Seems to connect to William "Longsword"
M. Keith called to attention
Ard van Bergen & Terry Jackson (Switzer) in particular sought.
My thanks
Seems to connect to William "Longsword"
M. Keith called to attention
Ard van Bergen & Terry Jackson (Switzer) in particular sought.
My thanks
Well, don't use Wikitree's naming conventions, they are different from Geni's. See
his alleged mother Havlive De Normandy is apparently but Medlands does not mention a marriage to his father Robert, nor himself as a son
I think just like Erica: to try some way among the several next conections of his parents:
Robert Mörejarlaätten Rollonerna, Archbishop of Rouen - 964, Évreux, Haute-Normandie, France/March 16, 1037, Evreux, Normandy, France - son of Richard I, 'The Fearless', Duke of Normandy and Gunnor, Duchess of Normandy; husband of Herleava d'Evreux; father of Richard I, Count of Evreux; unnamed daughter D'Evereux; Rodolphe de Wacy, [Constable]; Ralph d'Évreux; Guillaume, comte d'Evreux; Robert d'Evreux, Archiduc; Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Lassy; Gerald DeFleitel and Herleva Flaitel; brrother of Hawise, Duchess of Brittany; Richard II "the Good", Duke of Normandy; Mauger, Count of Corbeil; William, Count of Eu; Matilda de Normandie, Comtesse de Blois-Chartres; Emma Ælfgifu of Normandy, Queen consort of Denmark, Norway and England; Miss de Normandia; Papia II de Normandia; Guimara-Wymarche; Geoffrey de Claire; Judith Le Goz and Havlive De Normandy; half brother of Geoffrey de Brionne, Count of Eu; Beatrice, Abbess of Montvilliers and Papia - is your 29th great grandfather. Robert, Archbishop of Rouen
Herleava d'Evreux - France, 964, Rouen, Seine Maritime, Normandy, France/1050 ,Poiters, France, daughter of William "Longsword" and Sprota; wife of Robert, Archbishop of Rouen and William, Count of Eu; mother of Richard I, Count of Evreux; unnamed daughter D'Evereux; Rodolphe de Wacy, [Constable]; Ralph d'Évreux; Guillaume, comte d'Evreux; Robert d'Evreux, Archiduc; Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Lassy; Gerald DeFleitel and Herleva Flaitel; sister of Richard I, 'The Fearless', Duke of Normandy; half sister of Raoul d'Ivry, comte d'Ivry et de Bayeux; several daughters de Pitres and Bathel/Bassett d'Centreville Duke of Norman Loire, Duke of Norman Leone, is your 29th great grandmother. Herleava d'Evreux
Gilbert - avoué de Saint Valéry, 977-1011,St Valery-En-Caux, Normandy,France, son of Bernard I, avoué de Saint Valéry and Emma de St Velery - is your 29th great grandfather Gilbert, avoué de Saint Valéry
Papia II de Normandie - 980,Normandie, France-1055,Caux, Languedoc, France, daughter of Richard I, 'The Fearless', Duke of Normandy and Concubine de Normandie I, and wife of Gilbert, avoué de Saint Valéry - is your 29th great grandmother Papia de Normandie
However the note for Herleava d'Evreux is:
"Her parents are not known."
If there isn't evidence to support her as daughter of William "Longsword" and Sprota, the connection should be cut, and perhaps placeholder N.N. parents (if this is a construction in circulation & not simply a merge error at some point).
I've done just that, Erica Howton, regarding Herlève. Ard van Bergen, I also cleaned up Gerard's profile, removed his parents and wife, and added a very interesting paragraph from a book I found.