Today we've released a few enhancements to our revision history tools. If you've ever clicked the "history" link above a profile biography or project description, you probably saw that there's a lot of functionality there but it can be difficult to use. Today's release includes the following enhancements:
1. The "Next Page" / "Previous Page" links have been replaced by a "More" button, to make it easier to compare revisions that previously appeared on different pages.
2. The pop-up box is handy to get a quick look but the scrolling viewport makes it difficult to examine large changes or changes across many revisions. We've added a "pop-out" icon at the top right of this pop-up box, that opens the same view in its own page.
3. The next/previous links have been swapped so that timestamps increase as the text proceeds to the right.
4. The "back to revisions list" link no longer resets the revisions list -- it will now go back to the list exactly as you left it before selecting the "compare" or "show" action.
5. Cosmetic improvements.
Private User the old interface never let you jump to a specific page, just forward/back one. I'll make a note to see if we can add some timestamp filtering to it.
Jason Scott Wills did you get an error message, or it just didn't work? Since the release did you revert any successfully? Send me the specifics and I'll find out what's going on.
Mike Stangel cannot revert to original values (2011) for this Nathaniel Ellyson by any technique. Highlights, but does not save.
Mike Stangel, - you could in the most important revisions only available for curators, "View Revisions" on a user profile.
I used to open five pages at the time in separate tabs to systematically check and repair vandalism.
Today I just give up because "more" just add to the current displayed list, displayed in a small window making you to both loose focus and problems with navigating when too big.
- Revisions tab
- - (No Name)'s profile was updated by Anna Lovinda. birth, burial, death and 4 others Jan 11, 2014 at 1:36 PM · view
- view > (furthest right, column in pink) > (check mark at top of column)
- Highlights as yellow: use selected values (wait)
Seems to work now. Did not when I tried yesterday on 31 Oct