of Louis du Bois found shelter in the Palatinate of the Rhine.
According to this tracing of the family the line begins with Guelph, Prince of the Scyrri, A.D. 476. Azo, Marquis of Liguria, A.D. 1030, a descendant of the Prince in the fourteenth generation, married Marie, a descendant of the powerful house of Este, in Italy. The Estes were of the Actii of Rome who settled in Lombardy about 500 B.C. Guelph, grandson of Azo and Marie, Count of Bavaria and Saxe, A.D. 1107, married Judith, a descendant of Charlemagne. A great grandson of Guelph and Judith, Henry V., Duke of Bavaria and Saxe, A.D. 1195, married Mathilde, a descendant of William the Conqueror, through Henry I. and Henry II. of England. Henry VI., son of the Duke of Bavaria and Saxe and Mathilde, married, A.D. 1200, Agnes, Countess of Palatine, a descendant of Alfred the Great. A descendant of Henry VI. and Agnes, Madame Claude de Lannoy, married Charles du Bois, Seigneur des Querder, who was a descendant of MacQuaire du Bois, Count de Roussey, A.D. 1110.
Seperate source:
Some have said that Chretien's ancestry extends back to Charlemagne, the Frankish emperor, but the
evidence is circumstancial, based on land records, and not given a great deal of credance by the DuBois
Family Association. Suffice it to say that he was the progenator of an extensive line of people
descended from his two sons, Louis and Jacques. In those lines are such people as General George S.
Patton, Franklin Roosevelt, and W.E.B. DuBois.
DuBois Family
There are some uncertainties regarding early lineage in this family as indicated in the follow "Report of
European Research of Reverend W. Twyman Williams, Minister of College Church, Hampden-Sydney,
Virginia, dated 13 December 1935:
Mr. Williams pointed out errors in Mackenzie's Colonial Families of the United States of America, IV,
duBois, because of lack of conciliation in generation dates, such as placing Louis DuBois, born 21
October 1626, as the son of Chretien Maxmillan des Finnes. In the Dictionarie de la Noblesse by La
Chesnay, Desbois and Baider, a standard work on the French nobility, Chretien Maxmilien du Bois de
Finnes was listed in Vol. VIII and recorded as 'Captain in the Regiment of his father, died 1747 ages 21
without issue'. His father was Charles Maxmilien (1701-1750); his grandfather, Maximilien Francois
(1669-1714); his great-grandfather, Maximilien, who married 1662 Catherine Cecile de Guernonval; and
his great-great-grandfather, Marc, who married 1624 Madeleine d-Ognies. Obviously, if Louis duBois'
father, Chretien, were of this line, he could not belong to a later generation than of Marc du Bois de
Fiennes, who was son of Guislain, son of Eustace, son of Charles du Bois and Claude de Lannoy. A record of the children of the last three named seems conclusive that Chretien du Bois was not of this line at all.
This incorrect pedigree had been secured by Mrs. Anna Louise Thompson of Geneva, Illinois, since
deceased, from a French genealogist, who perpetrated upon her an outrageous fraud, namely copying
these generations from the Dictionarie and omitting all dates to conceal his ridiculous identification of
Chretien du Bois, father of Louis, the emigrant, with Chretien Maximilien du Bois de Fiennes (1726-1747).
Mr. S. Gordon Smythe called attention to a statement in E. de Valcourt-Vermont's America Heraldica
that Chretien du Bois of Wicres, a village near Lille, belonged to the family of DuBois who were
Seigneurs of La Bourse and Beaufermez, two old family estates in the vicinity of Lille.
Mr. Williams found an Antoine du Bois, of the DuBois de Fiennes family, but in a cadet branch founded
the latter part of the fourteenth century, who was Seigneur de la Bourse, as his ancestors had been for
five or six generations, and who became Seigneur de Beaufermez by his marriage to Philipotte de Landas, Dame de Beaufermez.
Wallerand du Bois, son of Antoine and Philipotte du Bois, first of his line to be by inheritance Seigneur
both of La Bourse and of Beaufermez, married 1583, Madelein de Croix. Wallerand and Madeleine du
Bois thus lived at the right place and the right time to have been the parents of Chretien du Bois, father
of Louis, the emigrant to New York. For since the Parish Register of La Bassee (in which Wicres is
situated) shows that Chretien du Bois had at least two sons older than Louis, who was born in 1626,
Chretien could not have been born much later than 1600 at latest, not too late for the birth of a son to
parents married in 1583.
A later report of the Reverend Mr. W. Twyman Williams dated 24 July 1937 states:
"A communication from Monsieur J. S. Willems-Le Clercq of Brussels, an accredited genealogist of the
Institute, gives only negative values of proving that the wanted records were NOT to be found in the
church registers of Leyden. The genealogist wrote that he had examined the Cambrai Historical
Society's publications, in which are genealogies of families resident at or near Wicres and known to have inter-married with the du Bois of that locality, and also the state archives at Gand, where in the 17th century were kept records of the court within the jurisdiction of which Wicres then belonged.
"In the data thus far received there were several items of positive value, corroborating, so far as they
go, Mr. Williams' conclusion that our ancestor, Chretien du Bois of Wicres, was a son of Wallerand du
Bois who married 1583 Madeleine de Croix.
"First: the estate of Beaufermez, of which Wallerand du Bois was Seigneur, is proved to have been
situated at Wicres. The value of this item is apparent in connection with the hitherto unsupported
statement of America Heraldica that Beaufermez was one of the estates possessed by the ancestors of
Chretien du Bois.
"Second: the family to which Madeleine de Croix belonged also had estates in the commune of Wicres.
"Third: estates at Wicres owned by several du Bois and by 'the Seigneur of Beaufermez (Bauffremez)'
adjoined estates of the family Billau (Bilyou), one of whom is known to have married a daughter of
Chretien du Bois. We have a record of this marriage in Leyden, and in New York a record mentioning
Louis DuBois as uncle of a daughter of this marriage."
The following was written by George Washington DuBois, D.D. (1822-1910) who was of Keeseville, Essex County,, New York at the time of his death:
"Chretien du Bois of Wicres in Artois, Pas de Calais, France, was born in 1597 and died prior to 10
October 1655. Owing to the systematic mutilation of the records of Huguenot families of the nobility,
neither his parentage nor issue can be definitely proved. It is believed that he belonged to one of the
five quite well known families stemming from Geoffroi de Bois and his wife Sidonie Tesson of the
Cotentin Peninsula in Normandy who were alive in the middle of the 11th century. From records in the
Netherlands, where many Huguenots gained sanctuary, it is certain that Louis and Jacque s, both
Walloons, were sons of Chretien du Bois.
"Helps to the identification of the American Branch of the 'famille du Bois': In a book in my library
entitled Souvenirs d'une ancienne famille Maison de Mailly en Artois, published at Limoges, France
1889, pp. 111-115, it is recorded that the 9th child of Robert de Mailly-Couronel and Jeanne de
Beaumont, his wife, was Madeline, who about 1550 was married to Jacques du Bois, Baron de Finnes (one of the 12 Baronnes of the Conte de Guise), Artois, his oldest son was Pierre, Seigneur de Rantigny,
advocate at the Council of Artois, married at Cambray, Jacqueline de Mouen. The second child was Jean.
The third child of Robert de Mailly-Couronel was Charles, Seigneur du Rien. Note the perpetuation of
Christian and surnames - Jacques, Pierre, Pierrone, Jacqueline, Jean, du Rien. Our ancestor Jacques was from Artois province (Lille). Marie du Rien was sponsor at baptism of Marie 1664, the first child of our Jacques as of record in Leyden. As this record contained in the book above referred to connects our
branch with Jacques du Bois, Baron de Fienne (presumably), so does it also connect us in ascending line with the Baron de Fienne, the lineal descendant of Geoffroi de Bois, according to the genealogy
preserved in the Bibliotheque du Rois Paris"
Heidgerd continues, "In 1675, Jacques and his family joined his elder brother, Louis, who had emigrated
15 years earlier to the Esopus. Seven of their children had been baptised in Leyden. The eighth was born while the family were en route or shortly after their arrival. Jacques died soon after the birth of his
last child, Christian, certainly before the marriage of his widow in 1677 to John L. Pietersy. Quick
re-marriages were almost a necessity in early colonial times.
"The above account was furnished by Koert DuBois Burnham of Keeseville, New York to the DuBois
Family Association in 1967."
The reference next reports the following "from the papers of John Coert Du Bois, M.D. (1831-1913),
late of the city of Hudson, Columbia County,, New York:
"The following is a compilation from research of Dr. DuBois during the time he was a medical student in
Paris from 1858 to 1860, and during a later visit there in 1883. His references were the d'Hozier
Manuscripts, 1696-1716, the records of the Reformation Church at Lille, the records of the Reformation
Church at Leyden. These were all examined by him personally.
