I'm new to Curating this profile & wonder if there are Sources anywhere to establish his parents?
See Parent Conflict here: http://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000004533401102?resolve=6..
Suggested as a son of Lambert II by G. Andrews Moriarty (1883-1968). Moriarty was a famous American medieval genealogist. The NEHGS in Boston has a 19-volume ledger manuscript of his research. It was published in 1985 as The Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Philippa.
This Lambert was count in in Neustria, Austrasia and Hesbaye.I don't know any authority for saying he was bishop of Metz, as Geni has it. Lambert II, bishop of Metz.
Alleaume is a man's name, so probably not mother of Sigrimaine / Sigramne.
Another theory is that it was Sigrimaine's wife Landrade who was a child of Lambert.
This is from French Wikipedia. I haven't done any follow up to see who suggested this.
Hello, Sigrimaine, count of Hesbaye is my 46th great grandfather.
Good doubel when Sharon took the curator. Interestingly, when the genealogy researchers found 700 persons - 0 Century, and before Christ, too. How do they know how to find it? Excuse me, when I could not help, as a bystander. I think it's nice to know how far behind I have ancestors.