There has never, EVER been any primary documentation for "Gladys Ryal ???AP??? Conyn" - in fact that name is a grotesque distortion of Welsh naming practices. Women were NEVER "Ap" anybody or anything - EVER!!!!! For that matter if she was IRISH, that CANNOT POSSIBLY have been her name at all!!!!!
There IS an extant charter, dated to c. 1100-1116, that gives her name as Beatrice.
"The Chronicle of Abingdon records that "Walterus filius Oteri, castellanus de Uuildesore" restored "duas silvas…Virdelæ et Basceat, apud Winckefeld nostram villam" to the abbot of Abingdon, dated to [1100/16], and that "uxorem suam Beatricem cum filio suo Willelmo" effected the transfer 8 Sep." (Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon, Vol. II, p. 132.) http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISHNOBILITYMEDIEVAL3T-Z.htm#_To...
There is some question as to whether she was Irish, or a local Shropshire lass - there were Offleys in Shropshire documented almost that far back.
What really twists my tail is that I HAD her more or less correct, and then somebody TRASH-merged her with a TRASH profile.
More trouble: this profile has two sets of parents and is Deathlocked. William FitzGerald, Baron of Windsor and Pembroke
Now getting back to William FitzGerald - MedLands thinks he isn't Nesta's son.
Gerald had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:
d) WILLIAM FitzGerald of Carew Castle, Pembrokeshire (-1173). The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales names "David Bishop of Menevia and William the Bastard…sons to Gerald the steward" as the brothers of "Robert son of Stephen by Nest daughter of Rhys son of Tewdwr"[1043]. The Annales Cambriæ name "Willielmus filius Geraldi" among those who destroyed "castellum Wix" in 1148[1044]. m ---. The name of William’s wife is not known. William & his wife had four children:
i) RAYMOND "le Gros" .
ii) GRIFFITH . The Expugnatio Hibernica names "nepos…Mauricii Stephanidæque, Griffinus"[1045].
iii) ODO . Ancestor of the Baronets CAREW[1046].
iv) daughter . m ---. One child:
(a) DAVID "the Welshman" .
The Welsh tradition goes that when Nests was abducted by Owen, her *two* sons and a daughter were also kidnapped, along with "another son that he [=her husband] had by a concubine". And it's William who generally gets tagged as that one.
The Center for the Study of Ancient Wales takes a jaundiced look at the Gerald-Nesta-Owain situation and adds a dose of salt: http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id160.html
Surprise surprise surprise, guess who (at the very least) assisted with muddying the waters!
The "Gladys [ferth] Ryall ap Conyn" beeswax is modern, bogus, and may originate from - was certainly popularized by - the infamous Emma Siggins White. Emma, or her source, seems to have gotten Gerald of Windsor's *mother* (documented in at least one place as "Beatrice") mashed up with his *mother-in-law*: Gwladys ferth Rhiwallon (ap Cynan), wife of Rhys ap Tewdwr and mother of Nesta ferth Rhys. (Then she, or her source, hideously garbled the name on top of it.)
I might have known Emma Siggins White was involved - everything she touched turned to trash, because she was both incompetent and dishonest.