"The DuBois family is one of the oldest of the noble houses of Conentin in the duchy of Normandy. The
heraldic records in the Bibliotheque Nationale, rue de Richelieu, Paris, commence the genealogy with
Geoffroi du Bois, 'a knight banneret' who was companion of William of Normandy, called the Conqueror
after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. To date the line from Geoffroi has not been confirmed to Chretien
du Bois, the father of Louis and Jacques who emigrated to Ulster County,, New York, during the
seventeenth century.
"In the Maison Royale de France, the 'famille du Bois' is mentioned as 'Grand Masters of the Forests of
"I have traced while living in Paris during the years 1858 through 1860, and since that time, with the
following generations listed:
1. Jean, Seigneur de Fontaines, maitre d'hotel of Charles VIII, died 1507.
2. Jean, king's councillor and controller-general of finances, married 7 October 1493 to the niece of
the Chancellor of France.
3. Astremoine, a Huguenot who afterwards renounced his faith, was restored to his nobility, and was
declared to be descended from 'la maison du Bois en Artois.'
4. Antoine, Seigneur de Fontaines, king's councillor and ambassador to the Pays-Bas. He was married
in 1571.
5. Pierre, Seigneur de Fontaines-Moran, married Francoise Olivier de Leuville. He served in the army
during 1597.
Chretien, a younger son, became a Huguenot, and was deprived of his nobility in consequence. His elder brother, Louis, who remained a Catholic, was designated as Seigneur de Fontaines, lieutenant-general of the Armies of the King. Louis was in 1653 made Marquis de Giuvi."
After reading the foregoing pages, it is clearly understood that Heidgerd states "it is necessary that
further European research be commissioned. It is hoped that a later installment of this DuBois Family
History will provide a completely authenticated lineage for Chretien du Bois of Wicres"
Chre'tien DU BOIS was born about 1590 to 1600, probably at Wicres, France.
He became a Huguenot and was deprived of his nobility in consequence. He settled on lands at Wicres
about 10 miles southwest of Lille where his farm is still pointed out. He is described as 'a gentleman of
the family of du Bois, Seigneurs de Beaufermez and de Bourse.' (d'Hozier MSS)
His children, apparently all baptized at Lille, parish church of Wicres, were:
Francoise, born 17 June 1622, married Pierre Billiou;
Anne, baptized 30 November 1625 at Lille, parish church of Wicres;
Louis, baptized on 13 November 1626 at Lille, parish church of Wicres, married Catherine
Blanchan at Mannheim, in the Pfalz, German Palatinate on 10 October 1655; and
Jacques, baptized on 27 October 1628 at Reformation Church of Lille, parish church of Wicres,
married Pierrone Bentyn at the Walloon Church at Leyden on 25 April 1663, and had eight
"The Rev. W. Twyman Williams, Minister of the College Church, Hampden-Sydney, Virginia, suggested as a result of his research that Chretien possibly had at least two additional sons, possibly Antoine and
Isaac, who were older than the children of whom we have definite record."
Chretien had died by 10 October 1655 when his son Louis was married at Mannheim.
Louis DU BOIS was baptized on 21 October 1626 at Lille, parish church of Wicres, France, the son of
Chretien du Bois (and possibly a Cornelia [Unknown]).
Either with his parents or on his own he went to Mannheim, Germany in the Pfalz, German Palatinate.
Abstracts of Mannheim Palatine Records translated by Louis DuBois of Yardley, Pennsylvania in 1928
state: "In the year 1606, the Elector Frederick IV of the Palatinate, being an Evangelical Prince and
foreseeing a religious war, built the fortified city of Mannheim at the confluence of the Neckar and
Rhine Rivers. Soon after, in 1618, there broke out the devastating 'Thirty Years War' and then the
youthful fortress of Mannheim was taken and destroyed by the Bavarian General Tilly.
The persecuted French Protestants were brotherly received in the German Evangelical country,
particularly in the Rhineland. The Walloons were likewise welcomed in Mannheim and allowed to
establish their own French Evangelical community with their own clergymen. For a time they were united
with the German Evangelical Reformed church, which union was made with the understanding that
services and Holy Communion should be held in the French language in the Spring and Autumn.
"The civil and church records of Mannheim do not go back beyond the year 1621, the date of the city's
destruction. It is only at a later date that the records of the French Protestants are to be found
inscribed by French clergymen in the German church book of records.
"The name du Bois is found for the first time in 1653.... Louis du Bois, son of the late Chretien DuBois,
resident of Wicres in the vicinity of La Bassee, of the first part, and Catharine Blanchan, daughter of
Mathieu Blanchan, bourgeois of Mannheim, of the second part, were married at the French (Protestant)
Church of Mannheim (in the Pfalz, German Palatinate), the 10th of October 1655. (Note: A photostatic
copy of this record is included in the DuBois Family History)"
Their children were:
1. Abraham, born at Mannheim, Germany on 26 December 1657, married Margriet Deyo on 6 March
1681 at First Dutch Church, Kingston, had eight children, and died on 7 October 1731 at New Paltz;
2. Isaac, born at Mannheim in 1659, married Maria Hasbrouck on 1 June 1683 at First Dutch Church,
Kingston, had three children, and died on 28 June 1690 at New Paltz;
3. Jacob, baptized on 9 October 1661 at Kingston, married Lysbeth Varnoye on 8 March 1689 at
First Dutch Church, Kingston, had one child, married (2) Gerritje Gerritsen (nee van Nieuwkirk) in
1691/2 at First Dutch Church, had eleven children by her, and died in June 1745 at Hurley;
4. Sarah, baptized on 14 September 1664 at Kingston, married Joost Jansen Van Meteren on 12
December 1682 at Kingston, had nine children, and died in 1726 at Salem County,, New Jersey;
5. David, baptized on 13 March 1667 at Kingston, married Cornelia Varnoye on 8 March 1689 at
First Dutch Church, Kingston, and had six children;
6. Solomon, born in 1669 at Hurley, baptized at the Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam on 3
February 1669, married Tryntje Foochen (nee Gerritsen) in 1692, had nine children, and died on 2
February 1759 at New Paltz;
7. Rebecca, baptized at Old Dutch Church, Kingston on 18 June 1671 and died young;
8. Rachel, baptized at Old Dutch Church, Kingston on 18 April 1675 and died young;
9. Louis, born at Hurley in 1677, married Rachel Hasbrouck at Old Dutch Church, Kingston, on 19
January 1701, had seven children, and died in 1749;
10.Mattheus, born on 3 January 1679 at Hurley, married Sara Matthysen on 17 January 1697 at Old
Dutch Church, Kingston, had twelve children, and died in 1748 in Dutchess County,, New York; and
11.Magdalena, baptized on 12 May 1680.
"It has been generally accepted that Louis, his wife and children accompanied Matthys Blanchan and
Antoine Crispell (departing 27 April 1660 in the 'Gilded Otter'), but Riker suggests that he probably
came with his brother-in-law Pierre Billiou the following year.
"Blanchan, Crispell and DuBois all received grants of land in Hurley, near Kingston, obtaining ground
briefs on 25 April 1663.
"On the 10th of June 1663, Hurley and part of Kingston was burned by the Indians, and the wife of
Louis DuBois and three children were among those who were carried away captive. Three months
afterward an expedition under Captain Krieger, sent from New York, recovered the captives by
surprising the Indians at their Fort near the Hogaberg in Shawangunk.
"From Ralph LeFebre's History of New Paltz, Fort Orange Press, Albany, New York, 1909: 'The story
(of the rescue of the Indian captives) which is dear to the Huguenot heart of New Paltz, is that when
Captain Krieger and his company, directed by an Indian, attacked the savages at their place of refuge
near the Shawangunk Kill, they were about to burn one or more captives at the stake, and the women
commenced singing the 137th Psalm, which so pleased the red men that they deferred the proposed death by torture. In the meantime Captain Krieger's band, with Louis DuBois and others, arrived and rescued the captives from a horrible death. Louis DuBois is reported to have killed with his sword an Indian who was in advance of the rest, before the alarm could be raised. Captain Krieger's report says nothing of this. However, as the tradition contains nothing irreconcilable with the Captain's report which deals mainly with the fighting done by his soldiers, it is interesting to keep the tradition alive as it deals more upon the condition of the captives.'
"E. M. Ruttenber, the Orange County, historian, states his objections to the tradition as follows: 'The
story was repudiated as a statement of fact, first, on the authority of Indian customs. We do not recall
a single instance where a woman was burned at the stake by the Indians. They killed female prisoners on the march sometimes when they were too feeble to keep up but very rarely after reaching camp. Mrs.
DuBois and her companions had been prisoners from June 10th to September 5th, or nearly three months before they were rescued from captivity. During all that time they had been guarded carefully at the castle of the Indians, and held ransom or exchange, to which end negotiations had been opened. The
Indians asked especially for the return of some of their chiefs who had been sent to Curacao and sold as
slaves by Governor Stuyvesant.
