What Sources validate this profile as existing, or as the son of Áed, Mórmaer of Moray or the father of Gille Míchéil MacDuff, Earl of Fife?
Depending on how you look at it, he is a hypothetical person or fictitious person. He is introduced in some versions of the Macduff history to explain why Constantine and Gillemichael had the surname Macduff if their father was Ethelred, Lay Abbot of Dunkeld. That version requires a new 'name father", so he is it.
I would consider merging him with the semi-fictitious Dufagan, with whom he is often confused: NN, father of Constantine 'Dufagan'
Learney says, for example, "Constantine was Earl of Fife in the early days of David's reign, and, dying about 1129, was succeeded by Gillimichel Mak-duf, of Son of Duff or Dufagan, probably his brother."