Anna, at the bottom right of each profile is a list of Geni users who have viewed the profile recently, it is possible to set your account preferences so that your name will not be shown in this list but the fact that i see your name in that list tells me you are not exercising that option. Further i also received a notification the other week that you had chosen to Follow me on Geni.
Here is an example of an Icelandic profile that I created in order to correct a badly made profile, which implied there was a link to Leif Eriksson, and you then visited practically straight away - Thorgunna [buried in Skálholt]
As you say i am no expert but an hour or two of reading and i can generally get an understanding of a particular subject. I try to reference the sagas in the original norse but as i cannot read it directly i have to rely on Google Translate which does a terrible job.
Why do i do all this? Certainly not for the thanks! If i know a profile is wrong i will change it, the fact that every other idiot with an Ancestry or MH account shows it wrong is not anything that i can control. My own paternal line is horrible corrupt on most family websites due to cut&paste genealogy but i am very proud of how i have worked hard to document and provide evidence of my research. Apparently by your opinion i shouldn't have bothered??? When i am not sure of the facts and cannot find reliable evidence i will start a Discussion (or join an older one) which is why perhaps i seem to be starting Discussions left right and centre.
I hope that clarifies my approach to you, there is a saying in English "if it is worth doing, it is worth doing well". If it is worth having a giant family tree with 90 million profiles then it is worth making sure there are a few mistakes and duplicates and lies as possible.
As for why Ragnar? I like the TV show (actually i wasn't much impressed by season 3) and was curious how factual it was. I checked Geni and the profile was a hideous piece of rubbish surrounded by other badly made profiles. Ragnar is an odd case because the more you learn about him the less you know, but look at the main discussion regarding him, more than half the participants on that thread are saying "Ragnar's my grandfather!" completely unaware that he probably didnt even exist and assuming that because he is on Geni he must be (a) real and (b) connected in the correct location. Obviously there are lots of mythical profiles, even a few for G_d, but i am not advocating to delete those, they just need to clearly explain that they are what they are.