"'Second: Documentary evidence concerning events of that period is entirely against tradition. The
written record is, that when the Dutch forces surprised the Indians, the latter were busy in
constructing a third angle to their fort for the purpose of strengthening it, instead of being engaged in
preparations for burning prisoners. The prisoners were found alive and well, and no complaint is
recorded of any ill treatment, not even their heads had been shaved and painted as had been customary. Every night, says the record, they were removed from the castle to the woods, lest the Dutch should recover them before negotiations for their release were consumated.'
"Among the Huguenot settlers at Kingston, at this time, was Abraham Hasbrouck. He had served with
Edmund Andros in the English army. He was a native of Calais, had emigrated to Mannheim, and in 1675
to America, settling finally in Esopus.
"The Huguenots, being desirous of forming a settlement of their own, were indebted to some extent to
the acquaintanceship of Abraham Hasbrouck with Edmund Andros who was Colonial Governor at this
time, having been appointed to that office when the colony of New York passed from the Dutch to the
English in 1665.
"These French settlers longed for a settlement of their own where they could speak their own language,
worship in their own church, and be in a community where they could govern themselves according to
their own choice. The traffic with the Indians in furs was becoming less profitable. It was becoming
more and more necessary to follow the occupation of cultivating the soil. The fertile lowlands of the
Wallkill had undoubtedly been in the mind of Louis DuBois as an ideal place to establish the French
community. The mountains and forests lining the valley most certainly must have reminded the Huguenots of their native county in French Flanders, and the Meuse Valley through which they escaped to the Pfalz.
Louis died at Kingston, reported by Heidgerd as 23 June 1693. However, Louis had three wills (all
written in Dutch) recorded in Ulster County, Surrogate's Office, the last of which was dated 22
February 1696, and his wills were proved on 26 March 1696, so his death occurred sometime during that
interval of a month's time.
An early will, or more properly defined, a joint agreement of Louis DuBois and Catherine, his wife, was
dated 13 October 1676 and written in Dutch, translated as follows: "After their deaths, the whole
estate shall go to their children, the monors first to be educated until they can earn a living. If either
should re-marry, he or she shall pay one half to the children, begotten by them, and in case of death, one fourth of the remaining half shall be divided among the children. If the survivor remains unmarried, he or she shall not be compelled to pay out anything more to the children than it may please the survivor,either as a marriage portion, or in some other way. At death of both parties, the children shall inherit the entire estate. In case of re-marriage of either party, without lawful issue, the children shall have one half of the estate."
A will dated 30 March 1686, and recorded 5 May 1686, provides that Louis' "estate, after payment of
debts to be equally divided 'amongst my children but my two eldest sons desiring to have Each of them a part of the land of New Paltz and more than the other children by Reason their names 'uppon the
Patent', but if they will be content 'to deale Equally with my other children whether in land, houses or
any other sort of goods whatever belonging to my Estate As well the land of the Paltz....' that if they
have the land at New Paltz they should pay a share of its worth to the other children as all of the estate
should be divided equally. 'My wife, their mother, shall have the ordering of the Estate as long as she
remains a widow.' 'If she marry the Estate to be divided among the children aforesaid except my two
eldest sons.'
"The second will dated 27 March 1694, proved 26 March 1696, states that if the widow should marry,
then to the eldest son Abraham, 6 Pounds, as his primogeniture right, also 1/8 of the estate; son Jacob
1/8; and 1/8 to each of the following children: David, Solomon, Louis, Matthew; and to the children of
deceased son Isaac 1/8; and to children of Sara wife of Joost Janse (Van Meter) 1/8. Wife Catherine
appointed executrix."
Louis' will dated 22 February 1695/6 and written in the Dutch language provides for the disposition of
his property as follows: "to my son Jacob half of my farm at Hurley adjoining land of Hyman and Jan
Rosa and land of Lammert Huyberse on condition that he pays 1500 shepels wheat; Jacob to use the
other half until my youngest son Matthew Du Bois becomes of age, for which he is to pay 50 shepels
wheat yearly. I have this day conveyed to my youngest son, Matthew Du Bois, house and land in Kingston, a parcel of me adow land, and one half of my land at Hurley, for which he is to pay 1500 schepels ofwheat. Payments for the land which my son David bought from Jan Wood to come out of my estate, as I had promised my son David. My sons Salomon and Louis Du Bois are to have my land in the Paltz, conveyed to me by deed from Coll. Thomas Dongan, dated 2 June 1688, for which they are to pay 800 shepels of wheat. My daughter Sara wife of Joost Janse to have a piece of land in Hurley adjoining the land of Corneles Cool, for which she is to pay 700 shepels of wheat. This includes the woodland adjoining."
The Ulster County, Genealogy Archive included a brief biography which stated: "There is a memorial to
Louis in the Dutch Reformed Churchyard, right across from the Post Office. His actual burial place is
unknown, but it is somewhere on the Churchyards grounds."
Not putting much trust in the Edict of Nantes
Our Huguenot ancestors ran out of France.
Old Chretian's offspring soon scattered afar,
All firmly convinced that that their name was du Bwa.
But some stayed in Leyden and then, oh my gosh,
Translated the name to the Dutch Van der Bosch.
And some went to Scotland, the land of their choice,
Where clansmen corrupted their label to Boice.
But Louis and Jacques came across to New York,
Where Dutch, French and English all mingled their talk.
And ever since then, in this polygot nation,
Folks ask us, "Please, what's the right pronunciation?"
'Tis no longer du Bwa as so many suppose
And it is not Du Boys, and of course not Du Boze.
Du Boy is not right, nor is Du'Bois correct,
For the accent is not where some people suspect.
Please read this out loud so the sound of you voice
By this rhythm records that our name is Du Bois'.
Source: DuBois Family Assoc
Chretien DuBois (b.1597) and his wife Cornelia. He was a prosperous middle class linen merchant and devout protestant from the village of Wicres, outside of Lille. In 1659 the area was handed over by the Catholic Spanish Netherlands to the Catholic regime of Louis XIV, who imposed high taxes on the middle classes and cruelly persecuted the Protestant (Huguenot) dissidents.
Chretien was the father of five children: Francoise (b.1622), Anne (b.1624), Louis (b.1626-d.1696), Jacques (b.1628-d.1676) and another son, name unknown.
Resentful of high taxes and fearful of religious persecution, Francoise and Jacques settled in Leyden, Holland. Meanwhile, Louis along with other Huguenot refugees moved to Mannheim, Germany (near Heidelberg) on the Rhine River. This area was called die Pfalz.
Marquis de Fiennes
Son of Louis-Wallerund-Jacques DuBois and Madeleine-Renee de Croix Husband of Cornelia Brunel Father of Isaac Dubois, 1615 D, Albert Dubois,
Francoise Billious/Barlow
, Anne DuBois and 5 others, Francoise DuBois, Louis du Bois, l, Jacques DuBois, Antoine Dubois and Isaac Du Bois
Cretien Du Bois b. 1597, d. 10 October 1655
Marriage* circa 1621 Cornelia (?) married Cretien Du Bois, son of Marquis Jacques Du Bois and Madeline Renee De Croix, circa 1621 at Wicres, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France.1,2 Children ◦Francoise Du Bois 1 b. 17 July 1622, d. 1695 ◦ Louys Du Bois+ 1,2 b. 13 November 1626, d. between 22 February 1695/96 and 26 March 1696 ◦Jacques Du Bois 1 b. 1628, d. circa 1677
"The Memory of the Just is Blessed: The Ancestry and Extended Family of Chretien du Bois" by Munte Horton, JD. Published in he DuBois Family News on June 2011.
Louis, Françoise, and Jacques were brothers and sister. (Thankfully, we now have such proof from Lille and Leiden). Their memory called us back to Wicres in the 1870s and 1880s, where we found the ancient parish register through the agency of M.M.C. Gregoire-Dubois while he was consul at Lille. There, we gazed upon records: faded, worn, worm-eaten, and deliberately mutilated, of “the births, marriages and deaths of [our] ancestors dating back 263 years.” (Heidgerd). Throughout the 20th century, we probed, proposed, published, and discussed, and in so doing, kept the hearthstones warm. A new century promises to rekindle old memories and to renew interest in our beginnings. Things we once saw “through a glass,” we now see clearly. Though the ancient Wicres register has long since perished, a vast new body of evidence has come to light, thanks to the research of descendants of Chrétien’s “other” daughter, Anne, who still live and work near Wicres. The DBFA is now in possession of a large number of manuscripts and related documents, recently retrieved from the Archives Départementales de Lille (“the Archives du Nord”), and the Archives Municipales de Lille by Monsieur eric Bourgoin and Madame elisabeth Peckeu, two excellent French généalogistes employed for that purpose. The documents represent actes passed in the presence of official witnesses and notaries, as required by the feudal system under which our ancestors lived. such actes were generated whenever a transaction touched on the individual’s feudal responsibilities. Many of these documents bear Chrétien’s own signature. other actes bear the signatures of his father Maître Antoine du Bois -- a justice official, who, at the time of his death between 1615 and 1619, was greffier et receveur of the seigneurie de Coupigny -- his mother Anne Cousin, his grandfather Louis du Bois, and three of his six siblings, namely, Jacques, Ferry, and François.
*Memberships: Groupement Généalogique de la Région du Nord; American Mensa Ltd.; society of Mayflower Descendants; Baronial
order of Magna Charta; Plantagenet society; DuBois Family Association.
Archives du nord: sale to Anne Cousin, 2e3/7435-99 (1619); agreement of heirs, 2e3/7501-9 (1602); assignment of censes, 2e3/7430-61 (1641); contract of marriage of François du Bois and Jenne le Blon, 2e3/7977-68 (December 5, 1634); and Attestation Documents, (2e3/7787-27 (1718), 2e3/7787-33 (1718), 2e3/7787-34 (1718), 2e3/7787-35 (1718)). editions: Proverbs 10:7; i Corinthians 13:12; Francis De Vos, Vers la Liberté 94, 117, 139 (2007); William Heidgerd, The American Descendants of Chrétien du Bois of Wicres, France vol. 9, p. ii (1974); Bi-Centenary Reunion of the Descendants of Louis and Jacques du Bois: (emigrants to America 1660 and 1675) pp. 29-30 (1876); 1 sir edward Coke, The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England § 48.a. (Legal Classics Library 1985); M. Chassan, Essai Sur la Symbolique du Droit, p. 390 (Paris 1847); M. de Vegiano, sr de Hovel, Suite du Supplément Nobiliaire des Pays-Bas, et du Comté de Bourgogne pp. 54, 62 (Malines 1779); Bulletin de la Commission Historique du Département du Nord vol. 20, pp. 74, 76 (Lille 1897).
Microfilm (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints (“FHL”)):
Fiches op de Waalse registers, 1500-1828, Card index of Huguenots in the netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany and elsewhere. Known as the Leiden Collection, FHL film no. 0199813; Registers van kerkelijke huwelijksproclamatiën (der Gereformeerden), 1575-1811, Huwelijksafkondigingen 1642-1653, FHL film no. 0119016, p. 200(b)). Französisch-Reformierte Kirche Mannheim, FHL film no. 1192139. unpublished Manuscript: eric Bourgoin, Historical/Explanatory Report «Chrétien du Bois», February 24, 2008, p. 5. electronic: Généalogie Doresmieulx: http://chateaudelapree.blogspot.com/2009/05/genealogie doresmieulx.html.
copy and backup of the profile
Chrétien DuBois MP
Né le : circa 1597
Tournai, France
Décès : circa 1641 (36-52)
Wicres, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Famille proche :
Fils de Antoine Dubois et Anne Cousin
Époux de Cornelia du Bois et Jeanne Masic Brunel
Père de Françoise Du Bois
Ajouté par : <private> Rogers le 2 janvier 2009
Géré par : Ronda Stone et 7 autres
Conservateur: Angus Wood-Salomon
Please see this article on fake decent for Chretien du Bois at http://www.genealogymagazine.com/watoutforfak.html
The DuBois family of New Paltz, NY are descendants of Chretien DuBois(b.ca1590) and his wife Francoise le Poivre. He was a prosperous middle class linen merchant and devout protestant from the village of Wicres, outside of Lille. In 1659 the area was handed over by the Catholic Spanish Netherlands to the Catholic regime of Louis XIV, who imposed high taxes on the middle classes and cruelly persecuted the Protestant (Huguenot) dissidents.
Chretien was the father of seven children: Francoise (b.1622), Anne(b.1624), Louis (b.1626-d.1696), Jacques (b.1628-d.1676), Antoine, Philippe and Toussaint
Resentful of high taxes and fearful of religious persecution, Francoise and Jacques settled in Leyden, Holland. Meanwhile, Louis along with other Huguenot refugees moved to Mannheim, Germany (near Heidelberg) on the Rhine River. This area was called die Pfalz (hence the origin later of the village name of New Paltz).
While in Germany, Louis DuBois married another French Huguenot, Catherine Blanchan in 1655. They emigrated to America in 1660 and traveled ninety miles up the Hudson River to a small community in the Kingston - Hurley area where he obtained a land grant in 1663.
Francoise, and her husband Pierre Billiou also emigrated in 1661, settling in Staten Island, NY. Fourteen years later Jacques and his wife, Pierrone Bentyn arrived in Kingston.
In the 1660's during the "Esopus Wars", there were many hostile incidents between white settlers and the Esopus Indians. During these times in 1663 a raid killed 21 people and Catherine Blanchan DuBois and her three children were carried off and held captive for three months before being rescued by a contingent of Dutch soldiers. During this expedition to rescue his wife tradition has it that Louis DuBois discovered the beautiful Walkill valley which became his new home.
Jacques children spread across the Hudson River and helped to establish Fishkill and Poughkeepsie. The children of Louis married the offspring of other patentees of New Paltz which gradually grew into a small self governing village. One daughter, Sarah, married a Van Meter and moved to New Jersey and then farther south. This branch of DuBoises helped open the way west and contributed to the settling of Kentucky and West Virginia.
The DuBoises, and other Huguenot families of New Paltz, were slave owners. Louis purchased two slaves at public auction in Kingston 1674. The 1755 census shows Solomon DuBois as owning seven slaves.
The DuBois family takes some small comfort that Catherine DuBois Cottin (Louis DuBois widow) made specific mention in her 1712 will that a manumission letter written for her slave girl Rachel in 1709 shall "remain in force and be properly observed".
Perhaps another counter balance to that history is that W.E.B. DuBois, a founding director of the NAACP and editor of The Crisis from 1910-1934, dedicates his autobiography to his great grandfather Dr. James DuBois, a physician in Poughkeepsie, who he claims is descended from Jacques in the fifth generation. DuBois in his nineties, discouraged by the inability of capitalism to bring the highest welfare to its people, believed in communism.
Other famous branches of the family tree: General George Patton, artist Mary Cassatt, actor Marlon Brando, actress Joan Crawford and Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart.
Chretien du Bois was the father of three protestant French-speaking immigrants to colonial New York.[1] One of these, Louis Dubois, was among the founders of New Paltz, New York, in the late 1600s. Chretien du Bois was the son of Antoine du Bois and Anne Cousin, and was married to Françoise le Poivre.[2] Chretien du Bois lived in the village of Wicres, outside of Lille. Documents from the Archives Départementales de Lille indicate he was bailli, lieutenant, greffier & receveur of the Comté of Coupigny. He died sometime after 1641. Internet pages frequently—and incorrectly—claim that Chretien du Bois' wife was named "Cornelia." This claim was first made by researcher Matthew Hilt Murphy in a 1980 presentation later re-printed in William Heidgerd, "The American Descendants of Chretien Dubois of Wicres, France." Murphy referenced a 1646 item in the church records of Middlebourg, Zeeland referring to "Bois/Cornelia du/vefve de Jen de Chrestien, native de Tournay." Murphy, who apparently was not familiar with the French custom of referring to women in documents by their maiden names throughout their lives, misinterpreted this as a reference to a woman who had married (1) Jean du Bois and (2) Chretien DuBois. In fact, the record refers to a woman whose maiden name was "Cornelia du Bois", who was the widow of "Jean de Chrestien." There is no basis to associate her with Chretien du Bois of Wicres. Chretien du Bois is of particular interest to American genealogists, both because of the notability of his descendants and because several different -- and inaccurate -- versions of noble ancestry have been claimed for him.[1] Several prominent Americans figure among Chretien du Bois' descendants, including former governor of Massachusetts William Floyd Weld[3], actor Marlon Brando, Jr.,[4] painter Mary Cassatt[5], journalist Maria Owings Shriver (wife of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger), Samuel Walton, General George Smith Patton III[6] and film director George Lucas. W.E.B. Dubois is also said to be a descendant.
Chre'tien DU BOIS was born about 1590 to 1600, probably at Wicres, France.
His children, apparently all baptized at Lille, parish church of Wicres, were:
Francoise, born 17 June 1622, married Pierre Billiou; Anne, baptized 30 November 1625 at Lille, parish church of Wicres; Louis, baptized on 13 November 1626 at Lille, parish church of Wicres, married Catherine Blanchan at Mannheim, in the Pfalz, German Palatinate on 10 October 1655; and Jacques, baptized on 27 October 1628 at Reformation Church of Lille, parish church of Wicres, married Pierrone Bentyn at the Walloon Church at Leyden on 25 April 1663, and had eight children. ch at Wicres. Both emigrated to America and settled near Esopus, now Kingston, N.Y." 1725 -------------------- "The father of Louis Du Bois, as before remarked, was Chetien Du Bois. He is designated in the record of his son's mariage, at Manheim, October 10th, 1655, as the deceased Chretien Du Bois, resident of Wicres. The records of this latter place have been examined, and I regret to say that, from age and bad ink and mutilation, the register is almost illegible. The baptismal record shows that Chretien Du Bois had three children baptized at Wicres. The dates made out are the 18th June, 1622, the 13th November, 1625, and the 21st October, 1626. The names are illegible, and seem to have been intentionally obliterated. These researches were made by archivists under the direction of the consul for the United State at Lille, Mons. C. Du Bois Gregoire. In his letter of 15th July, 1875, he writes that he had visited the canton of La Bassee several times, where there are very old records, but could make nothing out, as, where the Christian names occurred, the paper was torn or cut out. He further states that the registers in the village of Wicres were also in many places illegible from age, bad ink, and from being torn and worm-eaten. He says Wicres has a population of three hundred inhabitants, and that many farmers in the vicinity had pointed out to him the farm which the tradition of the country recognizes to have belonged to the Du Bois." 1745
"In a subsequent letter of the 2d August (this month), he writes (I translate his language): 'It is extremely vexatious that the poor old register of Wicres should be in such a sad condition, and that the paper should be torn at the spot of the Christian names of the eldest sons of Chretien.' From the names of the sponsors, he thinks that Jacques and Louis were the 'fils aines,' the two oldest sons of Chretien. He adds: 'My inmost conviction is that they are brothers, and sons of Chretien.' The copy he sends of the extract fromt he registers of the Etat Civil de Wicres is in English, as follows: - The xvii. June, was baptized (the paper he parenthesises is torn at the spot of the Christian name) Du Bois, son of Chretien. Godfather, Laurent Du Bois; Godmother, Heleine de Beaussart; (1622).
The xiii, November, was baptized (in parenthesis - the christian name is torn out) Du Bois, son of Chretien. Godfather, Jacques Du Bois, and Godmother, Rogeau (1625).
The xxi. October, was baptized To____ (the rest illegible or town out, he does not say which, but put in parenthesis [probably Toussaint] Du Bois, son of Chretien. Godfather, Franchois Du Bois (so pronounced), and Godmother, catherine de Marsy (1626). I would here remark that the To resembles Lo as much as To, and possibly many have been Louis, and the archivist thinking he made out Touis, knew of no French name like it but Toussaint. It is certain that Chretien had a son Louis, and that he was born in October, 1626. A previous record sent us by M. Du Bois Gregoire, as furnished him by the archivist, states that Crhetien Du Bois and his wife had a child, Louis Du Bois, born the 28th October, 1626. The baptism just referred to is on the 21st October, 1626, of a son of Chretient, of whose name only the first two letters are extant. The explanation of the inconsistency, as reported, of a child that was born the 28th of the month, baptized the 21st of the month, is very simple. The Roman numberals, and not the Arabic, are ussed: xxviii. represents the birth as given, and xxi. the baptism as above given; but a previous letter gave the baptism of this child (with no name and no letters, T.O. or L.O., for a part of the name) as occurring October xxvii. (27th), 1626. This date, which lacks but the Roman numberl i. added to the vii. to make it correspond with the birth, is no doubt nearer the true date, and identifies the child with Louis. It was at that time an every-day occurrence to baptize a child on the day of its birth, or the day after. And in such old records where the writing is scarcely decipherable, the exact birthday of the month, or the actual baptismal day of the month, represented by Roman numerals, may not be correctly made out in these extracts." 1745
"There are some uncertainties regarding early lineage in this family as indicated in the follow "Report of European Research of Reverend W. Twyman Williams, Minister of College Church, Hampden-Sydney, Virginia, dated 13 December 1935:
"Mr. Williams pointed out errors in Mackenzie's Colonial Families of the United States of America, IV, duBois, because of lack of conciliation in generation dates, such as placing Louis DuBois, born 21 October 1626, as the son of Chretien Maxmillan des Finnes. In the Dictionarie de la Noblesse by La Chesnay, Desbois and Baider, a standard work on the French nobility, Chretien Maxmilien du Bois de Finnes was listed in Vol. VIII and recorded as 'Captain in the Regiment of his father, died 1747 ages 21 without issue'. His father was Charles Maxmilien (1701-1750); his grandfather, Maximilien Francois (1669-1714); his great-grandfather, Maximilien, who married 1662 Catherine Cecile de Guernonval; and his great-great-grandfather, Marc, who married 1624 Madeleine d-Ognies. Obviously, if Louis duBois' father, Chretien, were of this line, he could not belong to a later generation than of Marc du Bois de Fiennes, who was son of Guislain, son of Eustace, son of Charles du Bois and Claude de Lannoy. A record of the children of the last three named seems conclusive that Chretien du Bois was not of this line at all.
"This incorrect pedigree had been secured by Mrs. Anna Louise Thompson of Geneva, Illinois, since deceased, from a French genealogist, who perpetrated upon her an outrageous fraud, namely copying these generations from the Dictionarie and omitting all dates to conceal his ridiculous identification of Chretien du Bois, father of Louis, the emigrant, with Chretien Maximilien du Bois de Fiennes (1726-1747).
"Mr. S. Gordon Smythe called attention to a statement in E. de Valcourt-Vermont's America Heraldica that Chretien du Bois of Wicres, a village near Lille, belonged to the family of DuBois who were Seigneurs of La Bourse and Beaufermez, two old family estates in the vicinity of Lille.
"Mr. Williams found an Antoine du Bois, of the DuBois de Fiennes family, but in a cadet branch founded the latter part of the fourteenth century, who was Seigneur de la Bourse, as his ancestors had been for five or six generations, and who became Seigneur de Beaufermez by his marriage to Philipotte de Landas, Dame de Beaufermez.
"Wallerand du Bois, son of Antoine and Philipotte du Bois, first of his line to be by inheritance Seigneur both of La Bourse and of Beaufermez, married 1583, Madelein de Croix. Wallerand and Madeleine du Bois thus lived at the right place and the right time to have been the parents of Chretien du Bois, father of Louis, the emigrant to New York. For since the Parish Register of La Bassee (in which Wicres is situated) shows that Chretien du Bois had at least two sons older than Louis, who was born in 1626, Chretien could not have been born much later than 1600 at latest, not too late for the birth of a son to parents married in 1583.
The following was written by George Washington DuBois, D.D. (1822-1910) who was of Keeseville, Essex County, New York at the time of his death:
"Chretien du Bois of Wicres in Artois, Pas de Calais, France, was born in 1597 and died prior to 10 October 1655. Owing to the systematic mutilation of the records of Huguenot families of the nobility, neither his parentage nor issue can be definitely proved. ... From records in the Netherlands, where many Huguenots gained sanctuary, it is certain that Louis and Jacque s, both Walloons, were sons of Chretien du Bois.
Chretien du Bois was the father of three protestant French-speaking immigrants to colonial New York.[1] One of these, Louis Dubois, was among the founders of New Paltz, New York, in the late 1600s. Chretien du Bois was the son of Antoine du Bois and Anne Cousin, and was married to Françoise le Poivre.[2] Chretien du Bois lived in the village of Wicres, outside of Lille. Documents from the Archives Départementales de Lille indicate he was bailli, lieutenant, greffier & receveur of the Comté of Coupigny. He died sometime after 1641. Internet pages frequently—and incorrectly—claim that Chretien du Bois' wife was named "Cornelia." This claim was first made by researcher Matthew Hilt Murphy in a 1980 presentation later re-printed in William Heidgerd, "The American Descendants of Chretien Dubois of Wicres, France." Murphy referenced a 1646 item in the church records of Middlebourg, Zeeland referring to "Bois/Cornelia du/vefve de Jen de Chrestien, native de Tournay." Murphy, who apparently was not familiar with the French custom of referring to women in documents by their maiden names throughout their lives, misinterpreted this as a reference to a woman who had married (1) Jean du Bois and (2) Chretien DuBois. In fact, the record refers to a woman whose maiden name was "Cornelia du Bois", who was the widow of "Jean de Chrestien." There is no basis to associate her with Chretien du Bois of Wicres. Chretien du Bois is of particular interest to American genealogists, both because of the notability of his descendants and because several different -- and inaccurate -- versions of noble ancestry have been claimed for him.[1] Several prominent Americans figure among Chretien du Bois' descendants, including former governor of Massachusetts William Floyd Weld[3], actor Marlon Brando, Jr.,[4] painter Mary Cassatt[5], journalist Maria Owings Shriver (wife of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger), Samuel Walton, General George Smith Patton III[6] and film director George Lucas. W.E.B. Dubois is also said to be a descendant.
Chre'tien DU BOIS was born about 1590 to 1600, probably at Wicres, France.
His children, apparently all baptized at Lille, parish church of Wicres, were:
Francoise, born 17 June 1622, married Pierre Billiou;
Anne, baptized 30 November 1625 at Lille, parish church of Wicres;
Louis, baptized on 13 November 1626 at Lille, parish church of Wicres, married Catherine Blanchan at Mannheim, in the Pfalz, German Palatinate on 10 October 1655; and
Jacques, baptized on 27 October 1628 at Reformation Church of Lille, parish church of Wicres, married Pierrone Bentyn at the Walloon Church at Leyden on 25 April 1663, and had eight children.
ch at Wicres. Both emigrated to America and settled near Esopus, now Kingston, N.Y." 1725
"The father of Louis Du Bois, as before remarked, was Chetien Du Bois. He is designated in the record of his son's mariage, at Manheim, October 10th, 1655, as the deceased Chretien Du Bois, resident of Wicres. The records of this latter place have been examined, and I regret to say that, from age and bad ink and mutilation, the register is almost illegible. The baptismal record shows that Chretien Du Bois had three children baptized at Wicres. The dates made out are the 18th June, 1622, the 13th November, 1625, and the 21st October, 1626. The names are illegible, and seem to have been intentionally obliterated. These researches were made by archivists under the direction of the consul for the United State at Lille, Mons. C. Du Bois Gregoire. In his letter of 15th July, 1875, he writes that he had visited the canton of La Bassee several times, where there are very old records, but could make nothing out, as, where the Christian names occurred, the paper was torn or cut out. He further states that the registers in the village of Wicres were also in many places illegible from age, bad ink, and from being torn and worm-eaten. He says Wicres has a population of three hundred inhabitants, and that many farmers in the vicinity had pointed out to him the farm which the tradition of the country recognizes to have belonged to the Du Bois." 1745
"In a subsequent letter of the 2d August (this month), he writes (I translate his language): 'It is extremely vexatious that the poor old register of Wicres should be in such a sad condition, and that the paper should be torn at the spot of the Christian names of the eldest sons of Chretien.' From the names of the sponsors, he thinks that Jacques and Louis were the 'fils aines,' the two oldest sons of Chretien. He adds: 'My inmost conviction is that they are brothers, and sons of Chretien.' The copy he sends of the extract fromt he registers of the Etat Civil de Wicres is in English, as follows: - The xvii. June, was baptized (the paper he parenthesises is torn at the spot of the Christian name) Du Bois, son of Chretien. Godfather, Laurent Du Bois; Godmother, Heleine de Beaussart; (1622).
The xiii, November, was baptized (in parenthesis - the christian name is torn out) Du Bois, son of Chretien. Godfather, Jacques Du Bois, and Godmother, Rogeau (1625).
The xxi. October, was baptized To____ (the rest illegible or town out, he does not say which, but put in parenthesis [probably Toussaint] Du Bois, son of Chretien. Godfather, Franchois Du Bois (so pronounced), and Godmother, catherine de Marsy (1626). I would here remark that the To resembles Lo as much as To, and possibly many have been Louis, and the archivist thinking he made out Touis, knew of no French name like it but Toussaint. It is certain that Chretien had a son Louis, and that he was born in October, 1626. A previous record sent us by M. Du Bois Gregoire, as furnished him by the archivist, states that Crhetien Du Bois and his wife had a child, Louis Du Bois, born the 28th October, 1626. The baptism just referred to is on the 21st October, 1626, of a son of Chretient, of whose name only the first two letters are extant. The explanation of the inconsistency, as reported, of a child that was born the 28th of the month, baptized the 21st of the month, is very simple. The Roman numberals, and not the Arabic, are ussed: xxviii. represents the birth as given, and xxi. the baptism as above given; but a previous letter gave the baptism of this child (with no name and no letters, T.O. or L.O., for a part of the name) as occurring October xxvii. (27th), 1626. This date, which lacks but the Roman numberl i. added to the vii. to make it correspond with the birth, is no doubt nearer the true date, and identifies the child with Louis. It was at that time an every-day occurrence to baptize a child on the day of its birth, or the day after. And in such old records where the writing is scarcely decipherable, the exact birthday of the month, or the actual baptismal day of the month, represented by Roman numerals, may not be correctly made out in these extracts." 1745
"There are some uncertainties regarding early lineage in this family as indicated in the follow "Report of European Research of Reverend W. Twyman Williams, Minister of College Church, Hampden-Sydney, Virginia, dated 13 December 1935:
"Mr. Williams pointed out errors in Mackenzie's Colonial Families of the United States of America, IV, duBois, because of lack of conciliation in generation dates, such as placing Louis DuBois, born 21 October 1626, as the son of Chretien Maxmillan des Finnes. In the Dictionarie de la Noblesse by La Chesnay, Desbois and Baider, a standard work on the French nobility, Chretien Maxmilien du Bois de Finnes was listed in Vol. VIII and recorded as 'Captain in the Regiment of his father, died 1747 ages 21 without issue'. His father was Charles Maxmilien (1701-1750); his grandfather, Maximilien Francois (1669-1714); his great-grandfather, Maximilien, who married 1662 Catherine Cecile de Guernonval; and his great-great-grandfather, Marc, who married 1624 Madeleine d-Ognies. Obviously, if Louis duBois' father, Chretien, were of this line, he could not belong to a later generation than of Marc du Bois de Fiennes, who was son of Guislain, son of Eustace, son of Charles du Bois and Claude de Lannoy. A record of the children of the last three named seems conclusive that Chretien du Bois was not of this line at all.
"This incorrect pedigree had been secured by Mrs. Anna Louise Thompson of Geneva, Illinois, since deceased, from a French genealogist, who perpetrated upon her an outrageous fraud, namely copying these generations from the Dictionarie and omitting all dates to conceal his ridiculous identification of Chretien du Bois, father of Louis, the emigrant, with Chretien Maximilien du Bois de Fiennes (1726-1747).
"Mr. S. Gordon Smythe called attention to a statement in E. de Valcourt-Vermont's America Heraldica that Chretien du Bois of Wicres, a village near Lille, belonged to the family of DuBois who were Seigneurs of La Bourse and Beaufermez, two old family estates in the vicinity of Lille.
"Mr. Williams found an Antoine du Bois, of the DuBois de Fiennes family, but in a cadet branch founded the latter part of the fourteenth century, who was Seigneur de la Bourse, as his ancestors had been for five or six generations, and who became Seigneur de Beaufermez by his marriage to Philipotte de Landas, Dame de Beaufermez.
"Wallerand du Bois, son of Antoine and Philipotte du Bois, first of his line to be by inheritance Seigneur both of La Bourse and of Beaufermez, married 1583, Madelein de Croix. Wallerand and Madeleine du Bois thus lived at the right place and the right time to have been the parents of Chretien du Bois, father of Louis, the emigrant to New York. For since the Parish Register of La Bassee (in which Wicres is situated) shows that Chretien du Bois had at least two sons older than Louis, who was born in 1626, Chretien could not have been born much later than 1600 at latest, not too late for the birth of a son to parents married in 1583.
"A later report of the Reverend Mr. W. Twyman Williams dated 24 July 1937 states:
"A communication from Monsieur J. S. Willems-Le Clercq of Brussels, an accredited genealogist of the Institute, gives only negative values of proving that the wanted records were NOT to be found in the church registers of Leyden. The genealogist wrote that he had examined the Cambrai Historical Society's publications, in which are genealogies of families resident at or near Wicres and known to have inter-married with the du Bois of that locality, and also the state archives at Gand, where in the 17th century were kept records of the court within the jurisdiction of which Wicres then belonged.
"In the data thus far received there were several items of positive value, corroborating, so far as they go, Mr. Williams' conclusion that our ancestor, Chretien du Bois of Wicres, was a son of Wallerand du Bois who married 1583 Madeleine de Croix.
"First: the estate of Beaufermez, of which Wallerand du Bois was Seigneur, is proved to have been situated at Wicres. The value of this item is apparent in connection with the hitherto unsupported statement of America Heraldica that Beaufermez was one of the estates possessed by the ancestors of Chretien du Bois.
"Second: the family to which Madeleine de Croix belonged also had estates in the commune of Wicres.
"Third: estates at Wicres owned by several du Bois and by 'the Seigneur of Beaufermez (Bauffremez)' adjoined estates of the family Billau (Bilyou), one of whom is known to have married a daughter of Chretien du Bois. We have a record of this marriage in Leyden, and in New York a record mentioning Louis DuBois as uncle of a daughter of this marriage."
The following was written by George Washington DuBois, D.D. (1822-1910) who was of Keeseville, Essex County, New York at the time of his death:
"Chretien du Bois of Wicres in Artois, Pas de Calais, France, was born in 1597 and died prior to 10 October 1655. Owing to the systematic mutilation of the records of Huguenot families of the nobility, neither his parentage nor issue can be definitely proved. It is believed that he belonged to one of the five quite well known families stemming from Geoffroi de Bois and his wife Sidonie Tesson of the Cotentin Peninsula in Normandy who were alive in the middle of the 11th century. From records in the Netherlands, where many Huguenots gained sanctuary, it is certain that Louis and Jacque s, both Walloons, were sons of Chretien du Bois.
"Helps to the identification of the American Branch of the 'famille du Bois': In a book in my library entitled Souvenirs d'une ancienne famille Maison de Mailly en Artois, published at Limoges, France 1889, pp. 111-115, it is recorded that the 9th child of Robert de Mailly-Couronel and Jeanne de Beaumont, his wife, was Madeline, who about 1550 was married to Jacques du Bois, Baron de Finnes (one of the 12 Baronnes of the Conte de Guise), Artois, his oldest son was Pierre, Seigneur de Rantigny, advocate at the Council of Artois, married at Cambray, Jacqueline de Mouen. The second child was Jean. The third child of Robert de Mailly-Couronel was Charles, Seigneur du Rien. Note the perpetuation of Christian and surnames - Jacques, Pierre, Pierrone, Jacqueline, Jean, du Rien. Our ancestor Jacques was from Artois province (Lille). Marie du Rien was sponsor at baptism of Marie 1664, the first child of our Jacques as of record in Leyden. As this record contained in the book above referred to connects our branch with Jacques du Bois, Baron de Fienne (presumably), so does it also connect us in ascending line with the Baron de Fienne, the lineal descendant of Geoffroi de Bois, according to the genealogy preserved in the Bibliotheque du Rois Paris"
Heidgerd continues, "In 1675, Jacques and his family joined his elder brother, Louis, who had emigrated 15 years earlier to the Esopus. Seven of their children had been baptised in Leyden. The eighth was born while the family were en route or shortly after their arrival. Jacques died soon after the birth of his last child, Christian, certainly before the marriage of his widow in 1677 to John L. Pietersy. Quick re-marriages were almost a necessity in early colonial times.
"The above account was furnished by Koert DuBois Burnham of Keeseville, New York to the DuBois Family Association in 1967."
The reference next reports the following "from the papers of John Coert Du Bois, M.D. (1831-1913), late of the city of Hudson, Columbia County, New York:
"The following is a compilation from research of Dr. DuBois during the time he was a medical student in Paris from 1858 to 1860, and during a later visit there in 1883. His references were the d'Hozier Manuscripts, 1696-1716, the records of the Reformation Church at Lille, the records of the Reformation Church at Leyden. These were all examined by him personally.
"The DuBois family is one of the oldest of the noble houses of Conentin in the duchy of Normandy. The heraldic records in the Bibliotheque Nationale, rue de Richelieu, Paris, commence the genealogy with Geoffroi du Bois, 'a knight banneret' who was companion of William of Normandy, called the Conqueror after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. To date the line from Geoffroi has not been confirmed to Chretien du Bois, the father of Louis and Jacques who emigrated to Ulster County, New York, during the seventeenth century.
"In the Maison Royale de France, the 'famille du Bois' is mentioned as 'Grand Masters of the Forests of France.'
"I have traced while living in Paris during the years 1858 through 1860, and since that time, with the following generations listed:
1. Jean, Seigneur de Fontaines, maitre d'hotel of Charles VIII, died 1507. 2. Jean, king's councillor and controller-general of finances, married 7 October 1493 to the niece of the Chancellor of France. 3. Astremoine, a Huguenot who afterwards renounced his faith, was restored to his nobility, and was declared to be descended from 'la maison du Bois en Artois.' 4. Antoine, Seigneur de Fontaines, king's councillor and ambassador to the Pays-Bas. He was married in 1571. 5. Pierre, Seigneur de Fontaines-Moran, married Francoise Olivier de Leuville. He served in the army during 1597.
Chretien, a younger son, became a Huguenot, and was deprived of his nobility in consequence. His elder brother, Louis, who remained a Catholic, was designated as Seigneur de Fontaines, lieutenant-general of the Armies of the King. Louis was in 1653 made Marquis de Giuvi."
After reading the foregoing pages, it is clearly understood that Heidgerd states "it is necessary that further European research be commissioned. It is hoped that a later installment of this DuBois Family History will provide a completely authenticated lineage for Chretien du Bois of Wicres"
Chre'tien DU BOIS was born about 1590 to 1600, probably at Wicres, France.
He became a Huguenot and was deprived of his nobility in consequence. He settled on lands at Wicres about 10 miles southwest of Lille where his farm is still pointed out. He is described as 'a gentleman of the family of du Bois, Seigneurs de Beaufermez and de Bourse.' (d'Hozier MSS)
His children, apparently all baptized at Lille, parish church of Wicres, were:
Francoise, born 17 June 1622, married Pierre Billiou;
Anne, baptized 30 November 1625 at Lille, parish church of Wicres;
Louis, baptized on 13 November 1626 at Lille, parish church of Wicres, married Catherine Blanchan at Mannheim, in the Pfalz, German Palatinate on 10 October 1655; and
Jacques, baptized on 27 October 1628 at Reformation Church of Lille, parish church of Wicres, married Pierrone Bentyn at the Walloon Church at Leyden on 25 April 1663, and had eight children.
"The Rev. W. Twyman Williams, Minister of the College Church, Hampden-Sydney, Virginia, suggested as a result of his research that Chretien possibly had at least two additional sons, possibly Antoine and Isaac, who were older than the children of whom we have definite record."
Chretien had died by 10 October 1655 when his son Louis was married at Mannheim. "1722
"The DuBois family of New Paltz, NY are descendants of Chretien DuBois (b.1597) and his wife Cornelia (name uncertain). He was a prosperous middle class linen merchant and devout protestant from the village of Wicres, outside of Lille. In 1659 the area was handed over by the Catholic Spanish Netherlands to the Catholic regime of Louis XIV, who imposed high taxes on the middle classes and cruelly persecuted the Protestant (Huguenot) dissidents.
Chretien was the father of five children: Francoise (b.1622), Anne (b.1624), Louis (b.1626-d.1696), Jacques (b.1628-d.1676) and another son, name unknown."1726
"Chretien du Bois, an inhabitant of Wicres, a hamlet in the district of La Barree, near Lille, in Flanders." 1732
"As to being found in the Catholic Church registers, I quote from Gwenn Epperson's book 'New Netherland Roots', p. 95 in a chapter on European Parish Registers in France: 'Protestant records also begin in the sixteenth century, but are very rare, since the records were illigal until 1789. Therefore, many Protestants are recorded in Catholic registers, as marriage by a Catholic priest was required to inerit property . .. . Also, children were occasionally baptized in the Catholic Church to alley suspicion the parents were 'heretics.' So, if Chretien's children were baptized in the Roman Catholic church, i don't think we can say that that means that he was necessarily a Catholic at that point." 1756
"Chretien Du Bois, the father of Louis and Jacques, was a Huguenot gentleman of the family of Du Bois Seigneurs de Beaufermez and de Bourse, having an estate at Wicres, in La Bassee, near Lille, in French Flandrs, now Artois. . . it was undoubtedly owing to the circumstance of Chretien's being identified with the Huguenot faith that an attempt was made to obliterate the public records of the family, and to destroy all evidences of his connection with the nobility of France." 1733
"Chretian Du Bois of Wicres, in the Department of Artois, in Flanders, is believed to have been the father of two sons and two daughters. The sons were (2) Jacques Du Bois, b. in 1625, and (3) Louis Du Bois, b. in 1626. There is some confusion relating to the baptisms of these children, owing to mutilation of the registers of the church at Wicres. Both emigrated to America and settled near Esopus, now Kingston, N.Y." 1725 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~barbpretz/PS05/PS...
Mike Stangel
its againts geni politic to create as a call this bonzai tree
its mean create from small tree and let it not grow
here if we look closely at
we are looking at the same very man
Chrétien Maximillian duBois de Fiennes, Marquis de Fiennes
Chrétien DuBois
we cant merge them for nom due of deaft or blind participants!!!!!
i hope Mr Stangel you will ask in private discution with curators to work in this area and realise that i have made a good job or maybe its nof enuf for some..........i am ready to work more to debunk this fakery in genealogy from Gustav anjou ...of course the assosiations of dubois wont stop tto make party beleiving they are part of a Marquis ( line create by Gustave Anjou
but here on geni my goal is to have credible genealogy cousins
thank you
Martin RhNegativ I'll try and help in this area this week. You've done excellent research. I've just been buried in Geni work & reluctant to take on a new project, particularly with a head cold making me kind of "not so smart.". So bear with me?
i propose another point of view we need this in this discution
we need to merge the 2 profiles Chretien dubois to make the family complete = 3 childrens
Françoise Du Bois
louis and jacques
source up in discution or http://www.dbfa.org/DBFA_2015_1.pdf
((( since the arival here of Louis "The Walloon" Du Bois and Jacques Du Bois brother and their sister Françoise Du Bois))
later we can chek for other thing
Martin - whats the link to the profile to be merged please ?
I disconnected Jost Hite from Françoise Du Bois
He married Anne Marie duBois, not Francoise.
Hopefully he can be joined to his Master Profile tree.
Martin RhNegativ this is done. Now we have more disconnecting to do. Please define who disconnected from whom if you would be do kind.
i think we can make the disconection of this family now i think
disconecting all the children of
Chrétien Maximillien du Bois and pls leave like this the overview of this profile
to get an understand of this the best is to read all the discution
Martin - I'm still confused.
"Chretian Du Bois of Wicres, in the Department of Artois, in Flanders, is believed to have been the father of two sons and two daughters. The sons were (2) Jacques Du Bois, b. in 1625, and (3) Louis Du Bois, b. in 1626 ..."
I thought it Chretien's ancestry dubious, not his descent ?
Madam howton
its a very complicate family story but louis de wallon is not a son on a chretien dubois and he was not the Marquis de fienne
i know its a very long thing to read to get an understanding of both part
one saying they are from a marquis de fienne line and the other that say its a total fabrication of gustave anjou ( he have been paid for the reshearch by who?) its along the discution above
ok show me records and source that say those source!!
...but i have allready make a good shearch and work do you have read all the discution ?
louis the wallon is not what geni say
a genealogical tree is from oposite than we view it
on geni some are trying to get from root to leaf its maybe a good visual but its not genealogic chart as we descend from parents
its been month i working on this and its today it is decide to discuss it? :/
the way i see it its just fakery genealogic if its not this chretien (from a certain family asosiasion its the other but its this line? common they dont know the family line its based on a paid genealogist that gave them what they wished A NOBLE FRENCH
and i hope he charge a good price for it!
Martin - it is the opposite, you hav not shown me that of Louis is not the son of Chretien & Francoise.
Of course I agree the Marquis is fake ancestry. But that's not what I see. I see
Chrétien du Bois MP
Birth: circa 1597
Wicres, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Death: before circa 1653
Wicres, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Immediate Family:
Son of Antoine Dubois and Anne (Cousin) DuBois
Husband of Françoise le Poivre
Father of Albert Pierre (Du Bois) Dubois; Antoine DuBois; Françoise Du Bois; Anne (DuBois) Du Bois; Philippe Du Bois; Toussaint DuBois; Louis "The Walloon" DuBois and Jacques Du Bois « less
What "specifically" in this is incorrect ?
There is no Marquis.
Quoting from your own sources above:
The following was written by George Washington DuBois, D.D. (1822-1910) who was of Keeseville, Essex County, New York at the time of his death:
"Chretien du Bois of Wicres in Artois, Pas de Calais, France, was born in 1597 and died prior to 10 October 1655. Owing to the systematic mutilation of the records of Huguenot families of the nobility, neither his parentage nor issue can be definitely proved. ... From records in the Netherlands, where many Huguenots gained sanctuary, it is certain that Louis and Jacque s, both Walloons, were sons of Chretien du Bois. ..."
can you conect sarah-damaris to jesus and mariemagdeleine
i got an old book signed from jesus hand and mariemagdeleine before mariage
its called wish to the future
they write they gone be maried and got few child and sarah will mary a merovegian and at the end of the book they have name me
mart in 2016 will talk about this on a internet genealogical site
its solid proof i got in hand beleive me!
You quoted above:
"In a subsequent letter of the 2d August (this month), he writes (I translate his language): 'It is extremely vexatious that the poor old register of Wicres should be in such a sad condition, and that the paper should be torn at the spot of the Christian names of the eldest sons of Chretien.' From the names of the sponsors, he thinks that Jacques and Louis were the 'fils aines,' the two oldest sons of Chretien. He adds: 'My inmost conviction is that they are brothers, and sons of Chretien.' The copy he sends of the extract fromt he registers of the Etat Civil de Wicres is in English, as follows: - The xvii. June, was baptized (the paper he parenthesises is torn at the spot of the Christian name) Du Bois, son of Chretien. Godfather, Laurent Du Bois; Godmother, Heleine de Beaussart; (1622).
The xiii, November, was baptized (in parenthesis - the christian name is torn out) Du Bois, son of Chretien. Godfather, Jacques Du Bois, and Godmother, Rogeau (1625).
The xxi. October, was baptized To____ (the rest illegible or town out, he does not say which, but put in parenthesis [probably Toussaint] Du Bois, son of Chretien. Godfather, Franchois Du Bois (so pronounced), and Godmother, catherine de Marsy (1626). I would here remark that the To resembles Lo as much as To, and possibly many have been Louis, and the archivist thinking he made out Touis, knew of no French name like it but Toussaint. It is certain that Chretien had a son Louis, and that he was born in October, 1626. A previous record sent us by M. Du Bois Gregoire, as furnished him by the archivist, states that Crhetien Du Bois and his wife had a child, Louis Du Bois, born the 28th October, 1626. The baptism just referred to is on the 21st October, 1626, of a son of Chretient, of whose name only the first two letters are extant. The explanation of the inconsistency, as reported, of a child that was born the 28th of the month, baptized the 21st of the month, is very simple. The Roman numberals, and not the Arabic, are ussed: xxviii. represents the birth as given, and xxi. the baptism as above given; but a previous letter gave the baptism of this child (with no name and no letters, T.O. or L.O., for a part of the name) as occurring October xxvii. (27th), 1626. This date, which lacks but the Roman numberl i. added to the vii. to make it correspond with the birth, is no doubt nearer the true date, and identifies the child with Louis. It was at that time an every-day occurrence to baptize a child on the day of its birth, or the day after. And in such old records where the writing is scarcely decipherable, the exact birthday of the month, or the actual baptismal day of the month, represented by Roman numerals, may not be correctly made out in these extracts." 1745
This is about as good as it's going to get.
There is no "Baron Maximilian" in Louis' ancestry that I can see on Geni, we got rid of the false line.
See also your own reference to http://www.dbfa.org/DBFA_2015_1.pdf
... “a record of the members of
the [DuBois] family in this country since the arrival here
of Louis & Jacques, brothers, and their sister Françoise,”
the three known Huguenot children of Chrétien du Bois.1
1 William Heidgerd, The American Descendants of
Chrétien Du Bois of Wicres, France, Introduction (1968)....
its all based on gustave anjou he help translate for english that pay him!!!
i got the Authorisation with sourcing hes work and word
Family Trees
By James Pylant
Several years ago, upon our first visit to Salt Lake City's Family History Library, we found a microfilmed copy of a genealogy of the Van Meters in New York. It traced the lineage of this family back to Joost Jansen Van Meteren who married Sara DuBois. But it was the DuBois bloodline that never seemed to end. It started with Sara's parents, French emigrants, and continued backward, giving names of grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. It concluded with the DuBois descent from the Plantagenet family. In just an hour we started our search with a seventeenth century New York family and ended with a royal bloodline.
There was no documentation, but we wouldn't let it end there. After returning from Salt Lake City, a search was started on the newly found DuBois line. It did not take long to answer that question about documentation for the royal pedigree. William Heidgerd's The American Descendants of Chrètien DuBois of Wicres, France, Part One (New Paltz, New York: DuBois Family Association, 1968), gave the sobering news. The illustrious lineage was widely published, but that didn't make it accurate. A French genealogist hired by a DuBois descendant had, as Heidgerd wrote, "perpetrated upon her an outrageous fraud." The French genealogist copied the lineage of a DuBois family of royal descent from a reliable reference and then grafted the noble branch to the family tree of his client. The French genealogist purposely combined the identities of Chrètien DuBois and Chrètien Maxmillan DuBois des Fiennes. He then conveniently omitted dates of birth and death, for Chrètien DuBois was at least 120 years older than Chrètien Maxmillan DuBois des Fiennes!
Heidgerd credits the late Reverend W. Twyman Williams for exposing the fraud. Although the Williams report was in 1935, many did not learn of it until the publication of Heidgerd's volume—more than 30 years later. Sadly, this is often the case with fraudulent genealogies. They make their way into books which sit on library shelves waiting to deceive a new, unsuspecting generation of genealogists.
Robert Charles Anderson's article, "We Wuz Robbed!," in the Genealogical Journal of the Utah Genealogical Association, Vol. 19, Nos. 1 & 2 (1991), warns researchers of the genealogical pitfalls created by the late Gustave Anjou. It's been nearly 60 years since Anjou's death, yet his fraudulent pedigrees were incorporated into many published family histories. For an overview of the Anjou fraud, see Ron Wild's article, "Beware of Fraudulent Genealogies," in Family Chronicle.
In National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 79, No. 2, editors Gary B. and Elizabeth Shown Mills, on the subject of documentation, shared their experience with a well-known genealogical compiler who did not cite his sources. "Several expensive years later, we discovered that he disdained documentation: he had manufactured ancestors for us. As he later explained, he 'liked to make people happy, and people don't like dead ends or dull forbearers.' The Millses added, "This man's writings are still very much alive on library shelves, as well as on genealogy's 'swap-out circuit.'"
In "Early Nichols Genealogy Exposed as Fraud," in American Genealogy Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 1, we wrote of George L. Nichols's experience with the research of an earlier researcher named Leon Nelson Nichols. George L. Nichols concluded that the work of the earlier researcher was purely fictional. "It's a shame that people think they have to invent glamorous backgrounds for a family or families," he said, "but they do it."
PS: Thank you James to let me use your work acording to
By James Pylant